Put Out My Fire

Chapter 106 - The Tale Of The Golden Sword

On the planet of Venus. 

Abasi had been struggling to remain on the planet. He had to move through spaces, from within and outside the planet's surface. 

Venus was the hottest sphere in the solar system, and finally, he understood why not it was deemed the most unwelcoming planet in the universe. 

From outside, it seemed to look like a peaceful world, but the thick clouds merely covered what was true from within its crusts. The planet is dotted with thousands of volcanoes and rocky crusts. 

Its thick atmosphere rained sulfuric acid and clouds whipping around the planet, faster than a hurricane on earth. The thickness of the atmosphere often trapped the sun's heat, making the land difficult to withstand. 

However, while this planet is deemed unforgiving to its inhabitants, it was the brightest planet in the solar system, shining next to the sun during the night. Many called it the planet of beauty, as it would seem that way from the earth. 

It was on the evening of his first day that he finally found a living creature on Venus, seemingly scouting across the dry land. He merely stayed on the soil for minutes, introducing himself and asking to speak to their king. 

The creature he spoke to was not like any other. 

Although similar to a human form, he was bigger and taller. Four feet taller than Abasi. His skin was thick in the color of brown - almost scaly in Abasi's point of view. The Venusian's nose flared sensationally as he spoke. 

He wore a thin layer of metallic armor on his chest and arms, straps of leather wrapped around his arms and waist, like a gladiator skirt. 

The Venusian almost attacked him, thinking he was an enemy. Thankfully, he could jump himself in spaces and avoided the sword swung against him. 

At that time, Abasi said, "I mean no harm! I am a caretaker of the planet earth! Your sword has landed on our planet and I wanted to ask your king about it!"

"I will stay afloat from outside the planet. Signal me with anything thrown up in this direction when I am invited to come."

He immediately disappeared from the creature, feeling the burning heat of the land. 

From above the thick clouds of Venus, he waited for an answer. Thankfully, he only had to wait for a few hours. 

A yellow light, half a meter in thickness, sprung out of the clouds, coming from the same direction where he had earlier landed. Abasi descended back to the land and followed the two armed Venusian, one holding a yellow crystal, the source of the powerful light. 

To his surprise, the secret kingdom of Venus was beneath the hot surface of the land. They walked down from its rocky soils to stone walls and staircases. 

As they go deeper and deeper below, more torches stood in its walls and the narrow path became wider and wider. 

Soon enough, Abasi found himself in the secret kingdom of Venus. It was an underground city, reminding him of several underground tombs in Egypt. 

He was brought to the largest structure, guarded with many of the Venusian arms. He was stunned to find so many, roughly two hundred men within the structures, not to mention those that roamed the place. 

For a world that was believed to have very little life force, apparently, they survived the unforgiving surface of Venus from underneath its rocky lands. 

He walked past huge walls and columns, reaching the biggest hall in their fortress, and there stood before him was their Venusian King. His name was King Darius. 

Covered in a royal golden robe, the Venusian King took small steps towards Abasi and said, "The features are the same, but the face is different. Explain yourself, earthling. Who and what are you? Are you the same one who came months ago?"

Abasi was puzzled. His brows furrowed before he asked, "What - what do you mean? This is my first visit here in your glorious planet." He bowed his head in honor of the man and addressed him, "King Darius."

"The same creature of the earth came to my kingdom, introducing himself as a caretaker of the earth, asking about the Venusian sword. Now, here you are, coming here, asking the same." Darius looked at Abasi strangely and said, "But you look different."

"Someone else came here?" Abasi asked again. His eyes scanning through his head as who could have the capacity to travel through space and time, just months passed.

There was no one else. He was the only master of time and space until the next decade to come. 

"The man who came here had similar features as you. Green skin, glowing in green, could jump into time and space, but his face had a more striking look, slightly bearded, oval face, full and symmetrical, with elevated, thick, arched eyebrows; almond-shaped eyes; straight noses; and pointed chin."

'Wow, that is a good description... of Khalid, the future master of time and space,' Abasi thought. He frowned and asked himself, 'But why would he come here? To seek the sword? If so, why didn't he say he came here?'

Abasi looked up to King Darius and asked, "How many months exactly did this happen?"

"About seven or eight months ago," King Darius told. 

Abasi's grimace could not be contained. Eight or seven months ago was before they first meet the masters in the future. This was probably why they came to the earth, in search of the same sword. 

"I see," said Abasi. "I believe it was the future master of time and space who came to see you."

The master of the green crystal explained to King Darius what would happen to earth in the future to come and narrated how the forthcoming masters came back to time in search of the said Venusian sword.

As he narrated, King Darius sat back on his remarkable throne and listened attentively. After Abasi's tale, he said, "That sounds like a bluff to me in order to get what he wants."

"You see, whoever came here before you did not have the same aura as you. You know who I am, I am King Darius! While I am the most fearful king of the universe, I am the giver of power to many planets."

He leaned forward and clasped his hand together before saying, "I can see good in people."

"And because I see goodness in you, I will tell you the truth about the Venusian sword," told King Darius. "It was never stolen nor lost in space. It had been by my side for many years, passed on from my father. The tales of it being taken were done on purpose, so other seekers would stop coming here to want its power."

He looked at Abasi's eyes sincerely and said, "You see, whoever came here claiming to be the current master of time and space of earth saw me thrust the sword into space as it was surrounded by a meteorite... And like I told the other green earthling, if he was meant to hold the sword, he will find it or the sword will find him."

King Darius stood up once more and walked closer to Abasi. He put a hand on his shoulder and revealed, "You may think that we own the sword, but the truth is... we don't. Like I told the green earthling who came here back then, the sword is a gift to us by the spirits of Venus. My family may have held it for so many years, but its power is not ours to keep."

"The sword itself has its own life! And like every powerful spirit, it will choose its own host, worthy of its power."

"Whoever shall bind with the sword is its rightful owner until the hosts surrender it out of his body... Until then, the current host is the rightful owner and no one can take it away from him."

King Darius walked around Abasi and asked, "Who is holding the sword now?"

Abasi was still in awe at the tale, reaching into a realization. So apparently, Amanda having a sword was not by chance but by destiny. It would seem like the sword chose to be with her and not to found by any other of the masters. 

Clearing his throat, King Darius asked, "Who is holding the sword now, earthling?"

"Ah, sorry, my king. It is one of the masters of the earth, the master of fire. The sword found her. So it seems," told Abasi. 

"Then, your friend has a great responsibility to bear. For whatever reason, the sword bond on her. It means she is meant to bring down an enemy worthy of a sword's blade... Someone who had made himself an immortal through unjustly means."

"You see, the sword was granted to my ancestors because one of my family went on a rampage, killing souls in exchange for power to become immortal. Only the golden sword could kill... an immortal being.. That - aside from its strong blades that could cut through any metal or stone."

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