Chu Jinxuan is tall, and Wen ran doesn't know it, but she didn't expect that she was so short when she stood with him.

Wen ran looked up and saw that his well-defined chin was close at hand. His eyes collided with him, which was very embarrassing.

Subconsciously, she wanted to step back, but her shoulder was held down by his hand.

"Chu Chu Jinxuan, my body is wet

Did not expect that his strength is not small, Wen ran earned a few times, just did not push away.

Wen ran raised his foot to kick his knee, but as soon as he raised his foot, he let go.

He untied his dark suit coat and said, "I'll take you to change."

When the gentle voice came, Wen ran was still in a trance.

When she changes her clothes and comes out of the bathroom, Chu Jinxuan sits in the coffee shop of the hotel square.

The clothes belong to the female companion of Chu Jinxuan's playmates. The relationship is really winding.

Wen ran didn't want to trouble others, not to mention that the skirt was not only short, but also low cut.

Wen ran walks to Chu Jinxuan, who is sitting by the window. His upper body is still wearing his suit, not only because the skirt's chest is a little low, but also because the wet skirt is a little wet.

She sat down opposite him, eyes have been put on the computer screen in front of the table, Chu Jinxuan slightly raised his head.

Immediately, he a Leng, the vision stops on her body, did not move again.

When he saw her several times, she was a regular professional dress, not only out of fashion, but also out of age.

At the moment, although she was wearing his suit coat, she could see the lines outlined by the bright red tight skirt under the coat. This was the first time that he was staring at a woman.

It's common for them to play with girls outside.

Although Chu Jinxuan is mixed up with them, he is still very picky about women. At least so far, he has never looked at women with hot body or mature charm.

He didn't like those chaotic circles, but he wanted to be in them.

"Is the computer ready?" Wen ran, embarrassed by his stare, lowers his head and opens his mouth, trying to interrupt his eyes.

That's a red eye.

The emotion in his eyes is so undisguised that Wen Ran is inexplicably flustered.

Hearing this, Chu Jinxuan takes back his eyes.

Relative to the awkwardness on Wen Ran's face, Chu Jinxuan's face was very calm, and he didn't feel embarrassed for just staring at her like that.

He liked her and told her clearly that whether she believed it or not, it did not prevent him from showing his love for her in his eyes.

For Chu Jinxuan, it's not a shame to like someone. He doesn't need to hide.

Or to say: it's not easy to meet a person who likes the second one so far and makes himself palpitating, so how can he aggrieve his beating heart.

"There's some water in the computer. I've just saved some important files you said to the USB flash disk. I'll check them later, and then I'll reload the system for you."

Chu Jinxuan takes back his eyes and continues to focus on the computer screen, but his voice is mild.

Somehow, from the first time he saw this woman, his heart was inexplicably soft.

When he saw that her eyes were red by the edge of the pool, his heart was also pulled. From such a distance, although her face was wet, he was sure that she was crying.

He couldn't help but go over and try to put her in his arms.

Wen Ran's heart is a little confused. She lowers her head and slowly drinks the warm water on the table. As soon as she looks up, she sees the two people walking side by side who she most dislikes.

Chen Huixin takes Han Xuan's arm like a human, without makeup. It seems that she deliberately turns pale.

Han Xuan steps to the table not far away from Wen ran and sits down. When they meet, they see a flash of cold light. He doesn't open his eyes and doesn't look at her any more.

It was as if she was in his way.

Yes, she just gave his new love a slap and called her to the swimming pool. Although she fell into the swimming pool, in his opinion, she must have deserved it!

Maybe at the moment, he just wants to come and slap her, and give his new love vent!


"He's your ex boyfriend?" Chu Jin Xuan slightly cold voice, interrupted Wen Ran's thoughts.

Han Xuan comes in, Chu Jinxuan doesn't look back, but he knows.

You can tell from her expression.

Looking at that man, her eyes will flash out of a hard to hide pain, that kind of eyes with injury, will let his heart suddenly emerge a sense of inexplicable irritability.

“…… It's the husband. "

Wen ran was silent for a while and opened his mouth.

The word "husband" seems to be two hedgehogs with thorns all over her body. At the moment when it overflowed from her throat, her whole roar was bloody.Chu Jinxuan holds the hand of the mouse and looks up at Wen ran.

He didn't expect that she was married. After all, she didn't look very old.

I don't know how long later, Chu Jinxuan asked: "do you love him?"

He saw the scene by the pool very clearly. Does she love a man who doesn't cherish himself?


It's a hard word to say.


What about now?

He wanted to ask.

But in the end he didn't ask.

Wen ran looked up and drank all the water in the glass.

In the end is time lost love, or their feelings with time has been nowhere to find, gone no longer return.

It is no doubt embarrassing to show the wound at the bottom of my heart.

Besides, Han Xuan and Chen Huixin are sitting just a few meters away from her, so Wen ran can't have dinner here.

"Thank you." Wen ran took over the computer in Chu Jinxuan's hand and stood up with the trend.

As soon as he reached out to take off his suit, Chu Jinxuan, who was standing up, grabbed his wrist. "Chu..."

"I'll see you off." He had no choice but to take her by the hand and go out.

He didn't say anything. He left after dinner, even though it was time for dinner. He just pulled her, not allowing her to refuse to go out.

As for the cold eyes Han Xuan cast behind him, Wen ran didn't see it, and Chu Jinxuan disdained to look back at the man.

The streets of Nancheng are bustling and dazzling.

Wen Ran is standing at the door of the hotel. People come and go at the revolving door. She looks at the boy on the motorcycle standing on the ground with one foot in front of her. She has unspeakable sadness and joy in her heart.

"Get in the car." He handed her a helmet.

Wen ran stares at the black helmet for a long time, and finally compromises to take over the helmet and get on the car.

The car is driving very fast, shuttling like a fish in the congested lane, quite like a professional racing driver in the movie.

At such a fast speed, Wen ran was forced to hug his waist. At the moment when he wrapped his hand around his waist, Chu Jinxuan's body was obviously stiff, and then the corners of his mouth hidden in his helmet made a smile.

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