Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 207: Cute Stupid 26

But this can't be said to him.

After Grandpa Yao left, Lin Xixi looked down at her belly, patted gently, and muttered to herself, "Baby, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Although I was happy in my heart, there were deep worries that followed.

Because she is now pregnant and it is even more difficult to go out.

Even if she promised to be okay, Grandpa Yao would not believe it.

He sighed faintly, "Forget it, let's raise a baby for now." Maybe Liu Haosheng will be back in a few days.

But a whole month has passed without anybody coming back, and there is no news at all.

She couldn't wait any longer, but Grandpa Yao hurried over again.

Seeing him so anxious, Lin Xixi thought there was news from Liu Haosheng, "Grandpa Yao, is there news from Ah Sheng?"

Grandpa Yao sighed and waved his hand, "No, but there is a war. We are at war with other countries, and there is a raging war outside."

"Fortunately, we are only a small mountain village. People who don't know the way can't get in, otherwise they will suffer."

"Now the chaos outside is terribly messy, there are burnings, looting, and looting everywhere. It's better for us to stay in this mountain village."

"But no, Ah Sheng is still outside now." What if something happens, she can't help feeling flustered when she thinks of this possibility.

"Oh, Asheng's daughter-in-law, you can't think about it, you will have a baby in a few months!" Now the most important thing is the child in her belly.

In fact, in his heart, he already thought that Liu Haosheng would not be able to come back. This child is the only blood of the Liu family, so he must take care of it.

"No, no, Asheng will definitely be fine." She believed him, he would not let her down, and it must be because something was delayed that he didn't come back now.

A few months later, Lin Xixi was finally about to give birth and gave birth to a boy after all the hardships.

The moment she saw the child she gave birth, the grievances in her heart turned into tears, "Child, I won't feel lonely if you and my mother wait for your father to come back in the future."

Suddenly, a voice came in my mind.

"The male protagonist's favorability is 90."

Lin Xixi raised her head and looked around in disbelief, but there was nothing.

He didn't come back, so why did his favorability suddenly increase?

However, this is a good thing. The increase in the degree of affection means that he is still alive. He must be alive somewhere and miss her.

It must be because of some reason that I can't come back soon.

But she didn't know that she was waiting for a few years.


Three years later

"Mother, I want to go out and play."

Lin Xixi turned her head and looked at the little bun who was lying at the door and staring at her with big eyes flickering, and she smiled, "I'm going to have fun with Niuniu again."

Niuniu is the little great-grandson of the village chief's family.

The little bun nodded, "Yeah, Brother Niuniu promised to take me to pick out the birds and eggs today!" The other children in the village are too bad and always flatter him, but secretly laugh at him as a child without a father, he I don't like them at all.

"Okay, but still let Xiu'er follow you, don't leave her behind, or mother won't worry." She hasn't given up on business plans in recent years.

Although there are rumors about her in the village, she doesn't care.

Now that the family has money, she bought some maid sisters so that the family is safer.

Not only that, she also bought a lot of land for people to cultivate and farm, and became a big landlord in Liujia Village.

Naturally, no one dared to say anything to her.

Xiao Baozi's eyes rolled around, and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll let Xiu'er follow me." After that, he ran outside.

Lin Xixi shook her head slightly. Boys are really not easy to take. They just love to play, and she doesn't know who to follow.

Here, Liu Siyuan ran happily, but he fell to the ground with a touch when he didn't go far.

Immediately there was a deep and pleasant male voice above his head, "My child, are you okay." Just now, he only looked at the surrounding scenery, but didn't notice the little guy coming oncoming.

Liu Siyuan held back his tears and looked up. The man in front of him was very strange, his big eyes and round face, his skin was not white at all, but his whole body was full of aura.

"Uncle who are you, I have never seen you."

Liu Haosheng smiled slightly, put his big hand on his little head and rubbed it, "I, this is my hometown, and there are my family here."

The lady must be still waiting for him.

Liu Siyuan raised his hand and scratched his head, but he obviously hadn't seen him before, "Really, then tell me who your family is, and I can help you find it. There is no one I don't know in this village."

Listening to his milky voice, it was so cute, "Thank you, I think I'll find it myself."

Since he doesn't want his help, he still has to go play, "Oh, uncle, I'll go play first."

Seeing his back running away, Liu Haosheng turned and walked towards the village again.

Seeing the familiar scenery around me, I can't help feeling that it's so good that I finally came back.

Thinking of seeing the person I think about day and night, I can't help feeling excited and nervous.

When I saw the familiar thatched cottage, I was so excited, but he was a little hesitant.

I thought of countless possibilities, and later saw what Lin Xixi was going to say and how to make her not angry.

When he was struggling, he suddenly heard the gentle voice of him thinking about it day and night.

"Asheng! Is that you?"

He raised his head and saw the familiar face, and his hands trembled slightly with excitement.

I walked over slowly, and stretched out my hand to stroke her increasingly moved face, her eyes were a little red, "Miss, I'm back, I'm sorry." I'm sorry to let you wait so long by yourself.

Lin Xixi couldn't believe it and stretched out her hand, touching his thin but firm face, "Is Ah Sheng really you? I'm not dreaming!"

"The male lead is 95."

He hugged her tightly in his arms, sniffing the unique smell on her body, "It's my lady, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you can beat and scold me, as long as you can calm down."

She must have been working hard these past few years, it was all his fault.

Being held by him, Lin Xixi felt relieved like never before, "No, as long as you can come back safely."

The two were talking, and suddenly, Liu Haosheng was pushed.

Looking down, isn't it the little guy I met at the entrance of the village?

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