Put Out My Fire

Chapter 38 - The Green-Skinned Woman

"Open a gate to Pelagy where a battle is taking place,' Amanda instructed in her thoughts to the spirit of the green crystal.

Soon, before her eyes, appeared a swirling light. The tunnel-like connection through time and space became more apparent and just before entering into the world, she muttered silently, 'Sorry, Abasi. Hope you take care of the snake for fifteen minutes.'

'Right. I only have fifteen minutes to use Abasi's power,' she repeated and quickly walked into the wormhole.

It was her very first to jump into another world. She felt the void was sucking her in too harshly. Her muscles tightened while being punched all over her body. As she passed through, she fully understood what Christopher said. No normal being could withstand the pressure of crossing another world. It was utterly painful.

From one peak of Pelagy's land, the same whirling light appeared at a barren ridge above the two groups who were battling in the valley. Amanda stepped out of the wormhole and saw acres of drying land. There was very little life that could be seen by her vigorous eyes.

"What a land," she muttered, but before she could observe more its surroundings, her attention was quickly drawn to the commotion below. A battle between two nations had just begun.

It was a good hundred-twenty feet from where she stood. She could tell which ones were the Oscorians and which ones were from Aeros.

While there were several hundreds of Aeros men who could fly and fight with an advantage against the immense beasts of Oscoria, there were too many forces from the devil's side. From how she saw it, Aeros may be bound to be defeated.

"No! This can't be!" Her hands clenched into a fist. She meant to throw fireballs at the Oscorians, but she realized she held with her Abasi's powers.

"What can I do? What can I do?" She asked herself, but within seconds she figured the best way she could help in the remaining ten minutes, was to send the front liners of Osoria to another world, creating chaos and confusion from their side.

One other of the green crystal's greatest powers is being able to jump through space, which was very useful in the battle - the ability for one to disappear of your enemy and to reappear to the adversary's blind spot.

Amanda recognized it was fortunate that they practiced how to use each other's powers now and then. She had already mastered this part of Abasi's capabilities.

In a fraction of a second, she disappeared from the hill only to suddenly face the Oscorian men in the valley.

The barbarians were quickly taken aback by the appearance of a greened-skinned woman whose eyes were glowing in the shade of the leaf and her body was floating like she had no gravity. Gravity is also one of Abasi's strengths.

While some front-liners were battling it out, those who saw her arrive froze for seconds.

Amanda warned in her loudest roar, "If you continue this war! You will face eternal suffering from the gods!"

She named herself a god, only to explain her sudden presence and the upcoming use of Abasi's powers. However, despite her warning, the Oscorians roared in disagreement, raising their arms at her.

With her hands raised, she responded quickly, asking the spirit of the green crystal to open a gate to Ophida, the world where half-bodied snakes live. This was the home of the same snake where she was supposed to send back from the cave of Vietnam.

The Oscorians who attacked Amanda fell into her trap, getting sucked into a void. A good twenty men vanished into the swirling light, discouraging the devils to move forward to the fight.

Unfortunately for Amanda, her time in Pelagy could not be any longer than fifteen minutes.

She suddenly felt her heart being squired by a hand. She knew she had to return. She heard the voice of Abasi call to her, "Amanda what are you still doing there? Come back now! The fucking snake is awake and my chest is starting to hurt!"

She gazed at devils before her and said, "This is my warning! If you continue this war - I will come back for you and burn each and every one of you!"

Amanda ordered Zaman to close to the gate of Ophida before disappearing in front of the red-skinned giants.

From the peak above the valleys, she reappeared once more. Amanda gazed below, hoping to find Christopher, but there were too many men with wings blocking her line of sight.

She sighed and said, "I'll come back. I'll come back."

In seconds, she jumped back to the wormhole, completely leaving the world of Pelagy.

There was a commotion in that valley. In the center-most part of the land were two nations already battling with their swords whereas, from yards behind the Oscorian's side, they were crippled by the appearance of a goddess in green skin.

Some foes expressed words of fear, halting the attack from where they settled. Never had they seen such a being in Pelagy. They could only believe the spirits of the world sent her to encourage harmony between nations.

"We should fall back!"

"That was a warning! The spirits are watching us!"

"Our great leader? What should we do?"

Vasco, the leader of the siege, saw the appearance of the strange woman from a distance. He stormed to the same spot but arrived only after the woman departed. He frantically looked around, but she was nowhere to be found.

He glared at his men and said, "Nonsense!"

"Aeros may be using magic! That's all! We will take their healers and have possessions to the same magic as they have!" Vasco raised his sword to the sky and ordered his Oscorian men, "The war continues!"

To Vasco's dismay, however, Amanda's appearance already affected his soldiers. Some were unwilling to fight. To those that hesitated, he ordered the kill of his own men. It created an internal battle amongst Oscorian arms.

Meanwhile, from the other group, Christopher and some of his men also saw the arrival of the green-skinned woman.

At some point they saw the sudden departure of their enemies, seemingly being sucked into a void. They also witnessed the Oscorians become divided and retreating in the process.

Christopher said, "It must be the spirits of Pelagy! They are finally answering our prayers!"

"Hiya!" The men of Aeros were strengthened by what they have seen that they boosted her confidence through their roars and the raising of their blades.. They advanced into the battlefield with only the belief in victory.

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