"Mr. Wang, if you have something to say, where are you going?"

Lawyer Chen over there was talking to the man opposite. Suddenly, the man stood up and left.

Lawyer Chen also rushed to catch up with Wen ran. When she passed Wen ran, she just frowned and swept her eyes on her face. She didn't stop walking forward.

Wang Ming is the CEO of Chushi group's hotel business. They are talking about disputes.

Wang Ming is going to meet a British client with Chu Mo Chen, the CEO of Chu group, at 3:30 this afternoon. He has an appointment with Lawyer Chen at 3:00 in the lobby. Obviously, he doesn't want to talk about the case much, but because of Lawyer Chen's reputation in the legal world, he can't refuse.

"President Chu."

When Chu Mochen came out of the elevator, Wang Ming was already waiting at the side of the lobby.

Chu Mo Chen steps to stop, facial features calm toward Wang Ming, the expression is his always unfathomable.

Wang Ming is a little flustered. Although his position in Chu family is not low, there is no one in Chu family who is not in awe of their big boss.

There are not many rumors about him, but in private there is not one at all. It is said that he even forced his fiancee to death because of his improper behavior. His favorite daughter is actually his illegitimate daughter.

In fact, in the rich family, there are too many such things, and most people are not surprised.

Chu Mo Chen looked at Wang Ming for a long time, and then he realized that it was wrong. His eyes didn't seem to look at him.

Wang Ming looks back in doubt.

Lawyer Chen is talking on the phone not far behind him. He can vaguely hear that he is explaining the situation to the person on the other side.

And behind him

A woman with a pair of high-heeled shoes in her hand came towards this side with a funny look.

Wen ran can feel that someone is looking at her. She looks like a ghost. It's hard not to attract other people's attention. Needless to say, she must be very embarrassed.

There is a lot of pressure to handle this case with Lawyer Chen. He said that he would not lose his elder martial brother. This is a shame to be lost in the Pacific Ocean.

What's the situation of being hit by someone before the case starts?

Wen ran walked with a low head and a small step in frustration. The pain from her feet made people want to cry. She quickly came to Lawyer Chen. As soon as she looked up, her eyes suddenly collided with each other.

Her steps came to a sudden halt.

"Chu..." Wen ran just opened his mouth, and immediately he was startled.

He He won't be from Chu's group

Now Wen ran was completely shocked.

All along, she only knew his surname was Chu, and she didn't connect him with Chu Mo Chen, the president of Chu group.

She suddenly remembered that Wei Wei called him "Chen Chen", which was more certain.

Wen ran patted her head in chagrin. My God, how can she be so dull!

At this time, Lawyer Chen and Wang Ming, who are standing beside Chu Mo Chen, have already finished calling, and their eyes also fall on Wen ran.

Lawyer Chen frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Wen Ran's barefoot and shoes in public.

In addition, today she is also wearing a pair of large black glasses which are extremely incompatible with her. Her face is too white, and she has too much powder.

it can't be blamed on Wen ran. He didn't sleep well all night yesterday. He got up in the morning and became a national treasure.

Wen ran was very guilty by the reproachful eyes. His toes moved and he hesitated to put on his shoes with pain first.

"Mr. Chu, it's almost time to make an appointment with Mr. Smith." Wang Ming suddenly opened his mouth.

It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to them.

Chu Mo Chen looks the same to withdraw the vision, raised the hand to see the watch on the eye wrist, the long leg just started to walk out.

"Mr. Chu." Looking at his back, Wen ran cried out.

Chu Mo Chen stopped and looked back at her.

On his deep eyes, Wen ran was a little flustered.

Anyway, she has to do something about this case.

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "Mr. Chu, do you have time to have dinner together in the evening?"

As soon as she said this, Lawyer Chen and Wang Ming were stunned and cast their eyes in surprise.

What is more incredible is Chu Mo Chen's response.

"Time, place, send it to my mobile phone." Then he turned and strode out.

Wang Ming Leng for a few seconds just in a hurry to catch up with the big step, turned around, but also a face puzzled to see more Wen ran a few eyes.

Until Chu Mo Chen's figure disappeared in the lobby, Wen ran was relieved.

Fortunately, he didn't refuse her face to face, otherwise she could go home and find a piece of tofu to kill her.

Like Wang Ming, Lawyer Chen looked at Wen ran more, but he didn't ask anything else. He only asked where the hotel was better. The tone seemed like Wen ran was a woman who understood Chu Mo Chen very well.In fact, she didn't know his name until today.

Wen ran just let Lawyer Chen decide.

He's better at this kind of thing than she is.

What kind of hotel should Chu Mo Chen decide? Wen Ran is not sure.

At about 4 p.m., Lawyer Chen ordered a box, a high-end private club. He sent the box number to Wen ran and asked her to make an appointment.

Wen ran looks at the message sent by Lawyer Chen and looks for Chu Mo Chen's phone on his mobile phone.

She didn't save his phone number, but he made one.

It was about 8 o'clock last night. Wen ran looked through the call records, found the phone number and sent the message to him.

Wen ran made an appointment with Chu Mo Chen at seven o'clock.

He arrived at a quarter past seven. He was a little late. It should be a traffic jam.

He was accompanied by Wang Ming and one of his assistants. Besides Lawyer Chen, Wen Ran's boss Liu Jianguo also came.

It's a rare opportunity for Liu Jianguo to ask Chu Mo Chen to move. Although he won't interfere in the following things, if Chu Mo Chen can speak, it will be much easier to solve the problem.

Chu Mo dust just sat down, Liu Jianguo gallantly help Wen ran open the chair, let Wen ran sit next to Chu Mo dust.

Wen ran originally wanted Lawyer Chen to sit there. After all, Lawyer Chen has been in the industry for many years, and he must have been just right in controlling what he said.

Although Wen ran tried her best to keep calm, after all, when she first entered the workplace, she seldom attended such occasions. In addition, this man's aura is too strong. She seems very reserved. If she can, she really wants to change her position with Lawyer Chen.

After the dinner started, Liu Jianguo was the most hospitable. He respected Chu Mo Chen, Wang Ming and their assistants in turn.

During this period, the two sides have never mentioned the dispute case, but many things are not mentioned, they all know du Ming.

After dinner, we can see Wang Ming's attitude.

In the middle of the restaurant, Wen ran didn't propose a toast to Chu Mo Chen. At the beginning of the dinner, Liu Jianguo implied that Wen ran would propose a toast to Chu Mo Chen.

He and Wen ran are not subordinates. It's not easy for them to open their mouth, but it's her who invites Chu Mo Chen to have dinner. It's hard to say if they don't respect him for a glass of wine.

"Mr. Chu, here's to you." Everyone in the wine company called him "President Chu", so she called him. Otherwise, it seems that there is something between them.

Chu Mo Chen looks at Wen ran standing up to pour wine for him. He holds the bottle with his slender fingers, and the pouring is not very full.

when she lifted the Baijiu cup on the table, he suddenly stopped talking. "Miss Wen, drinking red wine is all right."

As soon as Chu Mo Chen's words came out, all the people present were stunned.

Then Liu Jianguo immediately echoed: "yes, Miss Wen's girl's, red wine will do."

Wenran doesn't drink very well. She knows that, so at the beginning of the dinner, she used red wine as a gag. However, when she paid homage to Chu Mo Chen, she was ready to drink white, but she didn't expect

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