Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 292: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 26

"I don't like you, and I never thought about marrying you, so don't let me see you again in the future." After speaking, she walked past her without looking back.

In fact, Qin Yan'er is very beautiful, with white snowy skin, a standard face with melon seeds, and big watery eyes. He is petite and weak. It is easy for ordinary men to arouse the desire to protect.

However, Su Luoheng was not an ordinary man, and had no effect on him.

At this moment, Qin Yan'er seemed to hear the sound of his heartbreak, raising his hand and holding the clothes on his heart tightly, feeling unwilling in his heart.

So after Su Luoheng returned to the general's mansion, he received a call from the imperial palace, saying that he wanted him to enter the palace for a meal, which was regarded as a practice for him.

Su Luoheng had no doubts, so he nodded and agreed.

But after arriving at the palace, in addition to the emperor, Qin Yan'er, the fifth princess sitting beside him, was seen.

However, despite his impatience, due to the emperor's face, he had to sit down.

"Heng'er, because of your request, we don't know when we can meet in the future, so I arranged this banquet for our family to have a good meal."

After that, the maids filed in with vegetables and walked in.

But halfway through the meal, a father-in-law came in from outside and said that a minister had come to see him, and the emperor had to leave.

Only Su Luoheng and the fifth princess were left. Before the fifth princess could speak, Su Luoheng stood up and said, "Your Royal Highness, the grassroots have eaten them well, so they will leave first."

The fifth princess was unwilling, but still smiled.

Seeing him turning around impatiently, his eyes became cold.

After Su Luoheng turned around and went out, he exhaled sullen air. Never before had the atmosphere in the palace felt so depressing.

But when he lifted his leg to leave, he stopped slightly, his face was pale, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his heart, and sprayed black blood from his mouth.

Suddenly he was shocked, he was actually poisoned! Or what is going on without knowing it.

Could it be that the emperor poisoned him, and Su Luoheng's mind flashed countless thoughts for a moment.

Until an anxious voice came from behind, "Brother Heng, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing the young girl walking quickly, Su Luoheng waved his hand to prevent her from touching, coughed twice, his face was even more ugly, his hands hidden under his sleeves also trembled slightly, his eyes were cold and he looked at the agitated one in front of him. The girl, a sneer slowly emerged from the corners of her mouth.

"Hmph, knowingly ask, it's you who poisoned me!"

"I didn't expect that the gentle and kind-hearted five princesses in the eyes of the world would be such a vicious woman. I have a long experience."

In an instant, Qin Yan'er’s face was full of wounds, his fingers holding the handkerchief tightened, and his fingertips were slightly white. He tried his best to explain, “No, no, as long as you stay and get married with me, I will Will give you the antidote, you forced me, I don’t want to do this!"

Yes, it was not her fault, she was just for her own happiness, besides, as long as he agreed, she would immediately give the antidote, thinking this way, her heart became more determined.

The pain in the mouth of the heart is getting worse, even the consciousness seems to be gradually confused, shook his head, sneered, "What do you think, I will like you a poisonous woman! I will not like you anyway, my beloved There is only one woman."

Suddenly, he slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, with a bleak smile on his mouth, and sighed, "No matter, since there is no her in this world, then I don't have much meaning in staying, so I might as well just leave, ha ha."

"No, you can't go anywhere without my consent, Brother Heng, you can only be mine, I have been waiting for you for so many years!" Qin Yan'er couldn't help but let out a sharp yell at him.

However, Su Luoheng didn't even hear, and walked vainly outside the palace, following his footsteps, leaving black blood stains along the way.

Qin Yan'er chased after him again, his face no longer had the perfect and decent smile on his face, but a deep mocking look, "Hmph, I tell you Su Luoheng, if you don't promise me there is only a dead end!"

Seeing that he still ignored her, Qin Yan'er lowered his head and took out a dagger from his sleeve, and smiled sullenly at the corner of his mouth, "Heh, Su Luoheng, since you don't follow me, I won't let other women To you."

After speaking, he clenched the dagger and rushed towards him.

Of course Su Luoheng knew it, but he didn't stop or dodge it, because he didn't have any desire to live now, so he died.

So in the next moment he felt severe pain in his back, and even lost his intuition.

But what Qin Yan'er saw was not the case. She really stabbed Su Luoheng, but he suddenly disappeared in front of her!

Looking at the blood on the ground in front of him in disbelief, he quickly retracted his trembling hand, and muttered to himself with a pale face, "How could it be, how could it be like this!"

How could a living person disappear suddenly? This is so convincing.

Because this place is remote, not many people came, and the last few court ladies finally found her.

But for some reason, when she found her, she was already nervous, and even if the emperor asked a doctor, it was of no avail.

Su Luoheng, the great general of Zhaoguo, seemed to disappear overnight without a trace, and became the mystery of Zhaoguo. Some people say that he has traveled around the world, and some people say that he is with his beloved. Seclusion, anyway, there are different opinions.


In the room, Lin Xixi didn't know that this was her first sleepless night, and she hadn't slept well since Su Luoheng left.

She woke up from a dream just now.

In the dream, black blood was flowing at the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and there was a big hole in his back that kept bleeding.

She wanted to go and call him, but she could only look at him but couldn't touch it.

When she was anxious, she woke up.

Raising her hand to wipe her bangs wet with sweat, she took a few breaths. Suddenly, the jade pendant on her chest made an astonishing burning sensation that made her sit up immediately in pain.

He quickly took out the jade pendant that was close to his chest and touched it with his hands, but he didn't find any strangeness in it, as if everything just now was just her illusion.

He raised his eyebrows deeply and said, "Is it possible, yeah, something really happened to Heng!" I felt anxious at the thought that it might be like this.

I rubbed the jade pendant vigorously a few times, "Jade pendant, jade pendant, what is your secret?"

But after asking, he laughed again, "Hehe, I'm so nervous, I actually asked a jade pendant this kind of question!" How could it answer itself?

In the end, I couldn't help but shed tears.

After sniffing my nose, I can't sleep anyway. Get up and go to the company as soon as I can. Keep myself busy and miss it.

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