Chu Mo Chen this words a, obviously the atmosphere on the dinner table appears different.

Everyone's eyes revolved around the two people, with an indescribable ambiguity.

But he said everything, and naturally it's not easy to disobey Wen ran.

"Mr. Chu, I'll do it first." Wen ran blushed, took the goblet before he got up, looked up and drank it.

Chu Mo Chen is also very neat in drinking. At the dinner table, they offer him a lot of wine, but his face is still calm and not half drunk.

After dinner, everyone was a little drunk. Liu Jianguo proposed to go to karaoke.

Chu Mo Chen directly refused, the reason needless to say that everyone in the circle knows that his daughter is a little devil, and generally he goes home early to accompany her after dinner.

The literati, who stayed up all night last night, have been busy all day today. They are all tired to the limit. They just want to go home and have a good sleep.

As soon as she refused, Liu Jianguo coaxed her to take the car of President Chu.

He's drunk, too.

Otherwise, such frivolous words don't dare to say in front of Chu Mo Chen.

"Miss Wen, get in the car."

This is what Chu Mo Chen's assistant said.

At that time, Chu Mo Chen was already in the car.

Wen ran hesitated to know whether to get on his car or not.

Although it was said by the assistant, the man didn't give her permission, and the assistant didn't dare to let her get on the bus.

"Miss Wen, let's go with President Chu's car in the evening." Liu Jianguo is really drunk, already very clear in urging wenran, it looks like to give her to a man to have fun.

The tone made Wen ran very disgusted.

Don't say she is not his subordinate, even if she is his subordinate, she doesn't have to sell herself.

Of course, she knew that Chu Mo Chen would not do anything to her.

After all, he is a person with children and the president of Chu family. He definitely won't look up to a woman like her.

Wen ran thought so, opened the door and got on the car.

As soon as I got on the bus, I smelled a faint smell of wine. I looked at the man who closed his eyes. The three-dimensional outline was particularly deep in the dark carriage.

Wen ran sighed silently in his heart. It's rare that a man with such momentum can close his eyes. It's rare that Wei Wei is not afraid of him.

Think of that little girl, Wen ran a heart and soft a lot, suddenly think of him so full of wine gas home, that little girl is afraid to be angry!

But maybe I'm used to it.

He is a person of such status and status, where there is less social intercourse.

Wen ran leaned against the side of the window also gently closed his eyes, take a nap.

Last night, Wen ran was as if she had died once. Today, she was in a muddle all day, but she never thought that she would meet Chu Mo Chen. She also took the lead in organizing a dinner, which was very tiring.

Wen ran didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was wearing a suit. The wine on the suit had almost gone, but the light masculinity made her feel clear and familiar.

She side body swept an eye in the car, the side already did not see Chu Mo dust's figure, but the window was already bright.

Wen ran suddenly woke up completely.

Did she sleep all night in his car?

She opened the car door and got out of the car. Before she stepped out of the car door, she found that something was wrong. It seemed that there was something on her foot?

A piece of white medicine stick on the side of the foot, raise your hand to touch it gently, it will still have some pain.

Wen ran looked at the medicine stick for a long time, but some couldn't come back.

The car was parked by a lake.

Not far away, Chu Mo Chen was standing by the lake, wearing only a dark blue shirt. He was smoking. The smoke was mixed with the morning fog.

"It's easy to catch cold standing by the lake in such a small dress." Wen ran approached and spoke faintly. Then he handed him the black suit he was holding.

Chu Mo dust side head looked at her one eye, open a cavity way: "wake up?"

Wen ran awkwardly pulled out a smile, "I don't know Why did you fall asleep... "

Chu Mo Chen looked back at the sparkling lake. Then he put out the smoke and opened his thin lips. "Miss Wen, I helped you last night. How are you going to thank me?"

Ah? thank?

Wen ran was stunned by his words.

She knew that last night's invitation with obvious purpose was very bad, but she had no choice but to have a try. She didn't expect that he would answer it at once.

Wen ran lowered his head, and his brain whirled desperately.

Thinking about how she could thank him, what could she thank him for?

All of a sudden, the line of sight swept to the cigarette end that he had just discarded. The color of the cigarette end and the letters printed on it were very familiar.

She seems to have seen this kind of cigarette butts somewhere. She suddenly remembers the cigarette butts on the windowsill of the hospital.He was in the hospital that night?

Yes, that's him!

The man who came to pick up Wei Wei is not him!

So he was so talkative yesterday because he wanted to What about her?

It turns out that it's not a good thing to have a big brain. People can scare themselves to death in broad daylight.

Don't dream on a sunny day.

Chu Mo Chen turned to come over, along with Wen Ran's sight, motioned her to pick up the cigarette end, and then said faintly: "if I have time, I would like to ask Miss Wen to help me choose a gift that children like."

A small assistant like Wen ran just took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket, squatted down, pinched up the cigarette end, and heard his low voice on his head.

"For Vivian?"

Wen ran squatted at his feet, raised his head and asked him.

He nodded.

In the early morning, the sun was soft around him. This was Wen Ran's first time to feel that this fierce man also had a gentle side.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Chu Mo Chen drives to the shopping mall with Wen ran.

The mall hasn't opened at this time.

Chu Mo Chen parked his car in the underground parking lot and took wenran to the seventh floor in a special elevator.

Wen ran was puzzled before he realized that this department store must be an industry of Chu family. Otherwise, how can he come in before the door is opened.

Wen ran once visited this department store with Shan Ning'er several times. It's a high-end department store. Everything in it is very expensive.

"Well..." Wen ran out of God, did not pay attention to walk in front of Chu Mo dust suddenly stopped, suddenly hit his broad back.

His back is very hard. Wen Ran's nose hurts. As soon as he looks up, he turns around.

"Looking down for a present?" He spoke, his voice was always cold, but his words were not very heavy.

Wen ran came back and felt his breath. Then he found that they were standing very close, and their heart beat inexplicably fast.

"Then I'll go to that shop." She said, then she turned and hurried to a shop, feeling like she had run away.

And the next moment, with a bang, his head hit the smooth glass door.

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