Put Out My Fire

Chapter 146 - The Dragon's Favor

Six Months Back. 

Orion was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night when his brows suddenly twitched. 

"Son of the red dragon star, I call upon you. Come see your creator."

Orion could only see the darkness inside his dream, but in that abyss, he saw large eyes in flaming red, looking into his soul. Once again, he heard the voice call to him, "It is I, your creator. Son of the red dragon star, come to me."

Droplets of sweat easily formed on Orion's forehead and he awoke, panting with the memory of the same red eyes. It was in the middle of the wee hours, but he ran outside his room and looked for his mother. 

To Orion's surprise, Amanda was also awake, drenched in sweat. They both instantaneously looked at each other, sensing they dreamed of the same. 

"Mother, did the dragon call you out too?" Orion asked, walking in the direction of Amanda. 

She nodded and inquired, "Do you want to go and see our birth land?"

"Yes, mother. I do," replied Orion. 

They set off to the distant star after two days, when Agatha agreed to go. The history of the dragon star had always intrigued her, and she meant to find out about its land. 

The three of them found themselves arriving in the deserted star, having the same crust formation as the planet Venus. The place was burning hot, unbearable if not for the fact that both Amanda's and Orion's affinity was that of fire. 

Agatha, on the other hand, having kinship with the moon serpent, could cool her body down. This was also true with Orion. 

They found themselves in the middle of the previous generations' ruins; a tall castle, bigger than what they had in Aeros, and an empty kingdom where many of its structures have fallen apart. 

"How do we find the red dragon from here?" Amanda inquired. 

Agatha, having the essence of the moon serpent answered, "You just need to speak to him from within you, but I believe this is a job that Orion should do."

"Very well, grandma," said the little Orion. 

"Beast with red ugly eyes! I am here at your calling! Appear before me now!" Orion ordered, making Agatha and Amanda gaped at his braveness. 

"I sense you!" A loud voice resonated across the land that it created a mild quake beneath their feet!

Agatha nearly dropped on the soil, but fortunately, Amanda caught her. 

Following the red dragon's voice, dark clouds began to form above Orion, moving in circles. Thunder easily echoed together with fire!

The red dragon, the god of the dragon star, gradually made his appearance, flapping his wings thousands of feet above them. 

It roared, flaunting his ability to breathe fire before finally descending to the rocky land. 

After landing its feet, he looked down and said, "I found it strange that you are bigger, boy. Why? It was just a year ago that I was awakened, yet I feel your growth is beyond normal."

Before Orion could speak, the dragon gazed up to Amanda and said, "You must be the mother of this boy. How did you bring about creating a boy? My curse to my own people was divine."

"Orions coming about was due to The Venusian Sword. It was the will of the sword that created Orion. That, and possibly the fact that my husband is the son of the white witches from the moon," revealed Amanda. 

"Which explains why you are not afraid of me," told the beast. "And his growth?"

"It is also the will of The Venusian Sword," said Orion. "I meant to conquer evil, one that seeks the sword I bear."

Orion then thrust out the golden sword from his right hand, the same yellow light snaked around his arm before the blade took its full shape. Holding it up, he said, "Here! Proof of its existence."

"Ah, wonderful," said the dragon. "The Venusian Sword. The only weapon that can pierce through my skin. Incredible!"

"But before that, tell me about this evil you wish to vanquish little boy. Why would you be chosen for such a task?" The dragon probed. 

"For I am your creation," said Orion. "The sword chose me, because of you and because I am also a descent of the white witches. Who else could be more deserving?"

His speech made the red creature lean back and think thoroughly of Orion's origin. It certainly was a good reason for the sword to choose him. After some time of pondering, he said, "Then, being the only male who can bring about more descendants of dragon star, I shall offer my service to you."

The dragon bowed his head to Orion and requested, "But I have a favor to ask of you."

Orion gazed back to his mother and grandmother before turning back to the dragon. He asked, "What is it, red dragon?"

"Promise me that you will, one day, fill this star with people and bring back this place to its original glory," told the red dragon. "You see, I have used my most mystical power to create my people that I can no longer create another. All I have left is the power of fire and the energy to keep this planet alive."

His expression turned nostalgic as he revealed, "I have slept for centuries and over time, I have regretted what I have done. I want - I want my people to one day, grow in number and come back to me. For it is their prayers and praises that will continue to give me strength."

Amanda was taken aback by the request. Her son was only running two years old, technically. How could the dragon expect him to multiply at such a young age!!!!

She cleared her throat and said, "Um, Mr. dragon. You would have to wait for another two to three decades - "

"I don't care how long it takes. I will be patient, for it was my mistake that brought about the extinction of my own creations," told the dragon. He bowed in front of Orion again before telling, "My name is Vermithrax and I will serve you."


Back to the present. 

Three godly creatures were clearly filling the space of Solaris. 

Two sea serpents that helped filled the land of water were drifting below a flying red dragon. 

A young boy stood on the bridge of one serpent's nose while two masters of the earth lingered in the surrounding air. 

"An interesting tale," said Bashe, the youngest brother of Akurra. His eyes fixed on Orion and tried to feel its heart. 

"If the sword chose you, then I will also serve you. However!" Bashe increased his voice to tell, "If you turn vicious, I will... kill you myself!"

"You can try, you slimy snake!" Threatened Vermithrax. "He still needs to make an entire generation of my people. He isn't dying anytime soon!"

"Relax! Both of you!" Said Orion. Turning to Bashe, the boy responded, "I will keep in mind your requirement, but I trust my family will keep me grounded."

"Bashe, the serpent of Solaris, brother of Akurra and a son of the moon serpent. Thank you for serving me," Orion said, regarding the sea serpent. 

That day, Orion also became one with Bashe, drinking a little of his blood. They returned home to Aeros with only tales of success to tell Amanda. 


It was already late when Abasi returned to his home in Egypt. Trisha, was there waiting for him, fixing dinner for them both. 

"How was your day, Abasi?" Trisha asked. 

"Good. Amanda's child is something," Abasi responded before smiling. "He has grown so much!"

Grinning back, she said, "Maybe one day, we will also have a boy so gifted, carrying a weapon as powerful as the Venusian Sword."

Abasi chuckled and paused for a second. He settled in the seat in front of their dining table and said, "I hope. When this is over, let's have a family of our own."

A tear fell down on Trisha's cheek. She embraced Abasi outright and said, "Being in power is so tiring. I don't want us to be apart that long anymore. Promise me."

Like Amanda, Trisha also suffered for the two years of being away from her beloved. How she wanted all this to end. Somehow, a huge part of her wanted to be in front of Khalid and end things right then and there.

From outside their home, a figure of a man was listening in to their conversation. It was Khalid, hiding behind a column of the structure's Lanai area. He had made himself invisible with the wind so as not to be sensed or seen. 

When he heard about the Venusian Sword and the fact that they mentioned a boy, a memory triggered in his head. He was killed by a boy that held the golden blade!

"This is our only chance," said Hades in Khalid's head. "Let us wait until Abasi's next trip to find out... where does the master of water and fire reside! When we find them, I will bring all my evil souls to help us win this fight!"

"Don't worry. With or without your souls, do not forget, I have the Eimuth!" Reminded Khalid, thinking about the monster whom he had successfully put under his control.

Author's Notes:

The great battle is coming.. Prepare to hold your breaths and possibly cry. Nyak! Thanks for the support so far!

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