Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 230: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 22

Lin Xixi finally saw the cotton ball that hadn't been seen for many days, and happily held it in her arms and rubbed it.

"Cotton ball, I haven't seen it for many days. I found that you are still gaining weight. It seems that this period of time is going well." Xia Yichu had someone take care of it.

While talking to it happily, the door was suddenly opened.

She thought it was Xia Yichu, but when she looked up, she turned out to be the beautiful woman who came to the ward last time. That means she is Xia Yichu's mother!

He quickly stood up, "Hello aunty, are you here to see Yichu? He is not here now."

Xiang Meilian approached her, looked at her up and down, and said in a positive tone, "You are the little nurse who seduce my son."

Lin Xixi frowned slightly, raised her eyes to face her, "I don't understand what you mean, seduce?"

"It was Yichu who confessed to me before I agreed."

Xiang Meilian sneered and her tone became stern, "Who do you think you are? If you didn't seduce my son, he would like you?"

"I have seen a lot of girls like you who want to climb Gaozhi'er, and leave him as soon as I am not too angry."

"Or, how much money do you want!"

If you still don’t understand what she means, you’re stupid, “As you said, I’m the one who wants to Pan Gaozhi'er, then why should I leave because of the little money you gave me.”

"Is it okay for me to follow Yichu? He loves me and will give me more money!"

Xiang Meilian was angry and felt that her answer was too different from what she had expected.

But Jiang is still hot, "Are you showing your true face now?"

"Whatever you say, I won't leave the one I love anyway." In her eyes, she is no different from a woman who is making trouble.

And she believed that Xia Yichu would never leave her either.

But the next moment, Xiang Meilian took out her mobile phone from her bag. The mobile phone slowly played their conversation, and smiled triumphantly at her, "How about it? Will you still not leave now?"

"I advise you, I should give you some money to leave, otherwise will my son still love you when he hears it?"

Lin Xixi just smiled faintly when she heard her alms, and didn't mean to worry at all, "No, you can play this recording to Yichu, and he will believe me."

But Xiang Meilian was just pretending to be calm, "Okay, I hope you won't regret it when you come, and you will have no money and money."

After speaking, he took a graceful step and left.

When Xia Yichu came back, Lin Xixi was looking out the window in a daze, without noticing his approach.

He didn't react until he reached out and put his hand on her cheek. He looked up and said, "You're back!"

"What's wrong? It seems a little unhappy?"

"How do you know I'm not happy? No." Lin Xixi shrugged slightly and smiled.

"Of course I can feel that you are not happy. It's because of my mother's coming." He happened to see it when he returned just now.

"How did you know!" Could it be that he saw it, or someone told him.

Squeezing her gradually fattening face, "I just saw the car she left when I came back, so I guessed it."

"Did she tell you something? If so, don't care."

"Because no one can stop my decision."

"Of course I knew it, so I didn't care, but it seemed that I made your mother so angry!"

"Will you blame me." After all, that person is her mother, and she is still a little unsure in her heart.

"How could I blame you, she must have said something excessive to you, right." It seems that he didn't go back yesterday and angered her, so she came here.

It seems that he is going back to talk to her.

Seeing that he wasn't angry, Lin Xixi was completely relieved.

"By the way, I'll pack your things for you, and we can go home tomorrow." He has asked the doctor, and she is almost all right, so she can recuperate at home.

"Go home? Oh." It's okay to go home, it's not as comfortable in the hospital as at home.

But when I really wanted to go home, I got in the car and looked at the scenery outside. Lin Xixi was a little strange, "Yichu, isn't this the way home?"

"Fool, are you talking about your house?"

"What to do when you go back there, of course is to go back to my place. You forgot. I told you before. I will live there and cook for me in the future."

From now on they will live together.

After thinking about it, there is indeed such a thing, "Oh, I remember."

He put his arms around her shoulders and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, there will only be two of us in the house. I don't live with them."

After arriving, Lin Xixi couldn't believe it when looking at the villa in front of him, that she would actually be able to live in the villa one day.

He took her hand and walked in, "Go, take you to see the room I have prepared for you, and see if you like it."

When you open it, it is a combination of lavender and pale pink, which is cute and generous.

There is a big bed with many dolls stacked on it, not only that, but also a lot of cosmetics and jewelry boxes are prepared for her on the dressing table.

"I don't know what you like, so I prepared everything. I don't know if you like it or not." When he went to buy it, he liked this one and wanted to buy that one for her.

In the end, I bought them all.

Lin Xixi nodded again and again, moved not knowing what to say, turned around and hugged him, "Thank you Yichu, thank you very much, I feel like I am dreaming."

He hugged her back, buried his head on her neck, smelling the unique taste that belonged to her and made him feel at ease.

Little did he know that she was the one he wanted to thank.

"Fool, if you really want to thank me, cook me a big meal tonight."

Lin Xixi nodded, her voice full of joy, "Well, I am willing, I am willing to be a rice cooker for you for a lifetime, and you must not despise my yellow-faced woman, otherwise, I will not let it."

"The male lead is 70."

But I didn't expect that when Xia Yichu was just preparing dinner in the evening, Xia Yichu received a call, and his face changed suddenly, "Xixi, grandpa is in an accident. I'm going to the hospital. You are waiting for me at home."

"Oh, I see, you are careful on the road." Seeing him leave without looking back, I felt a little disappointed.

This happened on the first day of arrival.

But he waited until midnight and didn't see him back, not even a phone call.

When she called, no one answered.

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