Put Out My Fire

Chapter 88 - The Phoenix Form

"Amanda. Amanda," Christopher called on her again. He rested his head on her chest, hearing the regular beating of her heart.

Christopher remained to carry Amanda in his arms, embracing her tight as he tried to repeatedly wake her.

Out of nowhere, he felt a hand on his head. He looked up to find Amanda's dreamy eyes. He let out a sigh of relief, knowing she was already awake.

Amanda hugged Christopher tightly, teary-eyed. She nestled on his neck and pecked on his skin. She emotionally told, "I'm so happy - I'm so happy it's you. It was you all along. It was you all along."

She understood what had happened to her, especially after seeing her second skin. She had her powers back and she could feel it in her bones.

Meanwhile, Christopher let her feet land on the ground and he returned the same tight hold. He also pecked on her cheek and said, "I - I don't know what is going on, Amanda, but I am so relieved that you are okay."

"I - I thought - I was afraid to lose you," admitted Christopher.

Surrounding them were four spectators, observing their sweet embrace.

"Um - I - I hate to break off this strange and overwhelming moment between the two of you but - but Aeros is under attack. I don't suppose, Amanda, given what we have seen you do, perhaps you could help... help us," suggested Kyle, his voice breaking off, still reluctant to speak to Amanda.

While Kyle and the others had many questions in their heads, there was a more pending matter that needed to be addressed.

Amanda and Christopher let go, turning first to Kyle. She said, "Of course. I - I enjoy eliminating pests."

She heard a familiar voice clearing his throat. Amanda directed her gaze to Abasi and once again, she was teary-eyed. The two masters embraced each other. Amanda was especially touched for their reunion, for it was a good one.

Not like the past two encounters where Abasi was there to scold on her and discourage her to be with Christopher. This time she had something to throw back at him.

After letting go of the hug, Amanda said to Abasi, "You should have just supported me. As it turns out, Christopher is the master of water!"

"There was no telling, Amanda! You knew that too!" Reasoned Abasi.

"Master of water. Tell me, Amanda, what is this all about?" Christopher asked, walking next to her and Abasi.

"For now, Christopher," Abasi said. "All you need to know is that the earth has its own protectors, and that is us. There are six of us who were blessed with the power, living inside of us."

Amanda nodded and explained further, "There is the master of the wind, of the earth, of the heart." She put a hand on her chest and said, "I am the master of fire and you... I don't know how... but the earth's spirit of water chose you as the host... as the master of water."

"But Chris, since Aeros is under attack, I best explain everything to you after we deal with Oscorians and the traitors - Plethorans," said Amanda. "We - we need to go now."

"Right. I - I badly need an explanation," said Christopher. "But - but you are right. It's best that we go to Aeros - Urrggh!"

Christopher still felt the pain of his wings. While healing inside his back, he sensed its tenderness.

Amanda glanced at Abasi and asked, "Can Brody heal him? His wings are broken. " She looked back at Christopher and said, "Show him, Chris."

In agony, Christopher let out his wings again, creeping out of his back gradually, and there Abasi saw how one wing could not spread like the other. Abasi also saw how Christopher's face turned ugly, bearing the injury as he revealed his wings.

"Wow, I have always been amazed at how the people of Aeros can grow wings. I've been to this word about three times in the past, practicing crossing worlds as part of my powers," confessed Abasi.

Recalling Amanda's request, he said, "I will bring Brody."

Abasi stepped back. He closed his eyes, speaking through his mind and calling for Brody.

Eventually, he raised his hand, creating another wormhole, and slowly, they saw a figure coming out from the swirling light.

Brody appeared before them, completely in his second skin without any clothes on. He had come from the white island's volcanic crater, still looking for the missing Venusian sword.

Once again, Christopher and his group were shocked to see another powerful being come out from a wormhole. While they have crossed gates to earth, it amazed them how one person can simply make a port at his will.

They were in total awe of Abasi's powers.

"Hey! Amanda! Welcome back!" Brody immediately hugged the master of fire, relieved of the news that his friend's chosen one was in fact the master of water.

Brody quickly let go of Amanda and extended a hand to Christopher. He said, "Finally, welcome to the team. You've missed a lot, but better late... than never."

Amanda directed her gaze to Christopher and introduced Brody. She said, "Chris, this is the master of the earth. He holds the power of healing too." Looking back to Brody, Amanda said, "Brody, please heal his wings. We need to fight a war in his nation."

"I see. So that's how it is... Now, Amanda. Are you sure you want him healed? Or maybe you want me to fight with you?" Brody suggested. If he was to heal Christopher, he will not be able to lend her a hand.

Amanda nodded and said, "He needs to man his people, Brody. He needs to have his wings back and he - he still can't use his powers, not yet."

"Very well. Christopher, let me have a look," said Brody. He let out the crystal in his hand and ordered for Christopher's healing.

Brody's eyes and the crystal that came about from his hands, illuminated in brown while Christopher's wings slowly took its original form. In a minute, Christopher's wings were fully healed.

Like always, when using the power of healing, Brody became weak that Abasi had to rest him down to the ground.

Abasi looked up to them and said, "I will come back to aid you after I send Brody to his home. Just wait here. It's faster if I take you to Aeros."

Amanda nodded and said, "Thank you, Abasi. Thank you."

They watched as Abasi disappear again through the wormhole he created, back to earth with Brody. For minutes, they lingered, waiting for Abasi's return.

When Abasi finally reappeared before them, he wasted no time and said, "Let's go. To Aeros." Looking at the three colleagues of Christopher, Abasi instructed, "Hold on to either Amanda or Christopher. I will take you for a ride."

Razul, Khalil, and Kyle did as they were instructed. Khalil held on to Amanda's shoulder while the other two grabbed on to Christopher's wings.

Not a moment too soon, they saw a bigger swirling light beneath their feet. Their bodies were gradually being sucked in, fading away from the barren land near the puzzle wood forest.

In an instant, they reappeared in a peak, facing Aeros. From there they could see two of their borders were being attacked by Plethoran and Oscorian arms. The soldiers of Aeros, struggling to fight the staggering number of rivals.

Seeing the battle unfold before his eyes, Christopher gritted his teeth. He clenched his hand into a fist and said, "Let's go. Our people need us!" He turned to Amand and said, "I'll carry you down, Amanda."

Amanda acted to be modest and softly said, "I - I don't need you to carry me down... not anymore."

Letting out her flames, Amanda glowed in red. She warned the others to stay away as she displayed her powers.

Soon enough, Christopher saw Amanda grew wings, not the typical kind but one made of fire. It spread over two meters wide on each side, everything burning in flames.

After reaching her phoenix form, she said, "Let's go."

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