Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 268: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 2

But today is different, most of them are on Lin Xixi.

Although he didn't show the slightest pride on his face, he didn't care about it, but he didn't feel it in his heart.

The original owner didn't know, he always thought that his good girlfriend, Sun Manxi, was very good to him, so he always treated her heart and soul.

But she is not stupid. She understands Sun Manxi's thoughts very well. Isn't she just using her inconspicuousness to set off her beauty!

Sure enough, she did not miss the resentment that flashed in Sun Manxi's eyes at this moment.

When I arrived at the swimming pool, the corners of my mouth raised slightly, "Mansi, let's go swimming together, so that I can swim together for you this time without dragging you down, so I have practiced secretly."

"Well, let's go together, it's better than seeing who can swim faster." She decided that even if Lin Xixi had practiced and studied, she was a member of the swimming club when she was in college. Nothing is better than her.

Seeing her self-confident appearance, Lin Xixi didn't say anything, and waited for a while to really hit her, "Okay, but I can't compare to you."

When they were ready, the two jumped into the water with a plop. Since there are not many people at this time, the large swimming pool is enough for two people to swim.

Swim from one end to the other, and finally the two reached the end at the same time.

Sun Manxi was incredibly unbelievable, and he was a little suspicious, "Xixi, you have become so powerful after only a few days of not seeing you!"

And she faintly felt that she seemed to be different, as if the whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Become self-confident, and people become much more beautiful.

She knows her true appearance. If it weren't that she didn't like to dress up, she wouldn't be the one who was the best student in college.

But now how could she suddenly change so much.

Faced with her question, Lin Xixi shrugged slightly, "No, it's just that I didn't like swimming before. Besides, I'm too fat recently, so I just want to lose weight by swimming. No matter what, girls still want to look better. Well."

"Would you like to swim once?" Of course, the original owner was beautiful, but after the transformation of the attribute value system, it naturally became more beautiful.

Slightly narrowed her mouth, her expression was a little unswerving, and her tone of voice was light, "No, I'm a little tired. Go and rest for a while and you can swim."

Originally, this time I wanted to discourage her for a sense of superiority, but I didn't expect to be discouraged, so how could I be interested in it.

Seeing her saying this, Lin Xixi didn't stop it either. It would be better if she left, otherwise she might have trouble waiting for the male lead. "Okay, then you go and rest. I'll swim for a while, or you can go directly to the restaurant later, and I'll find you."

After she left, the entire pool was very empty, except for a few people in the other pools next to it.

Because it's almost noon, everyone will leave to eat.

Sigh softly, Su Luoheng, Su Luoheng, where are you and when did you show up!

It may be that God heard her prayer and was swimming, suddenly!

Wow —

I was hit by something and sank into the bottom of the water. After choking a few saliva, I was hugged out with a crash.

After coughing several times, I could see who was holding me.

His eyes widened suddenly.

Because the man holding him is wearing a somewhat damaged ancient costume with blood stains on it.

Hair is also an ancient hairstyle.

The facial features are straight and sharp, and the eyebrows fly diagonally into the temples, and the coldness in the black eyes is full of murderous violence.

Lin Xixi trembled all over, and her voice trembled, "Who are you?"

Su Luoheng frowned slightly, raised his eyes and looked around, before lowering his head to look at Lin Xixi in his hands, and let out a deep and mellow voice, "Where is this, why am I here? Could it be that I was taken after you were seriously injured. Come to this strange place?"

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, no one is here now. Otherwise, others will be considered crazy, "Hehe, hero, have you gone the wrong place? This is Country A in 2328. Where did you come from? Is this a movie?"

"Country A, movie? How come this general has never heard of it! Don't lie to me, you girl." Su Luoheng yelled softly.

He had never heard of this place before, could it be a mysterious country unknown to everyone!

Can't help but fall into contemplation.

"Da, hero, look, I can say that my life is in your hands now, I can't lie to you."

"If you think I'm lying to you, you'll go back with me later, I'm just a little girl with no arms, don't be afraid of me!" He raised his eyes cautiously and looked at his face. Look.

Seeing her clear and watery eyes were filled with fear, like a frightened deer, very cute.

After looking at their current posture, there was an embarrassment in their eyes, and their eyes were not staring at her, "You, you go get dressed, Su is offended." I suddenly appeared in the place where someone else was taking a bath, indeed. Very rude.

He thought, this girl shouldn't be lying to him, her eyes are so clear and simple, she wouldn't be a liar.

"Male Lead Favorability Degree 5"

But he didn't know that Lin Xixi had deceived him, and finally deceived his whole person and heart.

Looking elsewhere, he missed the smile that flashed in Lin Xixi's eyes, "Well, okay, then I'm going to get dressed, and you should go ashore soon."

"I will go up when you go ashore and get dressed." As he said, he turned his back to her.

Lin Xixi swam ashore, and put on a bath towel on her body, "Okay, you can turn around and go ashore."

But after she went ashore, she didn't see that she was dressed. She was just wearing something that resembled a white cloak. However, a white calf was still exposed underneath, "You should wear your clothes well, otherwise it will be a proper way!"

He looked down at his exposed calves and toes, and naughty moved his pink little toes, "Oh, it doesn't matter if you show a little bit, don't make a fuss, we are all like this here."

"Your clothes are not good, you find a place to wait for me, I will get you clothes to change, otherwise it will scare others."

Saying that, he walked out hastily.

After watching her leave, he lowered his eyes and thought for a while, this place was really weird, he had no other way except believing the girl just now.

As I was thinking, I suddenly heard a lot of footsteps not far away. With a thought, I hurriedly searched for a place to hide.

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