Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 269: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 3

Lin Xixi, who ran outside the swimming pool, quickly changed her clothes and went to a nearby convenience store to buy a set of men's clothes.

He hurried back to the swimming pool.

After entering, I didn't see him, so I looked around, but found no one in a circle and stomped anxiously.

Just as she was anxious, a voice came from behind, "I am here."

Turning his head to look, he breathed a sigh of relief, but noticed that the strange eyes around him hurriedly pulled him out.

When he arrived at the door of the toilet, he handed him the clothes, "Here, these are the clothes I bought for you. You can change them quickly after you go in, otherwise it will be very strange."

It is really difficult for him to wear these clothes, but in order not to be noticeable, I can only do so first, "Okay, then I will change them."

Fortunately, it didn't take him a long time to change it. When he came out, his eyes lit up. The handsome guy is the handsome guy. Even if he wears cheap and simple clothes, he is also very handsome.

Seeing her staring at her tightly without blinking, she thought it was even stranger to put it on, "What's wrong, isn't it weird, or I'll change it back." He felt strange and didn't say it, but also very strange. Uncomfortable, uncomfortable at all.

"Don't don't, it looks very handsome, but it is too weird to match your hair. Let's take you to the barber shop to have it cut." Otherwise, walking on the road is too conspicuous, and you have to be watched.

He raised his arm as he said.

"No! The head can be broken blood, but the hair can't be cut, how can parents who feel the body and skin feel like this!"

This anger, the murderous aura from all over his body was pouring out undisguisedly, making people tremble.

The ink-colored pupils were full of fierceness, and he whispered in a low voice, "Cough cough, don't cut it if you don't cut it, what's the fire."

Realizing that I was too angry just now, she must have scared her, so he reduced the suffocation of the whole body, and said coldly, "Well, I can't cut my hair."

Seeing him like this, Lin Xixi couldn't help but ask again, "That hero, you really didn't make a movie? Then where did you come from?"

"What the movie is, I don't know, I'm the general of Zhaoguo! You don't even know Zhaoguo?" If in peacetime, who would dare to question his identity would have been slashed by him.

He nodded slightly, his face showed a clear look, but there was still some surprise in his eyes, "I know, then I will take you back to talk about it, but promise me, no matter what you see along the way Surprised and panicked!"

Su Luoheng nodded in agreement.

But when he really saw it, Rao himself, the once-famous general of Zhaoguo, had to be curious and surprised! "Your country is really weird, there are still boxes that can run?"

Lin Xixi tried to hold back a smile, "Ahem, don't be surprised, I will explain to you slowly after I go back."

So he took him into the box he thought would move.

He didn't show the slightest surprise or excitement along the way, but frowned slightly, looking motionless.

When I returned home, I pulled him to the sofa to sit down, but as soon as he sat down, he stood up immediately, "This, your chair at home is quite strange! It's too soft." Why is everything so weird? ! He felt deeply puzzled.

"Sit down first, and listen to me explain to you. This world is not as simple as you think." So, she spent an afternoon explaining to him all the things in this country and the world.

After listening, there were not many expressions on his cold face. Suddenly, he snorted, "So what, even in this world, the general is still the king!"

At this moment, Lin Xixi could really feel what kind of domineering really is, he deserves to be a general! The whole body's domineering awe-inspiring.

"Ahem, um, we are a society under the rule of law, we can't solve problems with knives and sticks like your world." She doesn't want to be invited to the bureau to drink tea at that time!

Glancing at her coldly, her tone is also bitterly cold, "I know, but I will use another method, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"You are also my savior."

Lin Xixi smiled, not because he was cold and unhappy, "I'm not afraid that you will hurt me, as you said, I saved you, your life is mine, so I hope you are well!"

The girl’s smile was like the wind in the spring, making him feel warm and comfortable, and her cold face could not help but soften, "I see."

"Male lead favorability level 10"

"By the way, you are hungry. I am also hungry. I will cook first." He stood up and prepared to cook in the kitchen.

But after walking a few steps, he turned around and turned on the TV, "Hey, this is called TV. You can learn a lot of modern knowledge from it."

Su Luoheng nodded slightly, "Well, I see."

But within a few minutes after she arrived in the kitchen, she heard a loud bang from the living room.

Frightened, she threw all the kitchen knives in her hand and ran to the living room quickly, staring dumbly at the "destroyed" TV set.

Pointing to the pile of black waste on the ground, he couldn't help shouting, "You, you, do you know what you are doing! You ruined my TV!"

Facing her roar, Su Luoheng was only very calm, with thin **** lips slightly open, "But the people inside just wanted to use a demon technique on me. At first I thought it was fake, but her hands It suddenly emits a red light."

"If I don't stop it, isn't it because I'm going to be hit by a sorcery, so it's like this when I pass it over."

"One, that's it after a palm?" Lin Xixi was a little incredulous.

Facing her question, Su Luoheng was a little dissatisfied, "What do you mean, don't you believe me, do you want me to give you a hand?"

"Don't don't, please don't come, heroes, my house will be destroyed if you come again!" Lin Xixi hurriedly stopped.

Reluctantly raised his hand and held his forehead, after thinking for a while, he pulled him down again, and told him a bit about what happened to TV. Otherwise, the next time he encounters something more unexpected, he will all be scrapped. !

It finally took another few hours to explain to him exactly what was going on.

"Sorry, I don't know how things are like this. Don't worry, I will make money and return it to you." Su Luoheng said vowedly.

"Forget it, if you go out like this, you will definitely be caught up as a monster."

"Well, you will be my bodyguard from now on. I can let you live at home and provide food and housing, how about?"

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