Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 339: Millennium Fox Peach 19

"Well, you should be fine if you look like this, just fine, if you die, who will protect me in the future, haha."

"Male Lead Favorability 60"

Lin Xixi was moved in her heart, she threw herself into Mo Ziran's arms, and said moved, "Thank you, Brother Ran, you are so kind to me."

Looking down at her, there was a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth, "Silly girl, I am not for your good, I am for you to be my subordinate in the future."

He raised his head and wiped his dim eyes with tears, "Don't worry, I will definitely follow you in my life."

"Then what do you do? The rootless water is given to me, what about you." She felt very uncomfortable when she thought of this, and it wouldn't be the case if it weren't for her.

She hates her incompetent herself and always troubles him.

"Me? I'm fine. It doesn't matter if I have it or not. Is it possible that I can't cultivate into an immortal without that thing?"

"Joke, this uncle can do a great deal without relying on the cultivation of foreign objects."

"Okay, let's not talk about that much now. Since you are already healed, let's go back to the Demon Realm as soon as possible." Although the Human Realm is also quite good, it is not a place where they can stay longer after all.

Lin Xixi nodded, but still a little bit disheartened, "Oh, okay."

Seeing her like this, there is always an unbearable feeling in her heart, "Well, I promise you, if, if there is a chance in the future, I will bring you again, okay?"

Although knowing that that kind of opportunity is really slim, he can say that, she is already very happy, nodding her head and smiling happily, "Okay, I heard about brother."

As soon as the two were about to leave, they saw a voice behind them, "Stop, you guys, are you monsters?"

Turning around, she saw Liu Yuyan with a shocked look on her face.

Mo Ziran screamed badly and was discovered. He had been paying attention to Lin Xixi's condition just now, and hadn't noticed the movement behind him at all. He didn't expect to be heard by her.

But it doesn't matter if you listen, they will leave soon.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Liu Yuyan took him to acquiesce even more, so she scolded, "You are actually monsters. Come on, what's the purpose of entering the palace?"

"You woman is too annoying, it's your own brother who insisted to keep us there, otherwise, who wants to stay there, is actually asking me now."

"I don't want to kill humans. If you know me, get out of it." If it weren't for her, how could Peach's be injured.

"Hmph, demon is a mess in the human world, I naturally want to eliminate harm for the people, if you hand over the demon girl behind you, if you are going back with me to practice meditation, I can spare you."

"My uncle is the Daoist of Qingguan Tao in Kunlun Mountain."

Now she feels a little regretful. Why didn't she learn a few tricks with Master Uncle back then. Originally, Master Uncle said that there are demons in this world, but she didn't believe it.

But now she believes it.

It's just that I didn't expect to see a demon. What's even more annoying is that I actually have a good impression of a demon.

Thinking about it, I was very angry.

Seeing Mo Ziran about to rush up, but Lin Xixi stopped him again.

"Brother Ran, let's go quickly. If we leave, this woman won't be able to catch up with us." She really didn't want Mo Ziran to entangle Liu Yuyan more, even if it was just a fight.

Seeing her saying this, Mo Ziran had to give up and disappeared in front of Liu Yuyan after holding her.

Seeing the two people who suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, Liu Yuyan was shocked, but she had nothing to do.

Her eyes condensed, "No, I'm going to find Uncle Master." If she doesn't catch them, it's hard to get rid of her hatred.

But here, Mo Ziran took Lin Xixi to a place where she was certain that no one would catch up with her before letting her go.

At this moment, the system's voice rang in his mind, "Host, please pay attention, Liu Yuyan has been severely blackened, seriously blackened!"

Severe blackening, how serious it is, but she can understand that if a woman is cruel, it is more terrifying than any other creature.

Looking around, Mo Ziran said, "This is it. After a while, I will cast a spell to open the way back to the demon world."

Lin Xixi hesitated, and finally said, "But Brother Ran, are we going back like this?"

"I'm not reconciled. Our purpose is to find rootless water. It's not said that rootless water is very powerful, but after I drank it, I didn't see how powerful it is."

"Are we looking for the wrong thing, or let's look for it again, if we go back like this, wouldn't it be a trip to the human world in vain."

It was not that he had not thought about it this way, but he always felt that if he stayed in this human world one day, she would be more dangerous, so he didn't want to stay.

Seeing hesitation on his face, Lin Xixi continued, "It's so decided, Brother Ran, anyway, my health is getting better now, right!"

"Okay, then I will stay here for a few more days, but if there is still no rootless water after a few days, let's leave. Staying here is also a waste of time."

If all the time is wasted looking for this thing, it is not worth it.

Lin Xixi nodded, "Okay, listen to you, but we must never go back to the palace now. You still have medicinal materials on your body. Let's find a place to practice."

The last two practiced on a mountain outside the city.

"Xixi, you stay here to practice well these few days, I want to go out." He has some things to go out, but it's not easy to tell her.

"Huh? Brother Ran, you are going out, is there something that you can't let me follow?" Lin Xixi asked with some confusion.

What's the matter, it's so mysterious, I'm even more curious when I think about it.

"It's nothing, anyway, you are here waiting for me and I will be back soon." Lin Xixi grabbed her arm as soon as she was about to turn around.

"No, no, you have to tell me, otherwise I'm not at ease, I'll definitely follow you." She had a hunch in her heart that he must be doing dangerous things this time, otherwise he wouldn't not tell me like this. her.

"Don't mess around, you quickly practice, or I will really get angry." Mo Ziran said with a cold face, pretending to be angry.

But now Lin Xixi is not afraid of him at all, she raised her small face, "No, if you don't tell me, I will go out, so I won't stay here obediently."

"Just tell me."

I really can't help her, if I really don't tell her, this girl will definitely try his best to follow him.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but after I tell you, you have to stay here obediently, don't want to follow me, or I'll be really angry."

Lin Xixi nodded repeatedly, "Hmm, I promise, you can rest assured."

So Mo Ziran had no choice but to speak, "I plan to go to the palace, saying that the best thing in the world should be in the palace. I didn't have time to go last time, so this time I want to see if there are any good things. "

Maybe the rootless water is there.

"The palace, I haven't been there yet." The little face was full of curiosity.

"However, it's just going to the palace. Why don't you tell me? Even if you tell me, it doesn't matter." Lin Xixi said with a small mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Of course, I'm afraid that you will make trouble if you follow, so you should stay here to heal your injuries."

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