Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 205: Cute Silly 24

"Hey, you guy is really unscrupulous. I knew I would ignore you at the beginning, but I will go to your house every day to eat!"

Although that was said, the relationship between the two of them was extraordinary, just like their grandfather and grandson.

Putting down the pastry in his hand, he said in a low voice, "Asheng, have you already thought about giving up revenge."

"I told you last time, I have given up, I want to live a peaceful life with the lady." Because if he goes to avenge, he can't guarantee that he will come back safe and sound.

"Well, that's okay, I'm relieved to see you as an old man now, since this decision is made, I will treat the girl well."

Some things are left to his bad old man to solve.

Liu Haosheng frowned slightly, and there was a guess in his heart, "Old man, are you hiding something from me? Solve it yourself!"

Old man Gu was surprised. He didn't expect this kid to be so smart, but his face didn't show the slightest strangeness, "Cut, do you think it's possible? I've finally lived to this age, so I won't take risks for you as a stinky boy." !"

But the more he said this, the more Liu Haosheng was suspicious, "Master! Don't hide it from me. If there is nothing, you wouldn't ask me like that just now."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"You kid, I said nothing."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to see how the dishes are done, I'm still waiting to eat." Then he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

While waiting to go down the mountain, Lin Xixi looked at Liu Haosheng with a restless look.

He pulled his hand and said, "Asheng, what's wrong with you? How do you look at you absent-minded? If you have anything, you must tell me, otherwise I will be very worried."

Turning her head to see her worried look, after thinking about it, she said, "Madam, those people have found me, and they are my enemies."

"But the master is afraid that I will be in danger, so he plans to solve it by himself." Now he is very tangled and worried.

She just said, there must be something in his heart, and he reached out and patted his shoulder, "Asheng, if you have any ideas, go and realize, I will support it, because I believe in you and will be waiting for you."

Liu Haosheng was moved in his heart, "Miss, thank you, if I just keep silent and let the master solve it alone, I will feel guilty for a lifetime."

"Originally promised that you would live a plain life with you, but now." Now there is no way to achieve it, and she is still in danger.

Lin Xixi smiled, her eyes bent into a pair of crescents, and she said indifferently, "I believe you can do it, although I will be worried, but if you really selfishly let your master face the danger alone , I will look down on you too."

"I will wait for you anyway."

After the two returned home, Lin Xixi took his hand, "Asheng, let's go to Grandpa Yao and talk about getting married."

"Lady, I think it's better to wait for me to come back." If she doesn't formally marry him, she can still live a good life if she leaves here to a place where no one knows her.

"Liu Haosheng, what do you mean, you are so unconfident."

"Then what are you waiting for, why don't I find a good man to marry now, and I don't care where you go." She was really angry.

Seeing her angrily, Liu Haosheng hurriedly coaxed, "That won't work, I absolutely disagree, don't be angry, let's go to Grandpa Yao's house."

If he saw her with other men now, he would die of sadness and pain.

But Lin Xixi was reluctant at this time, holding her chest with her hands, and slightly lifting her chin, "Humph, but what should I do if I don't want to go now." She said as if she was begging him to go over with her, not going. NS.

"Forget it, don't go, I'm not married."

Now Liu Hao was anxious, and said in a pleasing tone, "Oh lady, I was wrong, I'm not good, let's go."

He has been looking forward to it for so long, and it's fine now, and he blames himself for this broken mouth.

But no matter what he said and how to explain, Lin Xixi was indifferent, and looked like she didn't respond.

In the end, there was really no way, Liu Haosheng finally decided to resort to his own assassin.

Holding her arms in both hands, staring at her with big eyes, "Miss, are you really not agreeing to me?"

Seeing his big wet eyes and fleshy bun face bulging, he couldn't help but squeeze his hand.

One hand is not enough, and Liu Haosheng does not resist when adding one, letting him knead it.

When Lin Xixi felt satisfied, his face was already red like a cooked crab.

Suddenly Lin Xixi felt distressed again, so she pouted and blew on him. She blamed herself for not stopping her, "It doesn't hurt anymore. I won't pinch you next time."

Liu Haosheng smiled stupidly, "Hey, I'm willing to pinch it, it doesn't matter, then are you not angry now." In the future, as long as she is angry, let her pinch it and it will be fine.

"Hmph, count you acquaintance." Stand up and walk outside.

Liu Haosheng hurriedly followed, "Where are you going, lady?"

He was given a chestnut, "Stupid, don't you want to go to Grandpa Yao's house to discuss things."

He raised his hand and covered his head. It turned out to be this. He thought she was really angry and wanted to leave, "Hehe, okay, okay, then let's go."

Although it is not as grand as Shilihongzhuang, but now they are not without money.

So Liu Haosheng naturally didn't want to wrong her.

How good is it? If it is not for his status, it is easy to cause trouble. He really wants everyone in the world to know that he is going to marry her.

It was the day to get married in a flash.

Lin Xixi got dressed and dressed from Grandpa Yao's house, and then Liu Haosheng led a welcoming team to pick her up.

During the period, I circled around Liujia Village, and I heard the sound of gongs and drums from far away. It was so lively.

Everyone in the village talked about it. Liu Hao had good luck. Not only did he become smarter, he also married such a beautiful and beautiful lady.

Not only that, but also made a fortune and built a house.

At night, the villagers outside had already left one after another, and Liu Haosheng entered the house.

I saw the people sitting quietly on the side of the bed waiting for him.

Slowly walked over.

Hearing his footsteps, Lin Xixi raised her heart instantly, feeling very nervous.

Until he gently lifted her hijab.

I thought she was looking forward to seeing her cleverly, but she had a small face.

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