Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 206: Cute Stupid 25

Without waiting for him to ask, Lin Xixi pursed her pink cherry mouth and muttered, "I'm almost asleep when I'm waiting, why are you here now."

Liu Haosheng raised his hand and scratched his head, "Hehe, I think I will come in when everyone in the village returns, so as not to disturb us."

Lin Xixi's face was a little red, showing her shyness.

Picking up the wine on the side, "Lady, we should have a drink."

After drinking, seeing the tension in her eyes, she chuckles, "The lady must be tired today, I'll get some water to bubble your feet."

Before she could react, Liu Haosheng walked out, and after a while he poured a basin of water in.

He squatted and picked up her feet.

Lin Xixi hurriedly withdrew her feet in fright, "Asheng, I'm fine, I'll just do it myself."

"The lady is still shy. Okay, let me wash it for you."

Put her white tender feet into the basin, and gently wash her, the soft touch made him love it.

After washing up, Liu Haosheng raised his hand to cover up and coughed twice, "Lady, I, let's rest."

Lin Xixi also blushed and nodded.

In the morning of the next day, Lin Xixi was awakened by the smell of food floating outside.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, without seeing Liu Haosheng by his side, he knew that he must have been cooking breakfast outside.

She raised her hand and rubbed her sore waist again, and couldn't help muttering, really, it hurts so much, but as long as she saw his big wet eyes and the aggrieved look, she couldn't help but feel soft. All was pulled by him time and time again.

He squeezed Xiaofen's fist and thought to himself, "No, no, no, next time I won't be so soft-hearted, it's really terrible."

Just thinking about it, Liu Haosheng walked in from outside, still carrying food in his hand, "Miss, you wake up, you can eat."

Lin Xixi glared at him with a pouting mouth, and said, "I can hardly get out of bed for what I eat." She was very uncomfortable all over.

But Liu Haosheng didn't seem to hear her sarcasm at all, and smiled flatteringly, "Hey, I made your favorite food, and I just feed you."

"I'll rub it for you after I have eaten."

"Who wants you to rub it, you want to be beautiful." If you let him rub it, it wouldn't be a snare.

After eating, Lin Xixi hesitated, but decided to ask, "Asheng, when do you plan to leave."

Liu Haosheng lowered his eyes slightly, concealing the reluctance in his eyes, "Madam, I plan to leave in the near future, and I will settle down early and come back early to accompany you."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." For her, he will come back alive, even if he crawls.

With crystal tears flashing in his eyes, he nodded firmly, "I know, I believe you, I will wait for you."

"The male protagonist's favorability is 85."

Sure enough, after a few days, Liu Haosheng left alone, leaving only a letter.

Because he was afraid that if he said goodbye to her face to face, he would be more reluctant to leave, so he left at night.

Looking at the letter he left, Lin Xixi curled her mouth slightly, she had already guessed that he would leave this way.

Therefore, it has not been broken.

She will wait for him to come back quietly.

But after waiting for almost half a month, he didn't wait for him to come back.

I can't help but regret it. Why didn't he ask who his enemy was and where he was going.

If you ask her, you might as well go look for it, lest you feel so worried now.

She decided in her heart that if he didn't come back in half a month, she would go out and look for it.

One month later, Liu Haosheng still didn't come back, Lin Xixi couldn't help being more anxious, so she quickly packed her clothes and got ready to go out.

I was planning to go out, but Grandpa Yao came here unexpectedly. He was shocked when he saw the burden on her back, "Where are you going, Asheng daughter-in-law?" Going to leave.

Lin Xixi naturally guessed what he was thinking, "Grandpa Yao, I'm just going out to find A Sheng. I'm worried that I haven't heard from him for so many days, so I want to go out to find him."

"But do you know where Ah Sheng is? Even if you know, it's too unsafe for you to be a woman on the road!"

Thinking left and right, he still felt very uncomfortable, so he said righteously, "A Sheng entrusted you to me when he left. I can't break my promise."

"I know you are in a hurry, and I am also in a hurry, let's wait and see." Why is he not anxious in his heart for so many days, but it's useless to be anxious.

"No way, Grandpa Yao. At that time, Ah Sheng told me that he would write to me, but there was no news for so many days. I was very disturbed. I must go out to find him. It's useless if you stop me."

She doesn't want to delay a minute and a second now.

But as soon as he was about to leave, he felt dizzy in his head and fainted to the ground.

When she woke up, she raised her hand and rubbed her head, feeling a little puzzled, "What's wrong with me?" How could she suddenly faint.

"Asheng's wife, you are awake, you are happy!" This scared him a while ago, but fortunately nothing happened, otherwise how would he explain to Asheng.

Lin Xixi was stunned, raising her hand in disbelief and slowly touching her belly, "What, me, I'm happy."

She actually got pregnant.

Grandpa Yao's face was full of joy, "Yeah, yeah, it would be nice if you were a boy. If you know that you have a happy news, Ah Sheng would be very happy."

"So, during this time, you have to take care of your baby at home." If it's someone with a handle, it's better to leave a queen for the Liu family.

Although he didn't know what the kid was doing, he could guess that it was definitely not normal.

Therefore, it is best if you have a son.

But Lin Xixi didn't care, as long as it was her child, whether it was a boy or a girl, she would like it the same.

I believe Liu Haosheng is the same.

Looking down at his stomach, he smiled softly and showed the maternal glory, "Well, don't worry, Grandpa Yao, for the baby in my stomach, I will take good care of myself and wait for his father's return with the child."

Grandpa Yao nodded relievedly, "That's right, then you should take a good rest. I just got the pulse for you, and I was a little weak. Then I will send you some anti-fetal medicine."

Although she didn't want to take medicine, she didn't want to refuse his kindness, "Okay, then thank you Grandpa Yao." If you take some medicine in the mall, it will work better than anything.

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