Put Out My Fire

Chapter 124 - Make You Wet

The master of fire and water decided to leave the celebration in Aeros. Theo took care of their guests while Christopher and Amanda left.

They meant to have their honeymoon on earth, for it was Amanda's dream to return to stay at the Skylodge Adventure Suites in Peru. If it weren't for her fear of burning an enclosed space, she would have gone there by herself. 

Abasi had opened a gate for them, arriving in Peru and reappearing from behind a humble structure within the local town. It was where they started their journey to their honeymoon hotel. 

Riding at the back of a van, Amanda put her hands together and revealed, "I'm so excited! I've always wanted to do this!"

Christopher smiled and pulled her closer to him. He pressed his lips onto her ear and whispered, "Me too. I'm going to make love to my wife under the skies of Peru while hanging on a cliff. It's so thrilling."

With eyes wide open, she whispered back, "Control yourself, master of water. There are other people with us in the van!"

They were on the road for an hour until finally arriving at Peru's sacred valley; the base camp for where they would ascend to the cliffs. 

Following a briefing, the couple climbed up more than a thousand feet up before arriving at their hotel. 

The accommodation was in a glass capsule form, suspended in the mountain cliff.

It was already at night when the couple reached their hotel. Poor masters had to pretend to struggle throughout the climb, not wanting to be perceived wrongly. How they wished they could have saved them time and flew up to the suspended pods. 

Amanda and Christopher first had a lovely dinner at the hanging restaurant, before moving to their own capsule. 

It was from the inside of their glass accommodation that the two marveled on the beautiful night skies of Peru. Above them was pitch black, and only the stars gleamed in the dark. 

The capsules only had curtains to provide them privacy, but to appreciate the breathtaking views, the couple had to open them momentarily. 

"Wow! It's so beautiful," said Amanda with a smile. Her eyes reflected the sparkling stars above them. 

Christopher lay on the bed and watched the same amazing view. He glanced at Amanda's smiling face and said, "My love, I'm happy to share this moment with you. The stars are indeed beautiful, but you are the most beautiful in my eyes."

"Awww. So cheesy. You are just saying that because I gave you warmth and color on your cheek," she teased, recalling his wedding vow. 

As they chuckled, she followed him, laying on the bed. For minutes, they remained silent, just watching the night sky. 

Surprisingly, they witnessed a shooting star. They simultaneously pointed in the same direction and both made their own wish.

"I wish nothing more but happiness, peace, and love," said Amanda. "For my loved ones and for the people we care about."

Meanwhile, Christopher said, "I wish me and my love will have more memories to come. I wish one day, when we can pass on the responsibilities, it would be a brighter future and we can live our lives to the fullest."

"Chris," she called. 

"My love," he corrected. He pinched on her cheek and reminded, "Call me my love."

It made Amanda sneer, and she turned to admire his handsome face. She pecked on his cheek and said, "My love. I've always wondered. What would you have done if we did not meet?"

With a disgusted look on his face, Christopher revealed, "I would never have married Diana either way. I'd probably be fighting a war - a never-ending war against Oscoria and Plethora."

"I never admired any other women, my love. I think it was after the crystal started to dwell in me. Maybe it's a way for the crystal to bring us together."

He put his arm around her, making himself her comfortable pillow before asking, "What about you, my love? What would you have done if you did not meet me?"

"Would you have married someone else?" He asked sarcastically. He obviously knew it was not possible. 

"Obviously, I'd become an old maid jumping from one isolated town to the other, avoiding crowded places and burning houses down," she told. "How could I marry? I can't even touch another person!"

She suddenly remembered what happened to Andrew and revealed, "It was not for me, Kent's business would not have been burned down to the ground. If it was not for me, Andrew would not have been burned."

"Don't feel bad, anymore, Amanda. The Kents are doing find now, the last time I went to town," said Christopher.

It was thanks to Keelan that Amanda and Christopher prematurely visited Trinity Bay. 

"Abasi left them gold to recover, right? Although Andrew is still heartbroken, thinking you have died. I badly wanted to tell them the truth, but - "

"It's fine," said Amanda. "I will be living the rest of my life in Aeros. It's better not to confuse him any more of what happened."

They fell into another minute of silence before they spoke again. 

"You know at first, I was irritated by you following me around," she revealed before giggling.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Now how can this handsome face be any irritating? Nah. You were just in denial," he teased. 

"Thank goodness, I came to Trinity Bay that day and saw you at the Southern Deli! And I have no regrets stalking you and following my gut feeling. Somehow, I knew there was something special about you," said Christopher. 

"So pardon me for being so persistent. It worked out just as well!" He concluded while giving several nods. 

His words made her smile, and she said, "Yes. Thanks to your perseverance and thank you for touching me that day; the first time we met."

Amanda could not help but be contented. She liked how Christopher turned things around for her. However, despite feeling lighthearted, she remembered her unpleasant past. 

After some time she told, "You know, back then. I feared that my powers would go too out of hand, that I would explode, wipe out an entire country. If it were not for my efforts sleeping under the sea, that might have had happened already."

She focused his gaze on him and with teary eyes, she said, "It's not just about the fear of exploding or becoming out of control again, Chris. I really can't imagine another day without you."

He tightened his hold on her and said, "Don't think about the worries. I'm here. We are on our honeymoon." 

With a sudden lightbulb moment, he suggested, "My love. With me around. There is no need to go under the water." He smirked and added, "I can make you wet anytime."

"I was serious!" She literally screamed at his silly remark. 

Christopher shrugged and said, "I - I was pretty serious!" He squinted at her before adding, "You are clearly underestimating the power of my tongue. It's so much better than Mahli... Do you want to start and have me prove it to you, my dearest wife?"

She wound up laughing for seconds, shaking her head, but after some time, she put a hand on his gorgeous face and softly said, "I know we aren't supposed to talk about it, but it eats me up, thinking of what might happen in the coming months."

"Shhhh. Amanda, my love. I promise I will become stronger," he said. "Khalid will be taken by surprise when he comes after us."

"Do you promise you'll be by my side until my hair turns gray?" She asked while looking into his eyes.

He smirked and said, "I promise, but there is a potion to keep your hair color without turning gray."

"Urgggh!" She complained, smacking her hand against his chest. 

"You just like my chest so much, don't you," He teased before grabbing on her breast. "I like your chest too."

She just laughed at his actions and admitted, "Yes, my love. I like your chest." She flushed before revealing, "They are good results of your hard work."

Christopher gave her a peck on the lips before saying, "Amanda, it's our honeymoon, my love. Don't think about tomorrow. What's important is today and how we live it... Let's enjoy this time together."

Amanda nodded and said, "Yes. I'm sorry. I love you, Chris."

"I love you too, Amanda, master of fire... Now, do you want to get wet?" He said with a sly face. 

She could only surrender, smiling altogether. She nodded and said, "Put the curtains back."

Christopher was quickly energized. He got off the bed and actively covered their glass accommodation in a minute. 

While Amanda was utterly amused, he started taking off his clothes. When he was completely bare, he practically forced Amanda out of her own clothes.

He hissed while looking at Amanda and said, "I'm worried about the amount of love-making we will be doing. I just hope these suspended glass pods can handle it... My love, get ready for four sleepless nights."


AUTHOR'S NOTES: As per suggestion by WN editors, I changed the cover. Hopefully, it will work wonders.

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