Nancheng Wang Group.

Three years ago, the two brothers and sisters of the Wang family fought for many years and finally won.

Since then, Wang Min has disappeared from the public's view, claiming to be suffering from a stubborn disease and going abroad for recuperation.

And Wang Shengyu became the final winner. For several years, the group was under his control, as you can see

It's brilliant and unprecedented.

Chu Haotian looked up at the building in front of him, then lowered his head, took off his wide sunglasses, made up his mind to go in, and then consulted the front desk according to the process.

After the name was given, the lady at the front desk first made a phone call, and then said to him with regret, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chu, we Mr. Wang has something very important this afternoon. He's out. He's not in the company! "

Chu Haotian's face sank: "didn't you make an appointment yesterday?"

The receptionist apologized: "yes, but Mr. Wang is not here today. The people in his secretary's Office say that. I'm sorry for Mr. Chu, or... "

Before she finished, Chu Haotian's face became more ugly.

He raised his hand to signal her to stop talking, and then took out his mobile phone and went to one side to make a phone call. This time, it was Wang Shengyu's phone, private phone!

Yes! He came to Wang Shengyu on business.

To be exact, I need his help!

All right! Although he didn't really want to, he was the most direct and quick way to find him. He didn't want to delay for a second.

Wang Shengyu

Although the grudge between them is a little puzzling, it has a long history and is deeply rooted.

In recent years, Wang Shengyu has taken over such a big stall. He is certainly busy, but even if he is so busy, he will still have something to call Lu Lingxi and make fun of him. How familiar he seems!

Lu Lingxi was grateful for his help, but

Just think of the conversation you overheard when you were a newborn.

Can you imagine that feeling?

His body has been taken off by a strange man. The most important thing is that he has appeared in front of him many times without knowing anything.

As a result, Lu Lingxi can't help thinking wildly.

This feeling is really strange and hard to accept. Later, it was estimated that Wang Shengyu didn't have so much time in the United States, so his contact with Lu Lingxi gradually faded.

Chu Haotian is very satisfied with this kind of state. He wants to stay away from the old death of Wang all his life.

Sometimes it doesn't take a reason to look down on a person.

This time, he really didn't want to come to him, so he took a business-oriented attitude. He made an appointment with Wang Shengyu's secretary on the ground of cooperation between the two groups. Today, he personally "bent down" to visit him.

As a result, we got such a result!

He's not here?

How dare he not be here?

On purpose, right?

Chu Hao Tianxin wondered if Wang Shengyu knew that he was looking for him on his own initiative. He was so happy in his heart that he deliberately punished him and pretended not to be there?

He was full of discontent and immediately called Wang Shengyu. He didn't mind rushing into the office. If he didn't feel that he was also the manager of a company, it would be too shameful to do so

After the second call, Wang Shengyu got through: "Hello! Who is it? "

Chu Haotian told himself again and again that he was asking for help, so he tried his best to suppress his anger and said in a calm tone: "Mr. Wang, isn't that good for you? I've made an appointment to talk about things today. If I let my friends in the industry know that Mr. Wang is so dishonest in dealing with people's affairs... "

That's right! It's the red fruit threat!

At that end, Wang Shengyu said calmly: "Oh, isn't this the president of Chu? Didn't my secretary tell you I'm busy today? "

Chu Haotian said: "is that right? Wang Shengyu, you'd better get down and meet me in person, or I'll go up and see what's the matter with you right away... "

As soon as Wang Shengyu heard this, his temper was aroused instantly.

"Hey! Sun Tzu, what language do you speak? Can you talk to others? Who is who Laozi? Why can't I have a big deal? I'm on a blind date


Chu Haotian was stunned and had nothing to say.

After listening carefully, I found that Wang Shengyu's voice was really noisy. He didn't seem to be hiding from him in the office. So where did he go on a blind date?

Finally, he identified a voice in the noisy voices, the voice of a child.

It can't be wrong. After he became a father, he was very sensitive to children's voice. One child seemed to be shouting: "Mom, I want to eat the whole family barrel, I want to eat the whole family barrel!"

Family barrel?

All right! It was also because he had a son and was quarreled by his son several times to take him to KFC, so he knew about the whole family bucket.However, blind date vs KFC, how does he think it's a strange combination!

However, today is a big eye opener, in Wang Shengyu there roared again, "don't believe it, right? The KFC in Jinhua Road, come and talk about something After that

So he believed that there is nothing impossible in the world!

Wang Shengyu is really in KFC Blind date!

From the table full of three family buckets and three children's sets, we can see that this is the first blind date in Wang Shengyu's life. Second, he has never heard of anyone who chose KFC restaurant for blind date and ordered so many family buckets and children's sets.

At first glance, Wang Shengyu, the opposite woman with chicken legs in her right hand and coke in her left hand, started work from left to right without delay, and ate a lot. When she was stunned, she couldn't help getting an egg ache.

What's the matter?

So much, he wants to vomit. Is she sure she can finish it?

However, another look at the woman. According to the visual measurement, her height should only reach his armpit, but her weight is far more than that of him. This figure, this tonnage, is estimated to be eaten like this.

He couldn't look any more and knocked on the glass table with his hand, which finally attracted the attention of the "ball" on the opposite side.

He is very unkind, quietly give others a "nickname"!

The face of the ball is like a ball. It's called a circle. He looks up and smiles at him. His eyes are so narrow that he can hardly find it. Wang Shengyu almost chokes on his own saliva when he is stunned.

Mummy, mummy!

Is this laughing at him? Kill him!

He coughed and finally said, "that What's your name again? "

"Ah? Didn't milk tell you? My name is feather feather! Just call me Maomao... "

Er The voice of the ball, baby voice, is probably the only bright spot on her body.

Even the name Wang Shengyu can't see it. What's the matter? Caterpillar or hairball?

Don't open your eyes, Wang Shengyu said in secret. But who wants to be so familiar with you?

As soon as feather feather finished speaking, he didn't respond, and then he continued: "I know your name, so you don't have to introduce yourself, ah What do you think of me? Gao fushai, grandma said that you are very rich. If I eat three family buckets and three children's sets every meal, can you afford me? Oh no You're so handsome. When people look at you, they should be able to eat one more bucket... "

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