Put Out My Fire

Chapter 37 - Open A Gate To Pelagy

"In our future, only the two of us among the six masters are alive," said Cassandra, the master of the heart who came from the future. "The rest of the crystals are still finding their new masters, but even so they would be too premature to fight the battles we face."

The current masters of the earth were taken aback. In the history of all elements of the earth, four deaths of masters would probably the most tragic. The realize the severity of the situation in the coming future.

"Someone is disturbing peace, traveling in-between time and space. Only the sword from Venus is equipped to take down this enemy - "

"Who is the enemy? How does this enemy even look like?" Amanda asked, eager to end the meeting. She needed to get back to Trinity Bay as soon as possible.

The expression on Cassandra's face turned miserable. She then revealed, "Unfortunately. We don't know."

"Then how do you know that the Venusian sword is the answer?" Taara asked, this time around.

"It's because it is one of the most powerful swords in the universe." This time, it was Khalid who answered, the master of time and space form the future.

"Everyone. From what I have researched, this sword is indeed very capable. One Venusian king used it to eliminate its enemies attacking their world in the year 1900s," explained Abasi. "Only that there came about an internal dispute within the royal family holding the said weapon, leading to its lost in over several decades."

"Correct," said Khalid. "I expected this much of you, Abasi." Turning to everyone, Khalid said, "There are many stories about how the sword was stolen from its rightful owner."

"It was said that his brother took it and they fought in space. The sword was eventually lost during the struggle."

"I've also heard a story that the brother of the king purposely wanted to bring it to earth, but lost along the way."

"Thus, what we are trying to say is. It is very important that you find it. It's for the sake of our future," said Cassandra.

"We don't have much time," Khalid revealed. "We will be back again to tell you more. For now, we rely on you to find the sword."

Not a moment too soon, Khalid and Cassandra disappeared before their eyes, traveling into a void and returning to their own time.

The current masters were left at awe following the revelation of such a sword's importance.

"You should have called me, Abasi," said Brody, the master of the earth. "I would have been able to feel its presence from the earth... If it were under the earth."

"Well, at that time, Trisha and I did not know what to expect or believe," said Abasi. "It was only after the eruption of the White Island that I ask Zaman, the spirit of my crystal to look back in the past and find out about the sword."

"Also, we still doubted the possibility of traveling through time over decades. As far as we know, it has not yet been done," Trisha added.

"Currently, I am only able to travel back in time within a period of one week - previous masters were able to achieve only days back of traveling through time," Abasi explained while looking into everyone's eyes.

"However, what's important is to get this sword. Thus, we'll pass on this important task to Brody and Taara for now," said Trisha.

Turning to Amanda, Trisaha added, "I need you and Abasi to send a half-bodied snake back to its world."

Amanda quickly sneered and said, "Ah, no thank you. I hate snakes."

"I'll teach you how to open gates to another world," said Abasi. He purposely cut her off, knowing she was interested in this part of his power.

Amanda's eyes grew wide. While she hated snakes, she figured it was the best way to get to Christopher's world. Thus she said, "Fine. Where is the snake?"

"It's in Vietnam, the largest mountain river cave," said Abasi. "Let's go while other tourists have not yet arrived in the mountains."

"Others?" She asked before disappearing with Abasi.

Only when they had reappeared in the world's largest cave did she get an answer from Abasi. He said, "There were three of them that camped out here last night. They are all dead."

"How can you say that casually?" She asked while looking around at the humongous cave entrance where remnants of the tents were visible and bloodstains scattered around.

"Dying trying to explore this cave is common," he said. "One can easily fall repelling into its debts."

"Let's go. It will take us roughly a day or two to search the entire cave - "

"Wwwwhhhhaaat?" Amanda protested. Now, she was stuck to exploring the mountain river cave.

"This cave is over 500 feet wide and 96.4 feet high, Amanda. Spending more than a day is a possibility," Abasi revealed while beginning to trek.

"Oh, snakey -snakey! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Amanda began to call, knowing she would be trapped there for much longer if the snake is not found.

Amanda flew from one section to another inside the cave while being cautious not to burn anything since the cave practically few forests from within. Abasi, on the other hand, jumped between spaces.

They took in between breaks while they searched with Abasi bringing them food at the same time, Amanda getting information about how to open gates to another world.

It utterly took them a full day to locate the half-man snake. Amanda estimated the snake to be 40-feet long, with a trunk nearly a meter wide. It had black-colored scaley skin with half of its body shaped into a man. It was found hibernating in the coolest and highest part of the cave after having eaten three human lives. It was slightly submerged in water.

"Wow, that is a huge one. I was somewhat hoping I was going to kill a snake," remarked Amanda, seeing its scaled body rolled like a rope.

"Well, in order for us to send it back, we'll need to wake it," said Ababsi.

"What? Wake it? Are you crazy?" Protested Amanda.

Abasi shook his head and said, "The gate to another world doesn't move. We are going to have either push it to the entrance or lure it."

"Now, let's practice what you have learned and see if you can open the gate," said Abasi while looking at her. "Call on the spirit of the green crystal and remember the words you need to ask."

"And as a last reminder, we can only exchange crystals for fifteen minutes max. Beyond that is deadly," said Abasi before he raised his hand in front of Amanda.

Amanda did the same, raising her palm and revealing the power. In order to switch crystals with Abasi, she said, "Zaman, this is the master of the red crystal, calling upon you now. Lend me your powers."

Abasi said the same words, except, he asked for the powers of the Fiena, the spirit of the red crystal.

In seconds the two masters exchanged their powers and the color of their second skin reflected their new strength. It was then when Amanda instructed the spirit of the green crystal to open the gate for the world she sought.

Speaking only in her mind, she said, "Zaman, the spirit of time and space.. Open a gate to Pelagy where a battle is taking place."

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