Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 250: Merry VS Pure Teacher 12

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm just having a meal with classmate Chen. He wants to apologize to me."

"And that day, he said that if you need someone to take care of him, you can go to him. Anyway, his parents are not there. You two are about the same age and can take care of each other. I think it's not bad."

Two people of the same age can also have a common topic when they are together. Maybe they can become friends without living with her.

But Yan Siming suddenly turned around and looked at her angrily, "Are you stupid? How could I be friends with such a despicable person!"

"Don't treat a gentleman like a villain. Student Chen has already sincerely apologized to me. Also, I am your teacher, you know!" In her opinion, she is their teacher. What can Chen Shangyi do? She is ill-intentioned.

But Yan Siming gave her a disdainful look, "Don't deny that you are stupid. If you don't have a bad heart for you, why would you invite you to dinner? You don't know this person at all. Don't believe him." It's really annoying. He's gone, stupid woman.

"The people of the Chen family like to play these crooked ways, all of them are despicable people." Yan Siming said angrily.

This made her even more puzzled, so she had some speculations, "Your Yan family won't be business rivals with the Chen family, so you hate him so much?"

"We are indeed business rivals. At the beginning, the Chen family was only half a big family. If it weren't for conspiracy and trickery, could it be what it is now?"

"But even this is not as good as our Yan family. If you want to be good, stay away from him. Anyway, I won't harm you." Chen Shangyi was a villain.

"You can't help thinking too much. I didn't plan to have much contact with classmate Chen, okay. Instead, it was you. You suddenly beat someone today, which made me take someone to the hospital and wasted my whole day. Time!" The most angry person should be her okay, now it makes him seem to be wronged.

With that said, he was unhelpful, and suddenly stood up from the sofa, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would not beat him if I knew it."

"It's reasonable for you to beat people! And you followed me."

Speaking of this, Yan Siming's arrogance was instantly extinguished, and he raised his hand to touch the back of his head, and said as soft as a mosquito, "I, I am not worried about you!"

"Also, I'm starving to death. Can you cook for me?" Today, I was angry all day, so I didn't eat anything.

Lin Xixi apparently thought about it too, and she smiled, "Huh, it just so happens that I'm hungry too, so I can't help but do more."

"Male Protagonist Friendship Degree 35"

I ignored him and turned back into the kitchen.

After a while, Lin Xixi brought out two bowls of hot and fragrant egg noodles.

At this time, he couldn't help being picky, so he ate it with big mouthfuls.

A few days later, it was the day when we set off to climb the mountain.

One car per class, this time led by her and another teacher in the class.

After arriving, everyone did not stay in a hotel, but set up tents in an open area on the mountain, otherwise the school would not have that much funding.

And most of the people who come here for tourism are setting up tents in the wild, and they can enjoy the night view at night.

At this moment, Yan Siming walked over with his hands in his pockets, in a casual tone, "I'll help you."

"You don't need to be able to do it by myself. Go ahead and help other classmates." It's just a tent, she can still do it.

But Yan Siming was unhappy, "It's not that they can't, just a few people cooperate, but you only have one person, I will help you." He also took the tools and started to help.

"Hey, I'm a little curious, how can you help me kindly?" If it's normal, wouldn't you come over and laugh at her?

Which one, Yan Siming just sorted out the tools and said, "I'm such a stingy person. I only helped you because I wanted you to make some good food for me later, but I didn't bring anything here."

So Lin Xixi showed a clear look, and she said, how can she help for no reason?

But at this moment, a very beautiful girl came from not far away and smiled sweetly at Yan Siming who was busy squatting on the ground, and she also showed some shyness, "Brother Siming, do me a favor later. Okay, I don’t know how to set up a tent. I accidentally injured my hand just now."

Yan Siming nodded without raising his head, "Well, okay, wait a moment."

The girl smiled and showed a happy look. She just said, telling him that he would definitely agree, "Okay, then thank you, Brother Siming."

After seeing her girl go, somehow she felt a little uncomfortable. She squatted down and picked up the tools needed to build a tent, and said lightly, "Okay, I can come, you can go."

Yan Siming chuckled softly, "I have something to do. Besides, it won't take long for you to get better soon."

"Didn't that girl come to you just now? I can do it by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Yan Siming could speak, he saw Chen Shangyi coming over there and grinning at her, "Teacher, I'll come over and help you."

Seeing him, Yan Siming instantly became unhappy, stood up and looked at him badly, "What are you doing here? You don't need your help here." Nosy fellow!

A cold light flashed across his eyes, but it was well covered up. When he raised his eyes, there was only sincerity in his eyes, "Is it bothering you?"

There was something wrong with what he said, but he didn't seem to be doing it on purpose, so he didn't think much about it, "Why? It's just that I have nothing to be busy here. Go and play."

Yan Siming's face became stiff, and he said angrily, "Do you think we are three-year-olds? What are you going to do?"

At this time Chen Shangyi said again, "Yan Siming, when I came here just now, you can see your girlfriend Shao Min is waiting for you!"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just ordinary friends." Knowing that this guy was uneasy, and now deliberately saying this, it must be to make Lin Xixi deliberately misunderstand.

Although Lin Xixi didn't show anything on her face, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she still suppressed the strange emotion in her heart and said, "Since this is the case, classmate Yan, go quickly and help those in need."

But she was very curious, who was his girlfriend, was it the girl just now?

She had forgotten that before, he was a famous flower girl in school, and he had interacted with countless girls, although he never admitted it every time.

Because I didn't pay attention to it before, I didn't care much, but now I remembered it.

At this time, Yan Siming really hesitated, so Chen Shangyi said casually, "If you don't pass, I'm afraid she will find it."

Damn, he knows the woman best, and always pesters him. He didn't pursue it because he had a playful mentality at first, but he regrets it a little bit, so he must make it clear this time.

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