Put Out My Fire

Chapter 134 - The Better Question

"Akurra, I summon you!" 

Beneath the waters of Solaris, Akurra was chowing on a gigantic squid for his snack when he suddenly heard the calling of Christopher.

"Urrggggh! Whatever it is preventing me from finishing my snacks is going to pay for it," he cursed, seeing himself fading out in the middle of the ocean.

He was being summoned by his new master, one he did not expect to happen so soon as they had just seen each other the other day. 

As he was traveling through a magnetic space, powered by the moon serpent, Akurra felt Christopher's pain. He realized it was a serious matter.

His blood flows in Christopher, after all. He could tell the master of water was in distress. 

Akurra was horrified to see himself reappear on the moon; his birthplace and the very land where he shouldn't be. But even before he could react, he was met outright, but snakes! 

The reptiles did not see what was coming and merely exposed their fangs, ready to take a bite at Christopher, but instead, they found themselves in front of a giant sea serpent!

As soon as the snakes' fangs touched Akurra's scales, the creatures disintegrated into black smoke.

The sea serpent, being the son of the life force of the moon, immediately sensed the presence of a white witch. He realized that the snakes were merely part of a spell, following the orders of its creator. 

Understanding that his master was safe, he demanded, "Witch! Do you know that my master is above you! Even I am above you! Show yourself to me!"

"I will teach you a thing or two for interfering with my snack!" 

"Heed to me, I say!" He repeated. 

Seconds passed, but there was no answer. Instead, the serpent felt the witch's energy drifting away.

Thus, Akurra charged speedily, moving in serpentine locomotion, leaving Christopher behind as he healed his ears. "Master, follow behind me!"

With the sea serpents' natural energies, he broke down the barrier that stood in the way of Christopher and half the moon's life, unseen to mankind. 

Half the moon was covered by a protective boundary, where all the beings of the land agreed amongst themselves to hide it, safe from the discovery of others. It created a mirror effect, reflecting the barren and lifeless moon. It was a force field that reached up to a thousand feet above the ground. 

With the entire barrier down, the mystical world of nature unfolded in the master's eyes. Evidently, the sustainable space of the moon went further thousands of feet below the moon's surface. 

Soaring trees appearing like pines could be seen all around. On two sides of the valley, water flowed, forming into a waterfall, and streamed through channels within the land. On the base of the cliffs, many cave-like formations were evident. 

One could make out humble villages from miles away. 

Waving against the ground, the sea serpent disturbed the structure of trees. It's heavily built frame, dug against the soil as it crawled in the direction of the fleeing witch. 

"Found you!" Screamed Akurra, seeing a white witch, riding a wooden brach. His long body slid down the from the cliff, chasing after the white witch. 

'I need to catch this witch now before my times run out!' He told himself. His sparkling eyes glowed brighter. He used his energy and commanded the water beneath the soil. 

Water suddenly sprung out of nowhere, blocking the witches' path, and it ultimately made her fall to the ground along with her flying staff. Before the witch could recover, Akurra rotated its body around the witch's presence. 

With his big blue eyes looking down at the insignificance size, the sea serpent seemingly cast a spell on her. She was unable to flee or move even an inch, only her mind worked and so did her voice. 

With his deafening voice, the serpent said, "I wonder what a white witch would taste like? I don't like eating such a small frame, but you seem to be well worth it!"

"You are not supposed to be here!" Told Matilda while her eyes remained fixed on Akurra's powerful ones. 

"Stop this! Son of the moon serpent! what brings you here?" He looked up to see a flying white witch emitting with the essence of Akurra's mother. He immediately knew who it was. 

'No, no! This cannot happen! Not now!' Matilda screamed in silence. She had worked so hard to keep Agatha apart from her family. She could not allow for their supreme to meet her son!

Matilda and Agatha earlier sensed the presence of an alien landing on the moon. It was Matilda who was tasked to find out who it was. 

When she sent a small white snake to survey the land, she was shocked to see Christopher!

Of course, she knew Christopher. She may not have revealed herself to Christopher and Cassy, but she had visited Aeros countless times. She had seen their supreme's children from a distance. 

Matilda easily presented herself as the witch to observe and, as necessary, rid the visitors of their land. 

Seeing Agatha floating in the sky with her own flying staff, Matilda was in a panic. She told, "Supreme! You must order this beast back to his own world! Use the moon serpent's power! He should not be here! He wants to eat me!"

"Damn, right I do! You naughty, naughty servant witch!" Akurra said without hesitation. He thrust out his tongue, drooled over Matilda, making her shriek in disgust. 

"Stop this right now! Son of the moon serpent! Release my servant at once!" Demanded Agatha. 

"Trust me, leader of the white witch, this servant of yours is not to be trusted," told Akurra.

"Agatha, please! Send back this serpent now!" Matilda repeated, trying to interfere in their conversation. 

"Silence, you traitor!" Ordered Akurra. 

"Do I have to repeat myself? Or do you want me to use your own mother's power against you?! How did you get here?" Probed the sovereign witch. "Why are you even here?"

The sea serpent first bowed his head in the presence of the supreme witch and said, "Supreme, I came here, summoned to the moon."

Shocked by his answer, Agatha, the sovereign ruler of the white witches, froze. She suddenly felt her heart raced, thinking of the possibility. 'How?'

She quickly dismissed the idea, saying, "That's impossible! Only me and - "

"Your heir could summon a serpent descendant from the moon. That's right... only one from your blood - only your heir could be the master of the likes of me," Akurra finished for Agatha. "My time is up, supreme witch. Just so you know, this witch here tried to kill my master... She is not worthy of your trust."

Twenty minutes was up and the sea serpent slowly faded out in front of Agatha and returned to Solaris. As soon as his oversized body disappeared, what Agatha saw seemingly drained every blood on her skin. 

Christopher was flying in midair, also in the same state of confusion at the sight of her. Behind him was another creature of power, one she felt belonged to the earth. 

"Chris, who is that?" Asked Abasi, seeing the master of water shock. 

The master of water suddenly felt his very power escaped his body. His throat dried up and his frame stiffed. there was no doubt about it. His eyes could not be wrong, seeing the same youthful face years ago. Moreover, her reaction gave it away.

He gulped and asked, "M - Mother. Is it really you?"

'Mother? This is Chris' mother?' Abasi asked in silence, also gawking at the sight of the white witch. 

Memories suddenly flooded Christopher's head; the pain of his mother's departure, the sadness in their hearts, and the many months and years they mourned for her passing.

He did not want to believe his mother left them, but apparently, his mother was alive, and just like what Akurra told, it would seem like she was a white witch!

For a moment, he felt the world crumbling down on him. He felt the pain all over again. 

Like her son, Agatha was unable to move. She could not believe her eyes. 

When she noticed the presence of a powerful creature, she could tell it was the son of their moon serpent. The arrival of Akurra instantly gave her the chills and the familiar feeling she had when she was bestowed with the moon serpent's essence.

It was a knowledge passed down to her by her parents. Her instincts could not be wrong. 

She immediately left her home in search of the powerful energy.

Who would have known Christopher and the Akurra's path would cross? Who would have known she would meet her son on the moon?

"It's you, isn't it? I could tell it's you," said Christopher. "Every bone in my body tells me so."

A tear fell down her cheek and her lips trembled. Her voice trailed off as she called him, "S-son. H-how?"

"No, mother. I am supposed to ask the questions," said Christopher with conviction. He flew closer to Agatha and asked, "The better question is... Why? Why did you leave us?"


Author's Notes:

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