Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 291: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 25

Suddenly, Lan Ruru’s eyes flashed with spite, took out the leather whip tied to her waist, and threw it to the ground with a harsh, loud sound, "What! What do you mean, you want to regret it, don’t forget, this is where I am You have to wear it if you don’t wear it!"

But Su Luoheng didn't have the slightest sense of fear in his eyes. Instead, he showed disdain, "Huh, is it? Today I just don't wear it, how can you stand me?"

Lan Ruru was very angry, and there was a vicious eye in his eyes, "You are in my territory, dare you to say no to me? I think you don't want life anymore, or don't want anything anymore!" People dare to talk to her like this.

No one dared to disobey her.

However, Su Luoheng was not moved at all, but stood there quietly, exuding an aura of Ling Ling, which made people excited.

Lan Ruru suddenly felt a bad premonition in her heart, "I will give you one last chance. If I still don't get it, I have to ask someone to come over and help you."

Su Luoheng just glanced at her coldly, "I won't marry you. I already have a beloved woman in my heart."

"You! Okay, toast and drink fine wine, the general will do it himself." Said the whip in his hand, he waved at him fiercely.

However, Su Luoheng firmly grasped the leather whip swinging towards him with a palm, and pulled Lan Ruru forward with his left hand, then used the leather whip with his backhand to hold her firmly, and knocked her out.

Seeing Lan Ruru who passed out, Su Luoheng threw her to the ground without pity.

At this moment, there was also the sound of ping-pong-pong weapon crashing outside. Knowing that his troops were coming, he quickly walked out in a stride, and he saw that it was so.

At this moment, I saw a man with a thick face and a beard running towards him not far away. He was very excited when he saw him. He bowed his head and said solemnly, "Report to the general that we have won. The enemy is fifty thousand. The Centaur has been captured."

Su Luoheng nodded slightly, still the face of the iceberg that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and his cold and ruthless eyes looked as if he would be frozen and all over his body immediately, and the bearded subordinate quickly lowered his head.

"Since you have won, then quickly pack up and prepare the class to return to the court." Looking up at the sky in the distance, there is loneliness in his eyes.

This man had some doubts on his beard, raised his hand and scratched his head. He clearly won the battle, but the general didn't feel happy at all.

Seeing him still there, Su Luoheng glanced at him with cold eyes and said, "Is there anything else?"

After regaining his consciousness, he shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, it's okay, I'll clean up the battlefield immediately." Oh, the general's eyes are getting more and more scary, so it's better to leave quickly.

The emperor from the Zhaoguo imperial palace also received this news, and it was also Longyan Dayue who decided to go to meet him outside the palace in person.

The ministers who received the news were jealous and uneasy.

But Su Luoheng, as the party concerned, did not feel much.

He once thought that fighting on the battlefield was his life's end, and he would die on the battlefield. It was his glory to receive the emperor's award, the glory of the general's mansion, and the glory of his father who had gone.

But now he didn't feel that way in his heart, and he didn't feel the envy and jealous eyes around him, or the admiring eyes.

Seeing the outstanding man in front of him, the emperor was very pleased, with a deep smile in his eyes, he said a few good words in succession, "Well, well, you have done a great job this time, what rewards do you want." In fact, he was already in his heart. I have a plan, but I still want to hear what he means.

If there are other requirements, he can also agree to them.

But Su Luoheng said, "There is indeed one, but the minister wants to tell the emperor alone."

The emperor felt a little strange, but he didn't say no, he nodded slightly, "Okay, it's okay to promise you."

But when he really waited for Su Luoheng's request, he didn't believe it anyway, "What are you talking about! Are you going to hand over the tiger talisman to hermit?" He is the great general of Zhaoguo. The people's eyes are like a patron saint!

"Uncle, I am tired, and I have suffered a lot of trauma this time, so I don't want to fight anymore." Although his face was cold and there was no extra expression.

But the emperor still heard a trace of plea and loneliness in his tone, and frowned slightly, "It's all right, you call me uncle, can I still agree?"

"Just, is it really because you are tired? Or is it because of your hair. If it is this, you don't have to worry about it. You are a sacrifice for the country. No one dares to say anything about you!"

Knowing that he had misunderstood, but Su Luoheng did not make an explanation, "No, I really want to give up everything and go into hiding, and please make it happen."

Seeing that he was so determined, without a trace of hesitation, the emperor had no choice but to agree, "Well, but if you want to come back someday, you can still find your uncle."

"Yes, you should have a family at your age. I plan to marry you the five princesses."

But Su Luoheng did not hesitate to refuse, "Xie the emperor, but the minister refused, and later gave up the position of general. I am a civilian. How can I have this blessing, and ask the emperor to take it back."

Seeing what he said was so firm, the emperor couldn't force him, because he knew his temperament, so he had to sigh and waved at him, "Fine, let you go."

In the end, he gave a salute to the emperor and left the palace. When he went outside, he looked up at the blue sky and exhaled deeply. It turned out that this is the mood of letting go of the burden!

The corners of the lower lip were slightly hooked, which was extremely relaxed.

About to raise his leg and walk away.

He heard a pleasant voice behind him.

Then I saw the woman rushing, and when she saw him, the woman blushed, "General Su, congratulations on your triumphant return."

But Su Luoheng just glanced at her coldly and looked away. There was no difference in her tone of voice when talking to others, "Is there anything the princess does?"

His body stiffened slightly, and his eyes filled with grievances, "Brother Heng, is there anything you hate about Yan'er? Why do you treat me so coldly."

Thinking of her grandiose princess, which prince and grandson did not try to marry, but he has a deep-rooted affection for him, and he never forgets.

But every time the enthusiasm was like being frozen by his cold face, it shattered all at once.

But Su Luoheng only frowned, his expression was faint, but his tone was full of firmness, "Princess, from now on I'm just a grass man, you are better suited, besides, the grass man already has a happy person in this life. It's not that she won't marry."

"What!" Qin Yan'er suddenly screamed.

But then he reacted again and found that he was a little bit indecent, and he quickly took a deep breath and returned to normal. "Brother Heng, you said you actually like someone else. How can this be? The father said he wanted to marry me to you."

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