Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 203: Cute Silly 22

"Of course I can do it, because every winter I can't help it, so I gather a lot of wood and hay early."

"I hid them in the small cellar. I can just cover them with oil paper." Fortunately, he did this, otherwise she would really suffer tonight.

After Liu Haosheng went out, he quickly ran over with a basket of things.

I took it down for him and opened the oiled paper cloth. There were indeed a lot of hay and firewood in it, "A Sheng is really amazing. Now we don't have to be frozen, ha ha."

When a fire started, hay was laid on the ground, and then the quilt was put on it, "Lady, go to bed, I'll take it for a while today."

Lin Xixi lay directly on it and rolled, "How can it be? It's very comfortable, there is fire and quilt, it's very good."

She won't be afraid no matter how windy or rainy it is outside.

Suddenly, Liu Haosheng hugged her from behind, "Miss, it won't be cold when I hold you."

"By the way, your clothes are all wet, do you want to take it off and roast you, or you will get sick."

Lin Xixi blinked her big eyes, "You, really don't you want to take advantage of me?"

"I, where do I have it, I really care about the lady, you change and I will roast you, I won't peek at you." Somehow, remembering the scene of her taking off her clothes and applying medicine the night before, The throat tightened.

An evil fire sprang up from the lower abdomen.

Lin Xixi is not stupid, of course I can feel it, her face flushed suddenly, and she turned over and sat up, and gave him a chestnut, "I didn't want to take advantage of me, then you, what are you doing now?" I don't know what mess of things I'm thinking about.

Liu Haosheng felt embarrassed for an instant, and his face turned red, "I, I don't, I really just want to keep you warm."

"No random thoughts? Then why are you blushing!" There must be a thief but not the guts.

"No, I'm a little hot because of the fire." He didn't want to be discovered by her, but he didn't hold back what to do.

Or because she is too attractive.

"I don't need you to keep warm, it's not cold." But just after speaking, he sneezed.

Before she could react, Liu Haosheng held her in his arms again, and suddenly felt his body warmed up.

"It's not to keep you warm, but I'm cold. Let's warm each other, okay."

"I admit, I am not good, but I promise I won't do anything to you, but you are my wife, can I not be tempted." Liu Haosheng couldn't help but muttered.

Lin Xixi raised her eyebrows, "Oh, that's my fault!"

But it feels good to hear people you like say things you like.

"No, no, it's mine. How can I blame the lady! Haha." But it feels really uncomfortable for a beauty to see or eat in her arms.

How could Lin Xixi not know, a smirk appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Looking at her sleeping face quietly, she couldn't help but drop a kiss on her cheek, and it felt like it was dawn in a short while.

The rain outside also stopped.

He looked up and saw the light outside, and wanted to get up, but when he moved, Lin Xixi woke up.

Raising his hand and rubbing his sleepy eyes, "Asheng, why did you wake up so early?"

"I woke you up. The rain outside stopped. I plan to go back and clean up the house."

"You definitely didn't have a good rest last night, so let's take a rest later." Thinking of what happened last night, he still felt excited.

"The male lead is 80."

But now she was awake, he didn't dare, or else he would eat chestnuts again.

It is rare for him to be so caring once, Lin Xixi is not polite, "Okay, let me enjoy the fruits of your labor." After speaking, she lay on the quilt and continued to fall asleep.

In her defenseless situation, Liu Haosheng suddenly approached and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

He opened his eyes in disbelief, "Liu Haosheng, you are bold!"

But the person who was scolded had already escaped.

Until the room was cleaned up, Liu Haosheng's smile didn't stop.

Seeing her angrily look, Liu Haosheng coaxed, "Don't be angry, the lady, it's a big deal if you come back, so you won't be uneconomical."

Lin Xixi glared at him fiercely, "What you think is so beautiful, you are the one who gets the cheapest!"

"I'm hungry, you go cook, let me taste your craft." She cooks every time, and this time she wants to enjoy it.

"Well, if the lady doesn't dislike it, of course I would be happy. Even if the clothes are washed for me, it is okay. I am willing to do anything for you." He would not feel tired if he could do those things for her, but rather happy.

"Cut, when will you say these sweet words." But there is no denying that every woman is a **** love to listen to.

"Hehe, I'm not just saying not to do it, waiting for me to cook for you." He rolled up his sleeves and turned into the kitchen.

Lin Xixi followed in curiously, but was kicked out by him, saying that she would give her a surprise. In this case, she waited slowly.

Move a stool to sit in the yard, leisurely basking in the warm sunshine.

After a while, he smelled the scent coming from the kitchen.

After finally waiting and waiting, finally waited for him to come out and ask her to eat.

Looking at the big table of vegetables, Lin Xixi's eyes widened, "This, you did all this?"

"I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. You are a big liar."

"Madam, don't be angry, I will cook for you in the future, okay?" Liu Haosheng laughed and coaxed.

"Really? But you men don't have to go to the kitchen, aren't you afraid of being known?" Ancient men were so machismo.

"How could it be? It is my greatest happiness to be able to make good meals for you every day."

"I used to live alone, and my master is more delicious, so I exercised." While talking, she kept holding vegetables.

"Didn't you say that your poison was not completely eliminated before?" How did he cook at that time.

Raising his hand and scratching his head, he was a little embarrassed, "Oh, it's okay, my mind is chaotic, sometimes I go to the river to catch fish, sometimes I go to pick wild fruits."

"Anyway, how can I eat it, haha."

Lin Xixi felt very distressed, and added more meat to his bowl, "You, I don't have to be by your side, and remember to eat well and take care of yourself. I don't know if I'm worried."

The bun's face, which was raised with great difficulty, has now lost weight.

Liu Haosheng nodded repeatedly, "I know the lady, you can eat more."

Lin Xixi lowered her head and lowered her eyes slightly to hide her red eyes, because she was very moved, really moved, they were the only people in this world who were best to each other.

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