“……” Wen ran stares big Mou to see past.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I remember I reminded you to think about divorce!"

At that time, in the bathroom, when she was about to leave, he really left a word behind.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of divorce? You think you're free when you get divorced? Wen ran, don't be naive. "

Han Xuan, regardless of Wen Ran's resistance, pulls her into his arms.

In fact, she was already exhausted, and how could she have the strength to fight against him.

He imprisoned her trembling body and pointed to the naked fat and obscene man under the bed. His voice was as cold as frost.

"Now that we haven't divorced, Wen Haojun can't wait to send you to another man's bed. After the divorce, do you think you can avoid such a thing? Have you ever escaped? "

Wen ran was confused.

The moment Han Xuan broke into the house, she thought she was saved.

But now she knows how terrible this man is!

"It's you. You designed all this, didn't you?"

This should be hysterical words, but showing a weak pale.

"I designed it?"

Han Xuan sneered, full of irony.

"Wen ran, you don't know what kind of person Wen Haojun has become over the years, but do you think I don't know?"

He can feel the shaking of her hand.

At the moment when he entered the room, he saw that she was in a state of confusion and anger. There was a faint pain in his heart.

No matter how much he hated her, he could never stand by her.

Wen ran closed his eyes in despair.

She understood.

He knew from the beginning why Wen Haojun invited her to dinner tonight.

But he did not know to tell her that he wanted to let her understand how hopeless she was when she got out of his hands.


"Han Xuan..."

Wen ran called him again, still hoarse and powerless.

The man was smoking, mouthful by mouthful, slow and heavy, with no intention of responding. He waited for her to continue to speak.

"Did you really love me..."

It's like a question, but it's not like a question murmuring to itself.

Although the voice is small, it is still in the ears of the man sitting on the sofa.

Han Xuan's fingers with a cigarette in them.

Cold corner of the mouth pulled out a little invisible radian, very close to ridicule, she asked him: love?

He put out the spark in his hand, threw his cigarette end, and walked towards Wen ran, who was trapped in the big bed.

He could see her body trembling slightly and invisibly every step he took.

Now he's scaring her like that.

Over the years, in the face of him, she was either trembling or disgusting.

Where is the girl who chases after him and calls him "brother Xuan"!

She used to look at him with admiration, admiration and flickering light, but now she is dodging, angry and sad

"Wen ran, do you think I loved you?"

He picked up her broken like a puppet, vigorously grabbed her hand against his heart.

Bite your teeth and ask in a cold voice.

Through the clothes, the palm can feel his rapid heartbeat.

She looked up and he looked down.

There are too many of them.

It's love, hate, resentment, anger, regret and hurt

Love, hate, hatred and infatuation, all kinds of emotions in the world can pour into the heart in an instant.

Slowly across the time, blurred her sight.

"Will it really hurt you to stay with me?"

I don't know how long later, Han Xuan's cold voice sounded again, as if with an imperceptible decadence.

“……” Warm silence.

I couldn't spit out a word because of my hoarse voice.

"I'd rather be married by that kind of old man than stay with me?"

Han Xuan is angry.

The cold sound of the rising is warm and the ears are numb.

She closed her eyes and two lines of tears fell silently.

Now she's like a prisoner on a cross.

It turns out that not everyone who is crucified can be reborn and redeemed.

All of a sudden, there was a "bang" in his ear. Wen Ran's body caught by Han Xuan was light and fell into the big bed again.

"Oh! Old man? It's about you - "

Han Xuan had a sudden pain in his back, and then he was pulled up by a force.

"Old man, don't worry, Wen ran left you, don't worry about nobody, and I'll see who dares to move her again!"

As soon as Chu Jinxuan enters the room, he smashes a stool on Han Xuan's back, and then pulls him up.Action at one go, sudden and rapid, so that Han Xuan caught off guard.

Wen Ran's body suddenly falls down and falls into the bed. As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees Chu Jinxuan's slender body appear beside the bed.

He didn't have a coat, and his white shirt looked very dirty. Not only did he have four necklines, but also some stains and blood stains on his white shirt

Wen Ran's moist eyes flashed and opened his mouth to ask him what happened.

But he found that his throat couldn't speak for a moment, so he had to reach out and touch the wound at the corner of his mouth.

"It's ok..."

Chu Jinxuan stretched out his hand to her and tried the tears in the corner of his eyes. His always cold eyes were full of heartache.

He came late.

This kind of warm, let him very distressed.

Wen ran saw the remorse in his eyes and shook his head.

Don't blame yourself

She opened her mouth and said in silence.

Jinxuan, thank you -

thank you for coming.

If Chu Jinxuan didn't appear, she couldn't imagine how desperate she would be now.

Father and husband, the two closest men in her life, the two men she relied on most in her heart, the two men she loved with all her heart

Her father took her as a bargaining chip and sold her for profit.

Her husband saw her in a desperate situation and forced her to it.

Such a failure of life, almost alive tear her.

Chu Jinxuan leans down and is ready to pick up Wen ran. As soon as a hand embraces her waist, Wen ran suddenly hooks his neck

"Be careful!"

She screamed hard.

Chu Jinxuan reaction is still rapid, holding her waist rolled out of bed.

The next moment, just by Chu Jinxuan hit the chair on Han Xuan's back, it fell on the edge of the bed and fell in two.

If just this hit Chu Jinxuan's back, Wen ran can't imagine what it will be like!

"Are you all right?" Chu Jinxuan props up his body and looks at Wen ran with concern. He doesn't care that he was almost hit by Han Xuan just now.

Wen ran shook his head, the ground is covered with thick carpet, will not fall very painful, just a little scared.

"Wen ran, I really underestimate you!"

Han Xuan looked down at the two people who rolled under the bed and hugged each other. In his black eyes, there was a raging anger.

"Han Xuan, don't think people are so dirty Cough... "

Wen ran excited, throat dry itch immediately severe cough up.

"Well, dirty? In the past few years in Nancheng, I haven't learned much about other skills. I've made a lot of progress in hooking up men. Oh, no, this boy who hasn't even grown up can't be called a man. You can hook up like this. Wen ran, I really admire you! "

It's not the first time that Han Xuan has seen Chu Jinxuan appear in front of Wen ran. At the swimming pool time, he has already remembered the boy, but now he has sent him to the door.

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