Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 293: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 27

But just after opening the door and going out, she saw an unbelievable look, "Ah Heng!" She was not dreaming.

But whether or not she quickly walked over and helped him up.

Now he looks exactly the same as in her dream, covered in blood, "Ah Heng, hold on, I'll call an ambulance."

Fortunately, after arriving at the hospital, it was finally rescued miraculously, and Lin Xixi breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, although Qin Yan'er poisoned him at the time, he didn't immediately want to kill him, so he didn't use very strong poison.

In addition, he eats less, so there is not much damage, and the back injury does not hurt the key, so there is no big problem.

When she walked into the ward, she saw the familiar face, raised her hand and gently stroked his cheek, which made her feel more at ease.

After a while, Su Luoheng woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, Su Luoheng's eyes were full of shock, and then he was unbelievable.

Until Lin Xixi put a kiss on his lips, "Fool, you are back, you are finally back."

"I will marry someone else if I don't come back again."

After recovering, Su Luoheng deliberately cold his face, "Dare you, you are mine in this life, and you will be mine in the next life. We will be together for life and life, and I will find you no matter where you are."

Lin Xixi was moved in her heart and hugged him, "Well, I know, I know you will come to me, I'm very happy."

Feeling the heat and humidity in his chest, Su Luoheng felt distressed and hugged her tightly in his arms, closing his eyes slightly, "I'm sorry, it won't be anymore, I promise."

"I can tell you that in the future, I don't care about the company. I will only be responsible for beauty and beauty, and you are responsible for making money to support the family, otherwise I will be exhausted."

During this period of time, she was indeed exhausted physically and mentally. In order not to let him leave her efforts in vain, she continued to study hard every day, hoping to run the company well.

"Okay, I should do it for you, whatever you say is fine." Su Luoheng smiled happily, his eyes full of spoiling.

"The male protagonist has a good feeling of 100"

"Didi, copy the memory and get out of the body."

"Departure succeeded."

Name: Lin Xixi

Appearance: 70

Body: 40

Charm: 100

Stamina: 15

Intelligence: 30

Points: 5000

Attribute points: 20 Skills: top kitchen god, pear flower with rain

After returning to the space, Lin Xixi habitually searched for Mo Liuqi's voice, but did not see his figure this time, and asked softly, "Fox, are you there?"

But half a day later, there was no figure, and it was not until a moment later that there was a response in the space, "Why didn't you wait to see the attribute board when you came in this time, but looked for me?"

"Could it be that you miss me too much, haha." Mo Liuzheng said jokingly.

Xin suddenly missed a shot, but pretended to roll his eyes calmly on the face, "Huh, no, how could I miss you, but I'm just a little curious about why you didn't come out the first time today."

But Mo Liuzhan just smiled without saying a word. Only he knew in his heart that his strength had reached the peak, and he might not be able to stay in this world for long.

Every world has laws, once the power is too strong, you will be forced to leave.

If it was before, he would be extremely happy, but now it is completely the opposite, and he is very unwilling to give up.

Just let him take a look, take a good look at her once.

Seeing him staring at herself blankly, Lin Xixi felt a little uncomfortable, "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, by the way, what will happen to you if I'm gone one day?" Mo Liuzhen asked casually.

Seeing Lin Xixi tilted her head for a moment, she finally looked indifferent, shrugging her shoulders and saying, "It's not so good. You are no longer a god, what can I do?"

"Even if you are looking for it, you can't find it."

Even if you can't find it, you don't have to say it so bluntly. Anyway, you have to say something nice!

Mo Liuzang felt a little dissatisfied.

"Would the deity take you to my world to take a look, it can be called the heaven and earth, there are countless food and wine, and you can become a **** and have an infinite lifespan."

He thought she would be heartbroken after listening, but which Lin Xixi just shook her head faintly, "No, no matter how good it is, it doesn't belong to me."

"I am a simple person, and the happiness I want is also very simple, which is to make my younger brother get better, and then take care of him to grow up."

As for feelings, it is very extravagant for her, so she doesn't ask for extravagance. If people are too greedy, they may not get anything in the end.

Hearing her wish, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Mo Liuzang's mouth, too, isn't this Lin Xixi what he likes.

I knew she would definitely not go with herself, "Which one do you want to fill up this time?"

"Stamina, I deeply feel that my stamina is too bad! Then the remaining attribute points, 10 points for body, 10 points for looks." Although I don't pant after two steps, I walk more. It won't work after a few steps.

What she hates most is that she is too delicate, this is not good.

Mo Liuzhan nodded, just as she needed physical strength for the next task. The feather fan in her hand floated slightly in the air, and the attribute panel in front of her was completely changed.

Name: Lin Xixi

Appearance: 80

Body: 50

Charm: 100

Stamina: 100

Intelligence: 30

Points: 5000

Attribute points: 0 Skills: top kitchen god, pear flower with rain

Looking at the changed attribute board, Lin Xixi showed a pleasant smile on her face, "Thank you fox." In fact, she had already faintly felt something in her heart. He must have something.

The only thing he could think about doing this was the reason that he was about to leave.

Although the two of them often quarreled and quarreled for so long, he could say that he had never been better with her language, but she knew that he was good to herself in his heart.

Moreover, adding so many attributes to her quickly allows her to go back as soon as possible. In addition to gratitude, she still feels reluctant to give up.

After all, they have been together for so long.

At this moment, his charming smile and triumphant look were all shown in her mind like a movie. Her heart was tight, she looked up at him and asked softly, "Fox, after this mission, I can still See you again?"

Looking down at her, a faint smile appeared in her deep and charming eyes, "Why, I haven't left yet, so I start to miss me?"

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