Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 249: Merry VS Pure Teacher 11

In the end, she decided to go out, "Forget it, just treat it as she doesn't want to give up this rice cooker." If she has a boyfriend, how much time does she have to cook for herself.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt so, so he nodded, "Yes, that's it."

I flew all the way to the gate of the community, and saw Lin Xixi as expected, and he was relieved. Fortunately, the person hadn't left yet.

But the next second I saw a scene that made him almost mad.

He actually saw that the man who got out of the car was not someone else. It was Chen Shangyi who had a fight with him that day. He was immediately furious, "Damn woman, she was with him." How could this happen.

I became more determined to find out the idea of ​​the past.

Seeing them in the car, he hurriedly hit a car to follow behind.

Finally I saw the two men stopping at the door of a hotel.

After entering, Chen Shangyi handed her the menu and smiled happily and said, "Teacher, you can order whatever you want, don't be polite to me."

Lin Xixi smiled slightly and opened the menu. She was shocked. These dishes are too expensive, so she said to Chen Shangyi in a low voice, "Well, we just have a meal. There is no need to eat such expensive ones. And this kind of big restaurant's food may not be as delicious as I make, let's go."

But seeing her like this, Chen Shangyi laughed out loud, raised his hand to cover up, "I didn't expect the teacher to be so cute too!"

"Don't worry, this restaurant is owned by my family, so just order what you want." I thought to myself that the teacher really made him like it more and more.

She is more beautiful today, which makes him even more fascinated.

Her frown and even a slight frown made him feel heartbroken.

"Student Chen, what's wrong with you?"

It wasn't until Lin Xixi's cry that he brought back his chaotic thoughts, "Ah, oh, sorry, the teacher is so beautiful today, and I looked fascinated at once."

Lin Xixi blushed suddenly, "Ahem, how can you say that to the teacher."

"By the way, the teacher will call me Shangyi, or Xiaoyi outside, because in fact, we are not too old." Calling Chen also seemed too strange for the two.

"Well, I have already ordered the dishes, this time it really cost you money, I'm sorry." She really ate such expensive dishes for the first time.

"Haha, it's okay, even if you eat a lot, I will ask for it." Then I ordered several more dishes.

Lin Xixi suddenly remembered that he is the eldest son of the Chen family, so it is not surprising that he is rich.

Think about it, too, their school is the highest aristocratic school in the city. All the students in the school are rich people, and they can't afford to go without money, but she is worried too much.

Here, the two ate happily, while Yan Siming, who was sitting not far away, gritted his teeth angrily, "Damn woman, not cooking for him, it's because I want to come here to date someone! "

"Didn't you say that you don't like boys younger than yourself, why do you date others, hypocritical!" The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

After eating, Lin Xixi thought to herself that it is indeed a five-star hotel, but it is different, and the food is incredibly delicious.

While eating, I saw Chen Shangyi suddenly stretched out his hand to wipe her mouth, "You have some sauce on your mouth, I will wipe it for you."

Lin Xixi hurriedly raised her hand and touched it, a little embarrassed, "Oh, thank you, I, I'll do it myself." She didn't like being approached by someone who was not very familiar.

But the meaning of this scene was different when Yan Siming saw it. He lost his sense of anger in an instant, and when he threw the knife and fork in his hand, he walked over and gave Chen Shangyi a fierce fist.

Lin Xixi was stunned, and came back to her senses and hurriedly helped Chen Shangyi up, and asked nervously, "You're all right, do you want it?"

Seeing her so nervous, Yan Siming became even more angry, and couldn't help yelling at her, "You, you care about this stinky boy so much. What is good about him, you can't tell if he is obviously unruly!"

Turning her head to look at him, Lin Xixi also shouted angrily, "Do you know what you are doing? Are you prone to violence! Beat people for no reason."

"I beat people for no reason, because you have a problem with your own eyes! Can't you see that he has a bad heart for you? You are still stupidly sent to the door!" Thinking about him, he was angry. This kid is obviously not at ease. He could see it in his eyes.

Before Lin Xixi could speak, Chen Shangyi sneered when he was lifted up, "Young Master Yan is too lenient, right? If you say I have a bad heart, what about you."

"The school is famous for Huahua, what can I say?"

"Chen Shangyi, don't change the subject. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Your colorful intestines are still tender in front of me."

After speaking, he grabbed Lin Xixi's hand, "Follow me back!"

But Lin Xixi shook off his hand and said coldly, "You go back first, I have to take him to the hospital."

Yan Siming nodded, "Are you not going back with me for this kid? You don't believe me."

Lin Xixi still looked coldly, "Whether I believe you or not, if you hit someone, you always have to take them to the hospital. Go back first."

For such a long time, even when she was the most angry, she had never seen her look so cold, and she immediately became angry with a sneer at the corner of her lips, "Well, since you want to be with him, I won’t stop her. You." After speaking, he turned and left.

At this time, Chen Shangyi's eyes showed a triumphant smile.

But when Lin Xixi turned his head, there was only grievance in his eyes, his face was also very pale, and there was a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Xixi felt extremely sorry, "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this to happen, I'll take you to the hospital."

"I'm fine, I'm not as weak as you think. I just didn't want to fight back just now." He also didn't fight back on purpose. If he fights back, how can the scene go on.

In fact, he had already known about Yan Siming's arrival. From the time someone followed on the road, he guessed that it must be him, but he has never revealed it.

For this moment, Lin Xixi's impression of him would definitely be extremely bad, so the punch he received was worth it.

"You see your face is pale, I'll take you to the hospital as soon as possible." Said that hurriedly took him to the hospital.

I didn't go back until the evening. When I got home, I saw that the room was dark, thinking that Yan Siming hadn't returned yet.

But when he turned on the light, he actually lay on the hair, and the table was full of beer cans.

Tugged at his arm, "Yan Siming, how are you, are you crazy? How old are you when you actually drink."

However, Yan Siming shook his hand angrily, and his tone was full of anger, "You don't need to worry about it, besides, I'm already an adult, you are going on a date, don't care what I do!"

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