It turns out that five years ago, he said he didn't want her daughter, which is true!

but she has always naively believed that it was just a father's deep and painful scolding to a disappointing daughter.

Don't all say that love is deep and responsibility is strong.

She always thought her father was just disappointed in her.

She thought time would always make her Father forgive her.

But the truth is

She stood there and waited.

And he has given up her daughter completely.

Five years out of countless days and nights, occasionally think of my mother at home before the silk warm.

But now, the only remaining tenderness in my heart is completely broken.

"Don't come here -"

Wen ran with tears on her face was forced to the corner by the man, and her hair was loose and messy.

"Ruibaofu, I tell you, it's illegal for you to do so. Even if Wen Haojun is my father, he has no right to trade with you like this!"

"Darling, how can it be illegal for such a normal man to have sex with a woman?" With a smile on his face, ruibaofu is able to squeeze out a pile of meat. He squints at wenran and his eyes are full of red fruits.

Wen ran gasped, looking at the man approaching step by step, a heart has been mentioned in the throat.

"Ruibaofu, don't think I dare not sue you because I'm afraid of losing my reputation. I'm a lawyer. When I suffer from improper injury, I will take legal measures to protect my rights and interests, so if you really dare to take me I will certainly sue you! "

The last few words Wen ran said with gnashing teeth.

But for ruibaofu, a local ruffian with no culture, her words are obviously playing the piano to the ox.

"Ah -"

"you let me go -"

there was a warm and desperate cry in the room.

At the same time, a ringing bell came from the bag that fell on the ground.

The bell suddenly stimulated the whole nervous tension of Wen ran, and she bit the man's arm fiercely.

"Ouch," the man exclaimed.

Wen ran breaks free from the shackles, quickly runs to the hand bag that fell to the ground before, picks up the bag with shaking hands, and wants to turn out the mobile phone inside.

It's Chu Jinxuan -

it must be him!

He and vivi can't wait. She'll call.

Listening to the ringing bell, Wen ran seems to see the last glimmer of hope.

Shaking hands finally took out the phone.

Wet eyes eagerly looking at the screen display - the universe invincible handsome boyfriend!

That's right! It's him!

When her trembling fingers touched the screen, her whole body suddenly leaned back -

ruibaofu, who was bitten by her, was completely annoyed!

"Smelly girl, dare not know good or bad!"

Ruibaofu drags Wen Ran's hair back.

"Chu Jinxuan, come and help me --"

Wen ran, bearing the pain of being involved in the scalp, yelled desperately regardless.

"Chu Jinxuan, I'm Wen ran - come and help me! Help me call the police

"I was on the 19th floor of Alans Hotel, 193 -"

"pa -"

before Wen ran finished his room number, he was just about the last number, and he was slapped on the face!

"Smelly girl, call you!"

"Chu Jinxuan --"

Wen ran endured the pain of the corner of her mouth and cried desperately. In fact, she was not sure whether the phone was connected, but now she had no other way.

I can only pray that the phone is on.

Although ruibaofu is a nouveau riche from a local ruffian, he is not afraid of the police.

So, after hearing Wen ran calling the police, my heart was a little flustered.

He strode forward, hung up his cell phone, and then slammed it out the door.

On the other side.

"Xuanxuan, what did sister Ranran say just now? Let her come as soon as possible. It's too bad if there are too many people to squeeze up! "

Chu Aiwei is holding a bucket of popcorn in her arms, "creak creak -" while eating, she looks at Chu Jinxuan who is on the phone.

The surrounding crowd is noisy. Chu Jinxuan, who is standing in the crowd holding his mobile phone, is turning white. For a moment, he seems to be blind.

Loud cheers, noise He couldn't hear anything, only warm and shrill shouts echoed in his ears.

She screamed his name in horror on the phone.

Over and over again.

When the phone over there to wear "Dudu --" sound of that moment, the body rigid Chu Jinxuan, such as madman ran up.

Today is a festival for foreigners, but the whole south city is also immersed in the festival atmosphere.

On the busy street, however, a famous man ran like crazy. There was a huge crowd around him. He constantly bumped into people and was constantly bumped into"Get out of the way - get the hell out of the way for me -"

"Xuanxuan, what's the matter with you -"

the noisy crowd was in chaos.

Not far ahead, Chu Jinxuan bumps into a man.

The man got up from the ground and caught him, but before the man spoke, Chu Jinxuan pushed him away, broke free and continued to run.

Chu Aiwei holds the popcorn that is about to be scattered away, and her little body is drilling in the crowd, chasing Chu Jinxuan's figure.

What's wrong with her family?

Wei Wei can be small, but the head is very smart.

In the process of chasing, I had already guessed about it. When I received the call, it became like this. It must be Ranran that something happened to my sister.

Chu Jinxuan is fighting again.

Weiwei threw the popcorn that had been sprinkled in her hand and ran quickly, "stop!"

Chu Ai Wei pulls a voice to shout a way, didn't expect Chu Jin Xuan to still really stop, the person that the result is hit by him didn't stop.

"Stupid Xuan Xuan!"

Chu Ai Wei turns around in a hurry.

Chu Jinxuan, who was hit by the fist, immediately fought back. Then he will not entangle with that person any more. He still has important things to do.

"Hello, Xuanxuan, wait for me!"

Chu Ai Wei sees completely ignore own Chu Jin Xuan, yelled and didn't respond, had to chase up again!


Bright deluxe suite.

Wen ran was lying in bed in a mess.

Dry eyes, dull looking at the ceiling.

There was a strong smell of smoke on the tip of the nose.

She can't even lie down and ignore that there's another person in the room.

"How did you think about it?"

Han Xuan's low voice rang out in the room, breaking the suffocating silence in the air.

Judging from the sound source, he is not very close to the bed, but when the cold sound resounds through the room, it comes to Wen ran with pressure.

Forced her is short circuit brain had to return.

Wen ran can't remember how many minutes ago.

Twenty minutes? halfhour?

Or longer?

Or just two or three minutes, but she felt as far away as a century.

"Han Xuan..."

Hoarse voice is not like her own, with ruibaofu that a fierce confrontation, Wen ran cry bad the whole voice, hoarse almost speechless.

The moment she was pressed by the fat man, she was desperate to die immediately.

Even though she is a broken body, she still can't bear to be insulted by such a man.

She thought there was nothing more desperate than that.

But she was wrong.

Han Xuan is more terrible than ruibaofu's rude and brainless man.

He's the real devil!

She was rescued from an abyss, but pushed deeper.

The time pointer turned back to her most desperate moment.

With a bang, the door was kicked open.

The heavy weight on her was suddenly removed.

Warm and flustered tightly wrapped sheets, a pair of wet eyes with infinite panic.

She turned her eyes to see people.

At that moment, she was shocked.

It's Han Xuan!

Didn't he go to see the fireworks with Wenshan?

The tall and tall man's face was cold. He kicked over the man who was pulled out of bed by him and walked towards the embarrassed figure on the bed with sharp steps.

He pulled Wen ran, who was shaking all over and wanted to hide, and his voice was cold and low: "Wen ran, do you see it? This is the end of your divorce with me

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