Put Out My Fire

Chapter 107 - Show Compassion

Following an elating proposal in the clouds, the two masters of the earth returned to the castle of Aeros and practiced the most effective way of sharing strength; UNITY. 

They were inside Amanda's room, resting on their backs, just looking at each other and practicing how to speak through their minds. 

Christopher turned to face Amanda's angelic face. He appreciated how her luscious lips curved up into a smile and how her green eyes twinkled after his prolonged stare. He said in his head, "I love this woman. She is so beautiful."

His mouth remained zipped, yet it expressed a sweet smile as he thought silently.

"Thank you. I love you too and feeling lucky you are so gorgeous and sexy. Thank you for the spirit Mahli in choosing a well-created creature to be my fated one," she said in her head as a response. 

They wind up chuckling, and Christopher leaned closer to relish on her lips. They kissed for some time before he said, "I was still a kid then, he would not have known if I would turn into a malnourished man!"

She shrugged and said, "I doubt the young master of Aeros would turn out to be a bony person."

"So this is how it works? Just speak your mind and you can hear anything I say?" Christopher asked, turning over to support himself with his elbows. "Then I suppose I can't keep secrets from you."

She giggled and said, "I don't see why you should keep something from me, but you can always shut your thoughts away from me or any of the masters." 

Amanda pulled up the blanket up to her chest and said, "I did that many times because I hated it when Trisha would find out about my loneliness and how it was eating me up."

"And when I thought about you back then, I - I could not let her get into my thoughts because I did not want her to know I meant to leave and follow you," she revealed after putting a hand on his face. 

"Amanda, I'm sorry you had to wait long for me," he responded, hurt for her previous struggle. 

Shortly after the attack from the Oscorians and Plethorans, he and Amanda had a long talk about her resentments about being alone and how it was eating up her reason. 

She shrugged and said, "It's over and done with. Now we found each other, and that is what's important." She got up and said, "Now, we have more important things to do, like... starting filling this planet with water."

He scoffed and declared, "I'm not giving Plethora any water... more than what they already have!"

With a sly grin on her face, she said, "Well... how about... taking some of their water?" Her eyes fluttered and twinkled with the idea before adding, "That will be more exciting!"

"Hmmm... I like that idea," Christopher answered back with a smirk. 

Amanda and Christopher flew up in the sky in minutes. With their very efficient wings, they both reached the Plethoran skies before the sun was to set. It was perfect, so Amanda would not be too obvious against the dark. 

Plethora, the lowest point of Pelagy was surrounded by valleys and it was for this reason why it held so much water content. All water from the other lands flowed down to this nation, following the start of its drought. 

The Two masters stood from the rocky cliff of one mountain, having a perfect view of the nation below. Christopher pointed out to Amanda the biggest lake in the nation and said, "That is their source of water."

"From what I know, they stopped providing water in one other nation, the poorer of all lands, Kedaru." He shook his head before revealing, "They doubled the price of the water redistribution and the poor nation could not keep up."

"That is just disgusting!" said Amanda after scoffing. She shook her head and said, "In times of a calamity, we should compassion and not be greedy!"

"From what I was told, Kedaru used to produce the most crops in Pelagy. They were experts in growing plants and various crops. If not for the dying water, they would have provided more to Pelagy."

"Then, let's give them water," suggested Amanda as she gazed at the pipes that connected from the lake. She understood that pipes were planted underneath the grounds of Plethora, and that was where the water goes through other nations. 

Christopher raised his hands, and his powers quickly manifested in his second skin. He felt the water in the lake and how it was going through one pipe to another. He also senses the pipes that were shut off completely. He muttered, "Found you."

He put down his hands and said, "I need to get closer in order for me to direct the water and push open the closed pipes."

The two masters waited for the night to come. While hiding in between rock formations and trees, they found themselves a kilometer away from the lake. Still, it wasn't enough for Christopher to command the water. He needed to get closer. 

They stood behind a huge tree when Amanda recalled how Christopher used the power of the wind and water, creating ice while fighting the metallic horror. She smiled at him and said, "Let's combine our powers."

The lake of Plethora was surrounded by soldiers and workers even from yards away. As they go about their work, they suddenly saw mists emitting straight up from the grounds. It started covering their feet before gradually going up to their waist. 

In a matter of minutes, they all had zero visibility. 

Combining the strength of the red and blue crystal, the two masters commanded the waters that moistened the soil beneath their feet. It slowly rose and evaporated in Amanda's heat. 

Her hands were against the land, distributing the warmth within a kilometer away. 

A commotion was building up from the surrounding areas of the lake. The soldiers were in a panic, running around in no direction, even resulting in some to fall into the water. 

Some of them were bumping into each other, not knowing who they were colliding against. 

They could hear the water becoming angry, as it was splashing against the grounds and the large pipes that connected it to the other nations. 

"What is going on?"

"I think the pipes are about to explode!"

"Help! Help!"

"I can't see anything!"

"I have fallen into the lake! Help!"

"Stop moving around! Some have fallen into the lake, crying for help!"

Stop moving!"

Little did they know, the two masters had already walked past them, able to see through the mists and reaching the pipes. 

They secretly opened the passage for the large pipes. With the blue crystal's power, the force of the water flowed stronger in the direction of the nation, starved of water, Kedaru.

From the fortress of Plethora, reports of the mysterious mists have been shared to the Delila and Diana, including its advisers. They could see it from the high stone walls of their home and could only watch in disbelief. 

They sent more soldiers to investigate the loud rumbling of the waters against the pipes, but everyone who approached became blinded by the mists. 

Screams coming from the lake became more apparent, especially from those that had fallen into the deep lake. 

"The lake is going down! The water is going down!"

"Help! The waters are - "

Those who had fallen were left to fend for their lives, swimming against the angry waves. 

Panic, confusion, and horror filled every heart of the Plethoran arms that were nearing the late. Despite the alarming situation, there was nothing they could do. They could not see anything. 

The roaring sound of the water splashing continued for two full hours and when it finally stopped, the mists expanded to further sections of the land, as if it was meant to blind the entire nation altogether. 

The people of Plethora remained awake, following the unexplainable disturbance. 

It was for another half an hour until the mist finally eased, slowly fading out in each minute that passed. 

When the mist had finally cleared, the soldiers of Plethora gawked at the sight of their once unfathomable lake. Slowly they walked closer and closer, seeing the lake that was earlier saturated with water was now half empty. 

They could practically see about fifty feet of depths from the surface of the lake without water. It came as a shock to them. 

They were bewildered! They were mortified for what had happened. 

When Delila and Diana arrived to witness for themselves, screams of frustrations quickly echoed against the peaks of Plethora. They had recently lost their ruler and many of their stronger soldiers. Now, water was taken from them. 

From a mile away, Christopher and Amanda were soaring through the skies, both flying with their respective wings in the direction of Kedaru. They were blazing in high speed, while Christopher controlled the acceleration of the waters that were flowing in the pipes, buried against the ground. 

The two masters were grinning from ear to hear, excited for when the poor nation of Kedaru would smile with the blessing of water in their land.

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