Put Out My Fire

Chapter 147 - Enemy Has Come

"Wake up, Trish. It's time for our practice today," said Abasi, waking up his beloved. 

Struggling to get up, Trisha answered, "I can't wait for Khalid to meet this end. We could finally get some rest."

"Hmmmm... Not sure if that is the best resolution, but I hope we are ready for his arrival," responded Abasi. "Let's get ready."

The master of time and space and that of the heart prepared to leave for Aeros, but they failed to notice a living force waiting for them outside their home, eager to find out their new place of gathering. 

Naturally, Khalid had returned to the cave in Brazil, but have not seen the current masters of the earth convening for that past few days.

Recalling how the masters had once created several layers of shield to keep secret their conversation, he understood they may have relocated to another venue for their usual meeting. 

It was unfortunate that the crystals were not giving him any information about the past, but base on what Hades had told him, it was most likely that the past changed. That was the only explaination for the appearance of the master of water. 

In the past that he knew of, the master of water was never found. Thus, there was no knowledge about Christopher altogether. 

This was Khalid's and Hades' only chance to find all the masters. To learn about the master of water and know his whereabouts. 

Connecting the dots, he concluded that the boy he overheard Abasi and Trisha talk about belonged to the master of water and fire. The one who held the sword. 

It made sense to Khalid. Amanda may have passed on the sword to her son. Still, he had many questions in his head. For the future that he saw, it was a boy who killed him.

So will the sword be passed on again and again? How is it that the current master of fire already has a child? These were one of the few queries that bothered him completely. Again, he did not have the answer to his seeks, since Amanda, in the past that he knew, abandoned her duties as the master of fire. 

Things have changed, and he recognized it. 

Using the power of the win, Khalid turned himself invisible, prying into the homes of the two masters. 

He noticed how Abasi and Taara seemed to have felt his presence, but no matter, they could only suspect. His powers now were far too great!

"Did you feel that?" Trisha asked, looking back from their living room.

"Yes, a strange chill," responded Abasi with a frown on his face. 

He walked over to the kitchen area of their home and found an open window. He announced, "The kitchen window is open!"

"Must be your relatives!" Suggested Trisha before shrugging. Since they lived in a compound with all of Abasi's relatives, it was very common for his nephews to climb into their home. 

Returning to Trisha's side, Abasi said, "Hmmm. Perhaps. Let's go."

Trisha nodded, then Abasi spoke in his head, "Taara, Brody? Are you ready?" 

"We are ready", the two other masters responded, waiting form their own home. Through the connection they have with their crystals, Abasi brought them to a wormhole simultaneously. 

It had been accustomed for them to jump into various places before heading to Aeros. It was their way of protecting Aeros from being found out. They assumed that time; they were once again successful of not being followed. 

From one swirling void to another, Taara, the master of the wind, noticed how the air was rather strong and it followed them wherever they went. 

The second they reappeared outside the borders of Aeros, Taara looked back at the wormhole, utterly uneasy. Her head tilted, sensing something else was there. With a gulp, she said, "Did - did you feel anything else come with us?"

Worried that Taara may be right, Brody, the master of the earth, ordered his crystal to create a small sandstorm around them. Should there be a figure, not visible to their eye, the dirt could determine its frame. 

Within five hundred meters, dust circled the masters, trying to establish any presence of another life, but sands found nothing. Brody concentrated with all his might, but he rested sands back to the soils and concluded, "Maybe it was just the wind."

Trisha, on the other hand, closed her eyes and revealed the crystal in her palm. She tried to feel the beating hearts around her. She also could feel nothing other than the hearts of those who are already in Aeros and that of the masters. She opened her eyes and said, "Maybe we are overthinking things."

"Maybe... maybe not," said Abasi. "We all know that our enemy had gained powers. We don't know exactly the length of Khalid's strength now. Regardless, let us keep watch."

From the base of one ridge, facing the practice grounds of the masters, Khalid found himself a good hiding place. 

He had earlier noticed how Taara felt his wind and it was expected of the white crystal master. Khalid was quick to drift himself to hiding while bringing up a force field around him, using all the crystals inside his body. Not even Trisha could detect his heart. 

Khalid watched as the master of water and fire came about, flying from a distance and joining the party. He concluded that this must be the place of Christopher's home.

Only after lingering for a few minutes, did Khalid say to the soul occupying his body, "This is it. It can only be his world. It only makes sense that the master of water is not from earth since he could thrust out wings."

Looking around, he tried to assess the world he was in. Khalid dug his hand into the soil and got a feel of its life. He looked up to say, "This is Pelagy."

From his head, Hades spoke, "Let us return to our time and world. We must bring back here all my evil souls. We need all the help we can get."

"Yes. I agree," said Khalid while returning his gaze at the masters. 

Brody had created a wall around them, and it was clear to Khalid that they were training their strengths. 

Just before they decided to leave, he saw a young boy flying in the direction of the masters along with other flying creatures of the land. 

His eyes narrowed before it widened. His heart suddenly raced and sweat easily formed on his forehead. He gulped, realizing the same boy whom he saw in his future was in his line of sight. 

Stuttering, Khalid said, "No! How could this be? It's - it's him!" He pointed at the boy in horror and told, "It's the boy who killed me in the future!"

"Nonsense! Isn't it that you said it will happen in your time? The future?" Hades asked him in his head. 

"I - I don't know how! I don't understand it myself! But that boy looks younger, though. I am uncertain, but it clearly looks like him!" Said Khalid while peeking in between two boulders of rocks. 

"Maybe you are wrong! How long as it been since you saw that future? It has been more than two years ago!" Suggested Hades. 

Khalid was equally conflicted, but either way. He could not take the chance! "I must kill him now - "

"Wait! Khalid, think of this properly! Let us return first and get my soldiers! Let's come back at dawn in full force and attack before the sunrise!" Said Hades. 

Khalid clenched his hand into a fist, looking at the young boy. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will not die! Not after all that I have been through."

For now, Khalid admitted to Hades' advice. It was not the time to strike, not without bringing the soldiers who can create a good distraction for them, but he swore to return, surprising the masters with the powers he had accumulated over the years.

At dawn the following day, Agatha returned to Aeros. She meant to arrive late last night, but she fell too tired to travel after a day's work on the moon. She crossed to a wormhole she had created, making her entrance in from above the sky. 

She drifted with her staff and took seconds to circle above the castle of Aeros. She was about to fly down in full strength when she felt chills down her spine. She perceived the strange vapor from afar. It reeked of death and evil. 

"What - what is this?" She asked, raising her shoulders from the same goosebumps that alarmed her senses. 

She meant to find the source of her chills, but her instincts told her not to. Her intuitions told her the evil was far too great for her own to face. 

With her heart racing, she went straight to the castle with every intention to wake her son. To her surprise, Christopher was not asleep. In fact, Orion was with them in the family's sitting area along with all masters of the earth. 

"Grandma? Did you feel it too?" Orion asked, seeing the fearful expression of Agatha. 

"Yes, Orion." Agatha walked closer to her grandchild and hugged him outright. She took a deep breath and said, "I feel this is the day we have been expecting.... our enemy has come."

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