Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 340: Millennium Fox Peach 20

"I will set a barrier at the entrance of the cave." She had an accident after he had just left last time, so this time for safety, it is better to take precautions.

"Oh, okay, then you go early and return early." Lin Xixi had no choice but to say something unwillingly.

After he left, Lin Xixi had to continue practicing.

But not long after practicing, I heard movement outside.

She quickly got up and looked outside. Because of the enchantment, she could see the outside scene, but she couldn't see the inside scene outside.

At this moment, there were two people standing outside, one was Liu Yuyan and the other was a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing Taoist costumes and holding floating dust and a sword in his hands.

Looking at the surrounding scenes, Shi Qingyuan narrowed his eyes and looked around for a while, "That demon's breath is gone here? It's really strange."

Liu Yuyan on the side hurriedly asked, "Could it be that she ran away?" If that were the case, wouldn't it be difficult to do.

Shi Qingyuan thought for a while, "It doesn't matter, I naturally have a magic weapon."

So he took out a golden bell from the bag around his waist, "Girl, this is passed down from my grandfather and grandpa. I don't know how many demons I have received back then."

"Today I will take him to kill the people!" As he said, he shook the bell in his hand.

His mouth also looks like chanting words.

Gradually, Lin Xixi felt a little pain in her head, and raised her hand to rub her aching head, "What's the matter, why is my head so hurt!"

But slowly his head hurts more and more, some dense sweat came out on his forehead, his face turned pale, and his lips lost the blood at all, "It hurts, it hurts."

Seeing the louder and louder voice in the smelly Taoist priest outside, his head hurts more and more.

He shook his head and said, "No, I can't go on like this. If I go on like this, I will die of pain if I don't get caught." Even casting spells by myself is useless.

It seems that this Taoist priest's Taoism is quite deep.

In the end, there was really no way, so I had to try to get out of the enchantment.

Fortunately, Mo Ziran set up a defensive barrier this time, so breaking it from the inside is not too difficult.

Shi Qingyuan, who was outside, found a red shadow flashing in front of him, and a bright light flashed across his eyes, "Quickly, that enchanting evildoer has come out, I know she must be nearby, absolutely can't hide."

"Let's go, let's chase after." As he said, he shook the dust in his hand and ran after him.

Here Lin Xixi kept running away, for fear of being caught up.

She wasn't afraid that she would be killed if she was caught, but she was afraid that she would be used to threaten Mo Ziran after being chased. If that were the case, she might as well die.

She didn't want to hurt him.

However, things always backfired, and she was caught up very quickly. The difference in her heart was extremely different. I didn't expect that there were really such powerful people in this human world.

Liu Yuyan and Shi Qingyuan surrounded her back and forth. Shi Qingyuan looked at her and snorted coldly, "Little demon, I advise you not to run away. Come with me. I can spare your life."

"Seeing that you should have just been transformed into a human being, it's not easy. Taoism is compassionate. As long as you know your mistakes, you won't kill you."

She is innocent, but it doesn't mean that she is stupid. Of course she won't believe what he said. However, she was very happy on her face and asked suspiciously, "What are you saying is true?"

"Of course it's true, and I can also help you in your cultivation, so let's leave with me." A treacherous look crossed his eyes.

The ancestors of their historians had the supreme splendor, but gradually, there were fewer and fewer demons in the human world, so that many people did not believe in the existence of demons.

As a result, their reputation for Taoism is declining.

Now I finally met a little demon who had just grown into a human form. Wouldn't it be possible to let the world know again that there are demon in this world, and he is still a master with boundless magical power.

They will be convinced of him.

Thinking that it would be like that in the end, the smile on Lin Xixi's face grew deeper and deeper.

But facing his smile, Lin Xixi's whole person is not good. It feels weird and creepy, but on the face she has to pretend to believe in him, "Okay, then you have to talk." Forget it."

When he said that, he took a few steps towards him, but after taking a step, he quickly turned and fled while he was slack.

Seeing that she had actually escaped, Shi Qingyuan was very angry, "Dare to lie to the Dao Master!" After speaking, he hurried to catch up.

In the end, he was chased by him. Lin Xixi's heart became more and more uneasy, "Huh, what on earth do you want to do with the smelly Taoist priest!"

"The joke, of course, is to eliminate harm for the people, lest you demons harm the world!"

"Today, the Daoist Master is going to act for the sky." As he said, he waved the dust in his hand and struck her at her.

Lin Xixi was shocked and hurriedly started fighting with him. Liu Yuyan also joined after chasing her, which put her at a disadvantage.

But now she has been exposed, and she simply stopped hiding, and injured Liu Yuyan with force. "Huh, this is for you. I still remember the pain that day."

After being hit by her, her face turned pale, and she raised her hand to touch her chest. Fortunately, she had the bodyguard given by her uncle, otherwise she would not die and be seriously injured this time.

Seeing Liu Yuyan was injured, Shi Qingyuan's eyes became even colder.

But Lin Xixi took this opportunity to use a trick of confusion and then took the opportunity to escape.

Seeing her run away, Liu Yuyan felt terribly resentful, gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle Master, I'm fine, leave me alone, you should go after that demon girl, absolutely can't let her run away."

Taking advantage of Mo Ziran's absence, it happened to be able to accept her.

Seeing her saying this, it shouldn't be a big problem, so Shi Qingyuan nodded, "Well, you are here waiting for me, I will be back soon after receiving the evildoer."

It seems that he has to use that method, but in order to be able to catch the demon and regain the power of Taoism, he has to go all out.

Thinking about it, he hurried after it.

Looking back, Lin Xixi cursed secretly, how could this stinky Taoist chase so fast.

Before she could react, she felt a suction behind her, which suddenly slowed her escape.

After looking back, he saw that the Taoist priest was holding a wooden box in his hand, and he was still muttering something. Intuition told her that it was definitely not a good thing, so he hurriedly increased the speed.

Suddenly, Shi Qingyuan opened his eyes and took a few breaths. This time, in order to be able to collect monsters, he spent ten years of life using the lock monster box given by the ancestor.

Then he picked up the wooden box and shouted at Lin Xixi's back, "Give me!"

So Lin Xixi felt a strong suction force that made her fall backward, and then she was trapped in a black space.

I don't know how long it has been. When she was released, what she saw was that she was standing on a high stone platform with firewood underneath.

This, is this going to burn her?

Seeing a woman who suddenly appeared, the people who didn't believe it immediately became convinced. They saw with their own eyes that the woman was actually released from the lock demon box that the Taoist said.

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