Put Out My Fire

Chapter 108 - Hi, I Am Amanda

Keradu was a land with multiple layers of rice fields and wide sections of regions meant for crop plantation, but over the years its soils have dried, unconditioned to grow any kind of shear. Many of their people fled to other nations, especially in Plethora, but others remain, having no means to travel or start anew. 

This nation was considered the poorest of all lands. 

Hiding behind the humble homes of Kedaru, Amanda, and Christopher happily observed how the people rejoiced to see their wells and water tanks filled. 

Christopher had spread the water across their land, ensuring that each village had an abundant supply. Still, he took more than enough from Plethora that he also nourished the dried farmlands with water. 

The farmers of Kedaru were stunned to see their previously withered farmlands were moist and rice fields were once again flooded, their irrigation channels also filled with the same. 

Only after seeing the tears of joy from the people's eyes, did they take their leave, walking a distant path before Christopher took Amanda up to the sky. 

There were very few from Kedaru who noticed their presence but ignored the masters. They remained overwhelmed with the gift of water. 

As the two masters soared in the skies that early morning, Christopher was in deep thought. He knew this was only the beginning. He knew whatever water was left hidden below their soils may not be enough. He had already considered seeking out water from other worlds. 

This was one suggestion Abasi gave, and one he had long considered in the past. There were worlds like Pelagy, a dying one, but there are those utterly surrounded with water. He softly muttered, "Soon the entire Pelagy will have water."

When they returned to Aeros, the head guard met them from the courtyard. It was Kiesha.

She bowed down to the two and said, "Chris - young master. Your father had been looking for you since last night."

"Oh," said Christopher. "Amanda, and I sourced water for Kedaru. Thank you for letting us know, Kiesha."

"You are welcome," she said before turning to Amanda and gave a weak smile. 

Amanda was in her second skin, fully recognizable by Kiesha. She also thanked her for reporting, but aside from that, she sincerely wanted to break the discomfort between them. 

"Kiesha, you are a loyal soldier of Aeros. I hope that you and I could start over," said Amanda. "I want you to know that I truly look up to you for your hard work and the skills that you acquired while serving Aeros."

"We can either be friends or work together harmoniously in bringing Aeros back on its previous esteem."

Since her revelation as the master of fire, one meant to be with Christopher, Kiesha often had her head down when coming across Amanda. 

Christopher only gazed at Kiesha. He saw her face paled, seemingly shocked to hear this from Amanda. 

Kiesha expected Amanda to belittle her or cast her out. Thus, hearing her say she wanted to be friends with her baffled Kiesha. She stuttered as she said, "I - I - Of course! I can be friends with you, Amanda! I will always be - be loyal to Aeros - to Theo and Christopher. And you will be the wife of our future ruler."

"Dear - dear now, Kiesha, no need now to be so stiff. See the reason why I love this woman," said Christopher, raising his hand to Amanda. After holding her hand, he said, "She is not only fearless, but she also has a good heart."

Amanda extended her other hand to Kiesha and said, "Good to be friends with you, Kiesha."

In the most awkward way, Kiesha accepted Amanda's hand and shook it. 

Amanda stared at how she held someone else's hand, other than Christopher. Even if she had begun to do so with the others; with Cassy, with Kyle, Zack and others, it still amazed her that her fire was already in of control. 

She looked back to Christopher - the answer to all her prayers and smiled blissfully before bidding goodbye to Kiesha. 

The couple rested for two hours before getting up to see Theo. They had no sleep the entire night, and they returned too early to see Theo either. 

To their surprise, they had visitors from inside the great halls of Aeros' castle. 

"Good morning, son," said Theo. He pointed to the visitors and said, "They are visitors from the nation of Terene."

Pointing to Christopher, Theo said, "This is my son, Christopher, and his future wife, Amanda."

"Son, this is Keelan, the son of Vitalis. Keelan is the future ruler of Terene," told Theo, referring back to the young man in front of Theo. "Behind him are his men."

