Put Out My Fire

Chapter 123 - The Wedding

On a bright and sunny day in Aeros, people gather to the land's greatest symbol of life. There were many changes to the venue of the wedding between Christopher and Amanda but, ultimately, Theo decided that having it in front of Aeros' biggest lake is the most rightful place. 

Large tents had been set-up around the lake. There was an extended dock that served as a stage. It was also meant for Christopher and Amanda to stay following the ceremony. 

There were not that many flowers in the nation just yet as its lands were just starting to nourish, but Theo commissioned a few from the earth, including various sheer fabrics that glittered in gold. 

Their color theme? It was red and gold. No, Christopher did not insist on getting his crystal color on them. He did not mind, having his wife have all the glory, for Amanda was the light of his life. 

From the tented areas, the VIP guests were meant to stay. Tables were made of polished stones, something and bled with liquified gold. Something that Brody gave a hand in making. The chairs were all made of steel but plated with gold. 

Behind the VIP guests, Brody had helped create an arena-like sitting area for the rest of the visitors, especially for the people of Aeros. 

When everyone was finally settled in their seats, music began to play. There was no modern music in Pelagy, but there were various string instruments, trumpets, and drums that were made to good use for that day. 

Behind all the sitting areas, a tall cloth-covered arch was meant for the bride's entrance, standing twenty feet up. Everyone waited in anticipation, including the very emotional Christopher who was wearing a white tuxedo suit. His inner vest was embroidered with golden threads. 

"Relax, son. Your wife isn't going away," said Theo. He was smiling while looking at Christopher, forming droplets of sweat on his forehead. 

Christopher chuckled and said, "I never knew this was so nerve-racking." For a second, he thought about his mother and asked, "Father, was it like this when you married mother?"

Theo paused for a second. He took a deep breath and said, "Yes, son. Yes. Your mother was so beautiful. I could swear she did not seem to age over the years, at least not much." 

With a heavy sigh, he added, "I miss her every day, but I am very thankful that she gave me you and Cassy."

"Cherish this moment since you only get married once," said Theo. "Amanda is about to come out."

Christopher focused his gaze at the flowing curtains. He swore he felt his face flush, the second Amanda came out of it. He almost choked, wanting to cry seeing how beautiful she looked. 

The music was played louder, making Amanda's walk become more passionate. 

The aisle that Amanda walked into had a small canal of water on each side, and as she continued her bridal walk, she saw Christopher bring out the crystal in his hand. Everyone could see how the young master of Aeros glowed in blue. 

Unexpectedly, the water sprung up, creating a fountain-like effect as Amanda took her every step. It made Amanda smile wider. Her face also flushed with Christopher's lovely welcome. 

Applause could be heard, praising the magic that the young master had displayed. As for their visitors from other nations, they were equally amazed, seeing the power in Christopher's hand for the very first time. 

Amanda held a beautiful white bouquet of roses. Something that they also had to source from the earth. It had specs of gold leaves in between and was wrapped in a golden lace. Everything about her breathed glorious and glittering. 

The future wife of Aeros' soon to be ruler was not only beautiful, but she was spell-binding. 

Reaching the front of the stage, right above the lake, the master of water and fire had nothing but sweet smiles on their faces. 

The rest of the masters who were seated at the first tent to the left were completely moved. They all rested for that day to witness the union of Christopher and Amanda. 

The ceremony went on, covering the covenant that the couple was expected to keep, base on the rules or Aeros. It was meant to safeguard marriage in the nation. 

'Thank goodness, there isn't divorce in this world,' thought Amanda, giggling at herself. 

When it was finally time for them to exchange their vows, Amanda expressed it first. She looked at the people waiting for her to speak before flushing at the sight of Christopher's handsomeness. 

She said, "Chris, first of all. I want to thank you for finding me. Thank you for filling the void in my life. I love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be expressed in words, only in kisses, glances, and years of adventure by your side."

"I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold." She paused and smiled. "Literally." She chuckled and proceeded, "and be a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own."

"I vow to always protect you from harm, to stand with you against your troubles, and to look to you when I need protection."

"Lastly, I promise to keep the fire of our relationship... burning."

Christopher could not help but chuckle at her last words and for those who knew exactly how she can burn, they gave Amanda a round of applause. 

Amanda looked at everyone with a smirk. She was proud of herself. 

When it was Christopher's turn. He said, "Amanda, my love. The first time I saw you, I thought you were hot."

They both wound up laughing before he resumed, "Little did I know, it was so true... With you around, you add color to my cheeks. Thank you for warming up my cold and mundane life."

"The sun smiles on us today, our wedding day, and how can it not? With our hearts beating together as one, our love warms Aeros. I love you with all my heart. You're my love, light, and my fated."

"You have made me the happiest man in the world today by agreeing to share your life with me. I promise to cherish and respect you. I promise to care for you and protect you. I promise to comfort you and encourage you. I promise to be with you for all of eternity."

"Lastly, I promise to respond to the calling of your everlasting flames." He coughed and added, "I don't mind the heat."

For those who thought the newly wedded couple was merely complimenting on their powers, they gave a laugh and praised the two for their beautiful vow. 

Of course, only Christopher and Amanda knew the deeper meaning of their vows. 

When it was finally time for them to kiss as husband and wife, they both had a grin on their faces. 

Their wedding was practically a gathering of all people of Aeros, and the second the officiant announce for the awaited kiss, the hoots practically roared across the venue. 

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

"Five-minute kiss!" Suggested Taara. 

"Congrats, bro, I agree with five minutes!" Cassy echoed Taara's words. 

Christopher announced, "Five minutes it is!"

"What? Pfft! Are you sure?!" Amanda asked, raising her voice as a reaction. 

"My wife, now that we are married, I want you to call me My Love and I will do the same," he softly asked. 

She utterly flushed and said, "What about... Honey or Baby? That's what we use on earth."

"Doesn't have that much impact on me," said Christopher. "You are my love and I want to call you as such."

Amanda bit her lip and looked sideways at her friends before she said, "Fine. My Love."

"Okay, it's time for our kiss," said Christopher. 

Before he could lean over to Amanda, Christopher let out his crystal. He then extended his hand to her. 

When their hands touched, he pulled her closer to him. He tightened his hold around her with his one arm and mischievously lowered himself to meet her lips. 

As soon as they kissed, the crowd roared encouragement, but just as they thought they had seen enough, the waters of the lake behind the couple splash out. 

They were amazed at how the water was rotating and going up in the air. Eventually, the water created two figures; a man and a woman, both having wings. The figures were clearly kissing, the same way Amanda and Christopher were. 

Everyone understood that the figures created by Christopher represented Amanda and himself. 

The acclaims and the hoots continued for five minutes long, exactly how long the kiss of the newlyweds lasted. As soon as they pulled away, the water slid back to the lake. 

Amanda felt her entire face was burning from the heat of the kiss, and she saw Christopher's face was redder than the usual as well.

They both turned to the crowd when Christopher announced, "Thank you for coming to our wedding. Now, if you'll excuse us, we won't be around for the party as we are very eager to get started with our honeymoon!"

"Make twins!" Said, Cassy.

"A boy for me, son," requested Theo.

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