Put Out My Fire

Chapter 133 - Moon Serpent's Crest

"Make the crest properly, creature of the moon, or do you want to drink more of my blood!" Told the sea serpent of Solaris. 

Christopher returned to Solaris as Akurra meant to teach the master of water the way to summon him. Abasi only dropped him off and meant to return in the afternoon. 

"I'm not drinking anymore of your blood!" Complained Christopher as he was standing on an elevated ground, merely covering fifty square meters. The rest was submerged in water. 

The master of water had had many cuts on his fingers now, after several attempts of connecting with Akurra. Apparently, Christopher had to draw out a tiny amount of blood for the summoning to work. He had to form the crest of the moon serpent, using his blood to any surface and call on Akurra's name. 

No matter how little was the crest, as long as there was enough of his blood to shape it accurately, the same that was now stained with Akarru's, Christopher should be able to call on the serpent. 

The crest was a simple wave line, forming like a snake with a circular shape on top. 

"I have to say, this is a very inconvenient way to summon you," remarked Christopher. 

"That is the only way I know how to do it, so stop complaining. Besides, you should only summon me for important matters like when you are about to die!" Said Akurra.

With his natural healing ability, Christoper closed the open skin on his fingers before he looked at his sword, plunged against the rocky land he was standing in. 

"I'm going back down, four hundred feet below. Give me five minutes," said the serpent while slowly drowning his body under the water. 

Christopher gave him ten minutes. After taking a deep breath, he cut his thumbed with the sword in front of him and kneeled on the rocky surface of the land. Using his blood, he formed the crest of the moon serpent. This time, he drew more blood than the last, and as soon as he formed the circle on top of the supposed serpent's representation, he felt chills all over. 

"Akurra, I summon you." He did not notice, but his hair turned white, and out of nowhere, he could feel the sound of the deep water. 

Out of nowhere, he felt the wind surrounding him and saw it changed to aqua blue. The next thing he knew, Akurra's body was circling around him! His height covered the length of a single swirl of the serpent's body. 

The beastly sea serpent was utterly humongous!

"Amazing, "he muttered. 

Christopher looked up, dazed at the sight of Akurra's height. He could clearly see the glossy color of its scales. 

However, his admiration for the serpent's body soon halted as Akurra slid down from the very small elevated ground, going back down into the sea. The small area could not hold the serpent's full figure. 

The serpent swam meters away from Christopher and told, "this is still my summoned state. If you noticed, I suddenly appeared before you and will abruptly disappear. The most that you can summon me is twenty minutes or less, if you will it."

"As you summon me, your hair will always turn white, for it is the mark of the white witch," added Akurra. 

Christopher attempted the process three more times and was successful in each. Only after being contented did he ask about his mother. 

"Akurra, I think the white witch you say is my mother, but she died when she was about fifty years old," revealed Christopher. 

"Hmmm... I don't think so," said Akurra. "A white witch and the smell that I sense from you, I think your mother is a very powerful witch... No powerful witch would die easily."

The serpent's words shocked Christopher. He gulped and said, "She died of an illness."

"I firmly believe you are a son of the supreme family of the white witches, Christopher. An illness will not kill anyone from the same lineage," revealed Akurra. "Only a powerful force could kill a white witch."

"So unless your mother was not fighting evil, I think your mother is still alive. Go home to your world and attempt to summon me once. Make sure the place is clear from any innocent lives as I am quite sizable," said the serpent.

Christopher was still shocked by the suggestion of Akurra, but he ultimately nodded, affirming his understanding. 

When Abasi came back to get him and returned him to Aeros, he asked a favor. 

From the courtyard of Aero's castle, Christopher asked, "Abasi, my mother may still be alive. Can you - can you take me to the moon?"

Looking at the serious eyes of Christopher, Abasi said, "Do you think this is a priority?"

"If my mother is the white witch, then I suppose she could help us with our predicament, don't you think?" Suggested Christopher. 

"Okay, we shall go tomorrow," said Abasi. 

The next day, the master of time and space, together with Christopher, drifted to the moon. They did not know if there was real life on the moon, just merely relying on the tale of Akurra. 

As soon as Christopher's feet landed on the moon, he felt the same chills as he did when he summoned Akurra. He felt a strange sense of familiarity that he muttered, "I have a feeling. I really am from the moon or... my blood."

Abasi shook his head and said, "Well, I think we have already established that. Let's go and find any life."

As far as Abasi knew, there should not be any life on the moon. That was the findings of many expeditions to this small satellite that rotated on the earth.

The masters stepped into solid rock and covered miles of nothingness. As far as they had concealed, there was nothing but dust and rocky debris. Countless craters dot the moon, signaling the countless meteorite that had crashed against it.

Soon enough, they finally discovered life on the moon; a small white snake that was crawling on the surface, ten meters away from them. To their surprise, the snake found them. It was clear that it was staring at them as it took a standing form. 

The snake then sped, gliding its way across the rocks until it disappeared. The snake just vanished into thin air. 

Frowning, Abasi said, "How did that happen?"

Christopher thrust out his wings and flew in the direction where the snake had disappeared, but to his shock, a snake the size of him sprung out of nowhere! 

The snake's jaws were wide open, ready to bite on his flesh. 

"Chris! watch out!" Abasi shifted him back to his side and the huge snake ultimately landed on the ground. 

Just as they thought, they were only dealing with one, five more white snakes came out. 

It would seem as though there was a layer of invisible protection around the space as the snakes just suddenly appeared like they were coming out of the water, except they were crawling out from the opposite side of the crater. 

The hissing sounds of the snakes were piercing against their ears that the masters felt like their eardrum would explode. They covered their ears, protecting it from the noise. 

"Sssssss... Leave now or die... Ssssssss..."

"Sssssss... Leave now or die... Ssssssss..."

They could hear the words of warning, but they could not determine where the voice is coming from. 

Despite the pain in his ears, Christopher meant to use the power of the water. He focused his hands on the crawling snake and commanded the water in the reptile's bodies. 

To his surprise, it did not work. The only reason for it was the snakes weren't real creatures! "What  - what are these things?!"

"We should leave, Chris! I don't like it!" Abasi told. He kept moving them further and further away from the snakes, but the white reptiles were moving too fast!

"No!" Christopher's ears were bleeding, but he took out the sword from his back and flew up to thrust it against one snake, but it did not bleed. Instead, the snake he had hit split into two!

"This is definitely witchcraft! Chris, let's return! We are not prepared for this!" Told Abasi. 

Feeling more blood flow down to his face, Christopher touched his ears in an attempt to cover from the sound, but he realized something. 

"Blood! Blood!" He screamed. 

Just right after Abasi moved them again, further from the snakes, Christopher scraped the blood from each side of his ears and drew in the rocky land, the crest of the moon serpent. 

"Stay back, Abasi! I'm calling Akarru!" He said right after forming the circle on top of the symbol. "Akurra, I summon you!" 

The same gushing wind he felt the other day surrounded him, and the more he felt goosebumps all over. His hair quickly turned white.

Christopher could see the snakes practically thrust their bodies towards him and his eyes widened. "Ahhhhh!"

He closed his eyes at the anticipation, but when he felt nothing he opened his eyes. He saw the same familiar aqua blue scales, and he was instantly relieved. 

He slammed his body against the serpent and said, "Thank you, Akurra."

In his loud and annoying tone, Akkura spoke, "Witch! Do you know that my master is above you! Even I am above you! Show yourself to me!"

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