"They traveled far, hearing the news of Aeros' success winning against the Oscorians, and wished to trade secrets with us. I'm sure you are aware, Terene sits closer to Oscoria and they fear for their attacks in the future."

"They will be here as our special guests in the next few days, and they meant to learn from our nation's best practices."

Amanda and Christopher slightly bowed in their presence before greeting them. 

"Good morning," greeted Christopher. He extended his hand to Keelan and said, "It's nice to meet you."

To Amanda's point of view, Keelan looked like a normal person - human-looking. He was an attractive creature with grey eyes, dark hair, and a slender nose. He had a lean built, but not about four inches shorter than Christopher. 

What struck Amanda the most about Keelan was how his clothes were full of charms. He wore a robe-like an upper garment with so much bling attached to his neck, hands, fingers, and clothes. 

Seeing how Amanda was staring at him, Keelan scoffed and said, "Lovely lady. Our nation has so many beliefs, and these are part of it. It's supposed to be a form of protection."

"Oh," said Amanda. She forced a smile and said, "Well, I can assure you, Sir Keelan - "

"Keelan - I hate formalities, just... Keelan," he interrupted Amanda.

Amanda turned to Christopher, worried about making a mistake, but after seeing him shrug, she looked back to Keelan and said, "Keelan it is... Rest assured, you are well protected within Aeros."

Keelan turned his attention back to Theo and said, "Oh, I can see that! It had been maybe a decade since I came here and was surprised to see the development of the nation." Enlarging his eyes, he added, "I must say, I am very impressed with the pit before the high walls! It's no wonder Oscoria and Plethora did not stand a chance!"

Vitalis, the ruler of Terene, Keelan's father, was blinded by the grant of Plethora.

Diana and Delila offered free water to their nation in the years to come. Their only task was to create a commotion within Aeros and find a way to trap Christopher, bringing him to a secured location where Diana could take his power. 

Keelan and Vitalis knew not the measure of Christopher's strength and merely believed in Diana's tale. Nevertheless, if their plan were to succeed, there was no need to force Christopher away from Aeros. 

The future ruler of Terene, Keelan, had a special gift, given to him by a healer of their land. He meant to use it to cause trouble for Amanda and bring Christopher to the location agreed upon between them and Diana. 

"Christopher, son, if you do not have any responsibilities to bear with your colleagues," said Theo. "Do you mind showing Keelan around the nearest border?"

In the next few hours, both Amanda and Christopher walked Keeland around the nearby villages and to the closest border. As Keelan could only travel on land, they rode in horses along with two of his men. 

The entire journey, Keelan was in between the two masters. 

Christopher noticed how Keelan was occasionally looking at Amanda. It did not seem like he was attracted to her, but in all aspects of her, he was deliberately studying; her boots, her trousers, the details on the back of her tunic, and the way she acted in front of Christopher. 

It wasn't a look of admiration. There were not twinkling in his eyes nor gawking moment. It was an obvious and meticulous studying of her clothes, features, and the way she moved. 

Christopher had to ride in the horse in between them so to make his presence be known. Only then did he stop studying Amanda.

They returned in the afternoon to rest just in time for Abasi to call upon them to earth. From Amanda's room, Christopher and Amanda left for the earth through Abasi's wormhole. 

Keelan, on the other hand, was escorted to the guest room. After seeing the doors shut behind him, he went straight to the mirror and chanted a few words while caressing the accessories on his neck. 

In a fraction of a second, a smile curved up on his face. Slowly, his flesh molded up against his skin, his entire features contorted. He was softly grunting in each second that passed until he fully reconstructed, looking like Amanda. 

Keelan was pleased with his transformation. He said, "Hi, this is Amanda." He coughed, realizing he still needed to adjust his voice. "This is Amanda."

When he could not follow Amanda's actual voice, he said, "I need to get close to that girl."

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