I guess I saw my mom and dad kissing just now, so he ran in. He also wanted to

But this was not enough. He was held in his mother's arms, and his little paws were still touching his mother's mouth. Chu Haotian couldn't see it any more, so he took him away and yelled, "where are the paws going? Look for a fight

Then he patted his little hand.

The little guy was not happy. He held out his hand to his mother and cried: "I want my mother's soft Mother

Come on, he saw it a long time ago. His father liked to touch his mother's place very much. At that time, it was even smaller. No matter where he went, his mother would hold it. So he had the advantage of being close to water. From then on, he knew that his mother was soft and different from his father. No wonder his father liked to touch it.

He didn't speak, but when he spoke, he was beaten by Chu Haotian.

"What do you want? Is that where you can touch it? How old are you? No milk

"Dad can touch it, don't let me Dad is partial

Lu Lingxi's face is black, and he perspires to death!

Don't doubt it. The little guy saw it again just now. In a trance, she also remembered Just now, they were kissing, as if they were kissing. He touched her Xiang

All right! She doesn't want to talk!

I've reminded you many times that you should pay attention to your words and behavior when you have children.

But most of the time, I let my son run into him. Is he a special squatter, or is it just such a coincidence?

That's true!

So, she didn't say anything, she just Pack up and go on!

Hearing his son's words, Chu Haotian quickly explained, "Dad can touch it because mom belongs to Dad. You want to touch it When you grow up, touch your own daughter-in-law! "

"What is a daughter-in-law?" Little things are always so shameless to ask questions.

Chu Haotian also immediately answered him: "the daughter-in-law is the wife!"

"Can you touch my wife's softness?"

"Well, feel free to..."

"Chu Haotian!"

Lu Lingxi immediately yelled, and interrupted the conversation between the father and the son.

She had no face to talk, but when she heard these words, she I can't listen!

Have you ever seen a father talk to his two-year-old son like that?

Is it too early to tell him about his wife? And teach his wife You can feel it at will Can it be more unreliable?

She used to yell that her son was so naughty that she would send him back to discipline him.

Now think about it, if you really let him to discipline, maybe you can turn the sky upside down!

So she had to stop him in time and say seriously, "what's all this nonsense about? You tell him how old he is. Is there one like you? "

Someone is still innocent: "I didn't say anything!"

Lu Lingxi didn't want to argue with him, so he took his son from his hand, and then said, "you clean up!" She felt that her son should stay away from him in order to develop healthily and upward.

I don't have many things, except clothes and daily things, I can't take anything else.

The landlord's sister-in-law saw that they were going away, and her eyes were red. After all, she had lived together for several years. Now she wants to separate. On the one hand, she hopes that Lu Lingxi can be happy, but on the other hand, she is reluctant to give up. She has told her that she must come back when she has time

Lu Lingxi couldn't stand this kind of scene any more. He just nodded and his throat was so blocked that he couldn't even speak.

Finally, it's time to leave.

Landlord sister-in-law prepared a lot of things for them to take, Xuanxuan love to play, Xuanxuan love to eat, and finally even the car can not plug, keep refusing.

Xuanxuan is full of food. Now she is not interested in food. She only quarrels to take a kitten back.

It turned out that the landlord's sister-in-law kept a fat female cat. She gave birth to four kittens a month ago. Seeing such a small thing, Xuanxuan thought it was very novel. She had to go to see it for a long time every day and took it out one by one.

Now the kitten has grown up a lot, so let him take one.

The little guy doesn't know so many joys and sorrows. He only knows that he will go home with his father. He will see his parents every day. When he is still in the car, he will dance happily and make the kitten meow.

Halfway on the highway at a stop, they get off to eat.

After having enough to eat, Lu Lingxi starts again. When she gets on the bus, she suddenly finds that the tail of the car Chu Haotian is driving today has obvious marks of being hit and scratched.

She didn't notice it before.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Haotian looked with her eyes and knew what she was asking. An imperceptible strange emotion flashed through his eyes.

However, he stopped for a moment and calmly replied: "nothing. I was hit by a car on the road when I came here. It's ok Just a touch... "Lu Lingxi just doesn't care about the car. Anyway, when he sees that other people are OK, he is relieved.

Back in Nancheng, he goes straight to Lu Lingxi's hometown. He hasn't been back for several years. He can live in the house after a long time. Xuanxuan arrives at a new house and feels fresh everywhere. He takes his kitten around the house.

Chu Haotian explained to him for a long time before he realized that this was grandma's home, and grandma was his mother's mother.

"What about grandma?"

After learning that there was such a person as grandma, the little guy immediately asked such a question.

Chu Haotian and Lu Lingxi look at each other and are speechless

Jiang Lan's ashes are buried in the back mountain not far from home. The next day, Chu Haotian and their mother and son went to the mountain to sacrifice her. It took them half a day to get rid of the weeds on the grave.

Chu Haotian had proposed to buy a good cemetery to bury Jiang LAN, but Lu Lingxi refused.

It's good to be here. It's close to home, and burial is also a custom in rural areas. Many people of the older generation still think that it's safe to be buried.

So, it's good!

It's just that she is so unfilial that she has never lived in the future for so many years

Now she took her son to her mother's grave, and she could not help but shed tears.

She does not know, if this is her choice, do not know that mother in heaven, will be at ease?

However, Chu Haotian was always in a daze

Yesterday, he didn't explain to Lu Lingxi that the car was rear ended. In fact There was something else, but he didn't tell her because he wasn't sure.

All these years, he thought Jiang Lan's death was an accident.

But, isn't it?

Now in front of Jiang Lan's grave, he has a more and more strong feeling in his heart after contacting the whole thing that he was chased yesterday. It seems that this is not just an accident!

Anyway, he must find out as soon as possible!

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