"Let go!" Wen ran earned it, but he didn't take it off.

"Have you ever slept with him? How can a woman like you be his taste... "

Chen Huixin gritted her teeth, but before she finished, she was slapped by Wen ran.

Wen ran threw the folder and computer bag that she was carrying in her other hand, and threw it decisively towards the woman who was holding her hand tightly.

She has endured her for a long time!

Slapping with the wind, Chen Huixin slipped on her feet and fell into the swimming pool.

And Wen Ran's body was dragged into the water

"Dong Dong -" two voices, two figures fell into the pool one after the other.

Accompanied by a burst of dizziness, blue water, with a trace of cool toward the temperature ran hit.

Wen ran struggled in the water, her legs couldn't reach the bottom of the pool. What they fell into should be deep water.

After entering the water, Chen Huixin's grasp of Wen Ran's hand relaxed, but I don't know whether the woman intentionally or because of the sudden panic of falling into the water, the other hand kept pressing Wen ran down.

Wen ran, who can swim, was choked by her for several times, and then slowly drifted away from the woman.

Wen ran didn't think about whether the woman could swim. She just reacted as a normal diver. After adjusting her posture and breathing, she slowly swam toward the shore.

"Hoo..." Wen ran showed his head in the clear water and let out a long breath.

However, she has not yet recovered the undulating breath of Xiang's mouth. As soon as she climbed ashore, she saw Han Xuan standing not far away.

He was also wet, only wearing a pair of black underwear, loosely dressed in a bathrobe, without a belt, revealing his vigorous abdominal muscles.

Wen Ran's eyes were on him.

He looked at her with a cold, angry look.

No one spoke between them. What broke the suffocating silence between them was the cry behind them.

"Help -- help --" Chen Huixin's voice came from the pool intermittently.

Chen Huixin, who used to swim slowly to the shore like Wen ran, suddenly sank into the water, and her head struggled out of the water from time to time, shouting.

Wen ran turned around, but before she took a step, a figure had already jumped into the pool from her side.

Han Xuan is as vigorous as a flying fish, and soon he swims to Chen Huixin. He swims very well. Wen ran knows that she swims as he teaches her.

Wen ran still remembers that it was a summer vacation. She went fishing with a group of friends. She accidentally fell into the water and nearly drowned. Han Xuan picked her up from the pond and scolded her.

Then, that whole summer vacation, she was forced by him to go to his home to learn swimming.

At that time, Wen ran was just in high school, and her body had gradually begun to develop. The swimsuit Han Xuan prepared for her was conservative and even angled, but it was inevitable that the swimsuit would show a woman's body.

She still remembers that when she put on the light blue swimsuit for the first time, Han Xuan's eyes stayed in front of her Xiang.

her face was red and hot, and her eyes didn't know where to look.

"Oh, little girl, it's growing up soon..." With a smile, he came near, and her broad figure shrouded her. The breath sprayed on her head was hotter than the hot air in summer.

As the voice fell, he reached for her broken hair beside her temples and pulled it behind her ears. It was the first time that she felt this man's tenderness.

At that moment, Wen ran heard his very unusual heartbeat.

Disorder, rapid, just like the heroine of idol drama, so clear that after so long, still fresh in memory.

She knew it was the sound of the heart.

In the ignorant years, quietly engraved into the heart of the heart.

"Huixin Huixin... " Jake, Chen Huixin's agent, runs over in panic and squats beside Chen Huixin, who is put on the bank by Han Xuanping, shouting.

Jake's voice is very loud and he has a unique Hong Kong accent, which immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Who can do artificial respiration? Help her to do artificial respiration --"

I don't know who in the crowd suddenly called.

Jake is stunned, and then looks at Han Xuan squatting on one side, "President Han, this..."

Han Xuan's wet body was also in a daze. He looked at Wen ran, who was standing not far away. Wen Ran's eyes were at an indescribable loss when he was facing him.

The four words "artificial respiration" made her heart ache.

In Wen Ran's memory of not being touched, the first kiss between him and her started with artificial respiration.

That year, by teaching swimming, Han Xuan took her first kiss.

In the deep water area of two meters, he pressed her lips to breathe for her, and picked her up as she sank Then, he pressed her on the edge of the pool wall in the shallow water area, bit her lip, and said to her in a deep voice: "next time you are so stupid, you won't be saved, just let you sink to the bottom and drown!"At that time, Wen ran was a fool.

Sipping the broken lips that he had severely punished, he was full of grievances and didn't dare to say a word.

She's really stupid, or she doesn't have this talent at all. She hasn't learned how to breathe for a week, and she will sink when she breathes.

No wonder Han Xuan will be impatient to her temper, but she still feel aggrieved.

His kiss was so heavy that it hurt her so much that she tasted blood in her mouth.

Mingming's lips were so gentle when she was rescued at the bottom of the water. As soon as she came out of the water, she dragged her to the shallow water without letting her go ashore. She pressed her directly on the wall of the pool and kissed her like a storm.

Suddenly and violently, the already ignorant and astringent Wen ran naturally couldn't bear it. When he was frightened, he only felt aggrieved.

But later she recalled that very special and memorable first kiss, and her grievance was accompanied by a little bit of sweetness.


When Wen ran opened her eyes again, Chen Huixin had already woken up. After spitting for several times, she rushed to Han Xuanhuai, crying and acting like a spoiled girl. She looked like a beautiful woman with tears in her eyes. I'm afraid it's hard for a man to resist.

Wen ran turned to leave.

This kind of picture, she can't continue to be stupidly watching.

Only when she turned around, before she took a step, she was pulled back by a force. She felt dizzy. The next moment, her head hit a hard chest.

"Well..." Wen ran forehead pain, raised his head, stunned.

"Why Why are you

Wen ran was stunned for a long time before he found his voice and realized that it was impolite.

Just Chu Jinxuan appears too suddenly, and now the distance between them is so close, she is at a loss.

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