Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 202: Cute Stupid 21

This time Liu Haosheng didn't force her, he was afraid that he would be even more angry if she stopped her.

But a few days later I didn't see her back, and I was very anxious, and decided to look for her in the town.

But as soon as he went out, he looked down at his sloppy self, and went back to the house to tidy up quickly.

She loves a clean person so much. If she sees him like this, she will definitely dislike it even more.

After arriving in the town, all the restaurants and inns have been searched but no one was seen.

The source restaurant was also found, but the shopkeeper Liu said that he did not see it.

Standing at the door of the source restaurant, even here is not there, then where can she go?

In the end, he decided that if he couldn't find her one day, he would not go back one day. He didn't believe that she would never be found.

Finally, after wandering around the town for three days, when I passed the source restaurant again, I smelled the fragrance from inside.

Liu Haosheng's eyes lit up, yes, this is the taste of the dishes she cooks, there is nothing wrong with it.

Is it because she is in the source restaurant now?

Thinking about it, he rushed in. He had been here before, so he knew where the kitchen was.

He ran so fast that Xiao Er couldn't stop it at all.

She ran to the backyard and rushed into the kitchen regardless of her concern. She really saw Lin Xixi waving the spatula in front of the pot.

Feeling someone staring at him, he tilted his head and saw Liu Haosheng staring at him blankly, "Asheng, why are you here?"

Quickly ran over and hugged her, "Miss, I thought you were gone, and finally found you."

"Miss, I was wrong, let's go home."

Noting everyone in the kitchen staring at them, Lin Xixi blushed a little, "It's okay, let's go out and say something."

When the two went outside, Lin Xixi couldn't help but frown as he watched him, her eyes flashed distressed, "You, how did you become like this? Didn't you eat and sleep well?"

"I can't eat or sleep well without you, and miss you all the time." He couldn't see him during this time, and he felt that he was more uncomfortable than death.

"The male lead is 75."

"Liu Haosheng, the last thing you shouldn't be to take your body seriously."

"Didn't I say that we just separated and thought about it." In fact, she was also worried about him these days, wondering if he had a good meal and a good sleep.

The result is really no.

Liu Haosheng raised his hand and quickly wiped his red eyes, and exhaled deeply.

"Madam, no matter when, my decision is to stay with you, don't leave me."

Seeing him like this, how could Lin Xixi remain indifferent.

Just about to say something, when Liu Haosheng fainted to the ground, Lin Xixi was startled, "Asheng, what's wrong with you, Asheng?"

Quickly ask someone to help him back to the room.

Asked the doctor to come over and take a look, and it turned out that he passed out because he hadn't eaten for a few days and he was tired.

Looking at his thin cheeks, Lin Xixi stretched out her hand and stroked it gently, "What a fool, it seems that the poison is still not solved." I really can't take care of myself.

When Liu Haosheng woke up in the evening, he didn't see Lin Xixi when he woke up, and he was immediately anxious.

Regardless of his physical weakness, he got up on the bed with his hands.

Lin Xixi, who had just entered the house, took a look, quickly put down the food in her hand and walked over, pressing him back on the bed to lie down, "What are you doing? The doctor said you have to cultivate for a few days."

"If you really care about me, take good care of your body. I don't want to be a widow!"

At first, it was nothing to hear this, but suddenly he reacted, "Lady, lady, what did you say, so you are willing to marry me!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure I won't let you be a widow, haha."

Lin Xixi glared at him with a reddened face, "Although it is said, I still have the final say when we will get married."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as you are not angry with me and you are willing to marry me, I can wait." He was willing to wait even for a lifetime.

But he won't let himself wait that long.

After the meal, Liu Haosheng couldn't wait to say, "Lady, let's go home, the house is almost finished."

But she was still a little worried, "Your body is still so weak, it's not suitable to walk around. It takes only two days to go back."

He raised his hand and patted his chest, and said indifferently, "I'm a martial artist, how can I be so fragile, it's better to go home."

In this case, Lin Xixi agreed, but still hired a carriage, which would be much better.

As soon as I left the restaurant, I saw Ye Mingyu walking not far away.

Looking at the two of them, he asked in a puzzled voice, "Miss Lin, are you leaving now?" He was thinking of how to stay with her for a longer period of time.

Lin Xixi helped Liu Haosheng and smiled slightly, "Well, I'm going back, thank you Master Ye for taking it in these days."

"Where, I wish you would stay longer. After all, you are here and my restaurant business is very hot." It would be better if I could follow him all the time.

"Madam, my chest is so stuffy."

Seeing Liu Haosheng's pale face, Lin Xixi's heart was tight, and she couldn't take care of that much, "Young Master Ye is really sorry, I'm uncomfortable with my husband, I'll take him back first."

What else could he say, it's not good to stop him, just looking at her back, unidentified emotions flashed in his eyes.

After returning home, I went to the back and looked at the new house being built. It was really good.

If you live in, at least you don’t have to worry about wind and rain.

But this **** is really against her. Just thinking about this problem, a storm broke out in the evening.

Rain leaked everywhere in the thatched hut, and even the quilt was wet.

"Lady, what should we do? Or let's go to the new house in the back now. Although it hasn't been built, at least we can hide from the rain."

"I knew that I wouldn't be back today, I blamed me." Liu Haosheng said with a sad expression on his face.

"How can I blame you, the weather is always changing."

"Then let's hold the quilt and go to the new house at the back." For the time being, it's okay to be wronged all night.

The two ran to the new house behind with the quilt, but fortunately they were not far away.

After arriving, Liu Haosheng wiped her body first, so as not to be frozen, "Madam, wait a moment, I will go out and bring some hay and firewood, so that it won't be cold."

"But it's raining, where is the hay and firewood?" Lin Xixi asked, rubbing her hands continuously.

No way, it's really cold when it's raining.

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