Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 231: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 23

I couldn't help but worry and wonder if something happened.

Anxiously, she was walking around the room.

But suddenly, the door was opened with a bang.

With a calm look, it was actually Xia Yichu, but his embarrassed appearance made her heart jump. She had a bad premonition, and she hurried over to help him, "Yi, what happened to you, Yichu."

But as soon as he approached him, he was held in his arms and blocked his lips.

Being held tightly by him, he couldn't push away.

Dense and fierce kisses fell on her body, and her clothes instantly became tattered.

Gradually she found something was wrong, his body temperature was too high, and his eyes became bloodshot.

I was flustered, "Yichu, you let me go first."

But it's no use it doesn't matter how she shouts.

He is like a beast that has lost his mind. Only catharsis can restore him.

Just when she was not resisting, Xia Yichu stopped and wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, her voice full of distress, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She knew that he didn't mean it, and she didn't want to resist him, she just felt that he was too sudden and violent to make her a little scared.

Sniffing her little nose, her tone was full of concern and worry, "I'm fine, but what's the matter with you?" Why did it become this when I went out? Didn't I go to the hospital?

"I'm fine, don't worry, I scared you just now." He let her go, and prepared to go back to the room to take a cold shower.

But when she just got up, Lin Xixi held her hand, and saw her face turned red and her voice was also a faint mosquito noise, but he still heard clearly, "No, that would be bad for your health. I can do it, it doesn't matter. "

"It was just too sudden, now I'm ready."

She heard the forbearance in his tone just now, and she felt very distressed.

"I know, but I don't want to take you in this situation. It's not fair to you." Thinking of what happened tonight, a cold light flashed in my eyes.

He will let those people know the cost of offending him.

"I know you are thinking about me, but I also feel sorry for you, I love you, you love me, there is no fairness or unfairness." Seeing him endure this way, she feels sad.

At this time, Xia Yichu couldn't help it anymore and lowered his head to kiss.

"The male lead is 75."

Although he cared that she was very light last night, she was still in terrible pain.

Moved and even cried.

But in order not to make him feel guilty, I just endured it all the time.

But even so, Xia Yichu felt distressed and guilty.

At the thought of this, he became even more angry at the behavior of those people.

It's ridiculous, how can a biological mother treat her son like this.

Carrying the porridge into the room, she found that she was awake, "Wake up, come, eat some porridge."

I was hungry when I smelled the scent of porridge.

I sat up cautiously, and tasted the porridge he was feeding expectantly.

It was so unpalatable that she almost vomited it out, how could it have a salty taste.

But still held back.

Seeing that she didn't speak, she just had a weird expression, "How is it? Does it taste good?"

"It's still a bit early, so I can't buy porridge outside, so I just made some myself."

"Will it taste strange, because I forgot to taste it."

Lin Xixi didn't know what to say, but in order not to hit him, she swallowed the porridge in her mouth, "Yes, it's already very good to make it like this for the first time, much better than me at the beginning. ."

Hearing his praise, Xia Yichu felt happier than anything else, "Really, then you drink more."

After drinking half a bowl, she really couldn't drink it anymore, "Well, I didn't want to drink it at first, and I'm not too hungry."

Although it is regrettable that she could not finish the drink, she will not be forced to say, "Oh, well, then you take a rest first."

"By the way, Chu, what happened yesterday?" How come she has to know what happened, otherwise her heart has not been at ease.

"Actually, I got a call back last night, but it turned out that Grandpa didn't get sick at all, it was just a pretense that they lied to me."

"Because I didn't want to save my dad's face, I stayed for a meal. Who knew it would be like that, and then I hurried back."

Knowing the truth, Lin Xixi was both shocked and speechless. How could any parent come up with such a trick to treat her children.

"Is your mother looking for a girl for you?"

Xia Yichu let out a cold snort, her eyes flashed with disdain, "Yeah, a girl she likes, but in my opinion it's not as good as you."

Lin Xixi blushed a little, and said with an anguish, "Why don't you usually see it, you are so glib."

"Wrong, I am not glib, but every time a man likes a woman."

Feeling good about her is indescribable, in short, she is the best in her heart.

Lin Xixi tilted her head thinking and nodded seriously, "Well, so, you can't believe what your men said. After a woman becomes a yellow-faced woman, can you still say such a thing?"

I'm afraid no one can guarantee this.

He raised his hand and squeezed her little face, and said with a smile.

"Isn't it said that companionship is the most affectionate confession? You will be the cook of my life, and see if I will despise you when I come."

He slapped his hand away and protested with a dissatisfied expression, "My face is not a steamed bun, I always pinch me."

"Don't you think you are cute, darling, after taking a break, I will go to the kitchen to wash the dishes." By the way, I had a meal and made porridge for her in the morning, and I forgot to eat it.

When I got downstairs, I served the porridge and took a bite. My face turned green in an instant, and I rushed into the bathroom and threw up.

After a while, my mouth feels a little better, "Why is it so salty? It was obviously uploaded by the video just now!"

Thinking of returning to the kitchen quickly, he took out the seasoning he had just used, and when he tasted it, he really mistaken the salt for sugar.

That so salty thing, how Xixi drank it just now, must be afraid of being hit, so I didn't say it.

I quickly poured a glass of milk to serve, only to find that she was asleep.

Seeing her sleeping quietly, her eyes full of petting, she curled up her mouth and said in a low voice, "What a fool."

I put the milk on the bedside table again, and I can drink it when I wake up and thirsty.

Sure enough, Lin Xixi woke up after a while, feeling terribly dry, and happened to see the milk on the bedside table, "It is expected that I will be thirsty!"

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