Put Out My Fire

Chapter 89 - The Battle (I)

From an uninhabited mountain of Aeros, Amanda and Christopher prepare to join the battle below. The borders from the westernmost part of the nation as well as the north were being attacked.

The sun was about to set and they all saw how the Plethorans and Oscorians have outnumbered the soldiers of Aeros. There was no time to waste. Aeros needed saving.

"I'll take care of the Oscorians!" Announced Amanda. Turning to Abasi, she said, "Can you help Chris and his men?"

Abasi nodded and said, "With pleasure."

Christopher still worried about Amanda that he called for her, "Amanda, will you be okay?"

"I'm I'll be fine. Don't worry, with my fire, no one can come close to me. Abasi will protect you and be your eyes," said Amanda. "It's time to go Chris. You, Kyle, and Razul best deal with the Plethorans from the western border."

The two masters reluctantly separate, but shortly after seeing more of the soldiers of Aeros, struggle, and lose their lives to their enemies, Christopher and Amanda stormed at their chosen border, barely looking back.

While flapping her wings of fire, Amanda directed her attention to more Oscorians coming from the north. Her first plan was to stop the enemies from coming inside the border.

With her hand, she formed a huge ball of fire, slowly growing in diameter as she descended. After making sure her target range had not a single soldier of Aeros, she screamed, taking a pause at her flying while raising her hand above her head.

She immediately caught the attention of those on the ground flying down a good hundred feet above them.

Her hand had already formed a globe of fire, over ten feet in height. "Aeros! Move as far away from the border! Move away! Now! Haaaahhhh!"

Advancing in high speed, Amanda roared as she threw the gigantic ball of fire, a quarter of a kilometer away from the barriers. The second it touched the dirt, the globe of fire dug two feet below the ground, rolling in one line, outlining the northern barrier.

As the ball of fire resumed its rolling motion, it left its undying flames in the soils. With Amanda's orders, the fires remained everlasting, blocking entry to more adversaries wishing to penetrate through the north.

Reaching closer to the battle, her presence was made known before the soldiers of Aeros and the Oscorian men. She said, "Red-skinned brutes! It was not long ago that I warned of your death! Still, you attack Aeros despite my telling!"

"Now! You will face your end!" She announced before, thrusting out her golden sword. She gazed at the powerful blade and surprisingly, it was able to resist the heat of her flames. It was as if she was meant to be its new owner, with fire or without.

"Men of Aeros! Retreat to avoid my flames! I will take care of these ugly creatures for you - Haaaah!" Amanda blazed through the first set of Oscorians that she saw, quickly cutting through their armors and their flesh.

She used her golden sword effectively while occasionally throwing balls of fire to any foe in her line of sight.

Only after seeing she was on their side, did the soldiers of Aeros do as she said. For those who could flee from the Oscorians, they gave way for Amanda, securing themselves from the powerful being that was also burning their enemies to the ground.

Some red-skinned creatures scrambled to retreat, but they became trapped from the blazing fire lighting the entire northern barrier of Aeros. They were left to wait only for their outcome which they had now recognized, seeing such a powerful being, their fate was not in their favor.

A few Oscorians took the risk, crossing the wall of fire that had served as a second barrier to the north of Aeros. To the shock of their colleagues, their gigantic built was quickly turned into ashes.

Never had they seen such angry flames! Never had they feared for the coming of their tragic end!

Some Oscorians took a hostage for themselves, threatening Amanda not to come near them. Only then did Amanda request of Abasi, "Send me behind every red-skinned create who is taking hostage, Abasi!"

"I am busy Amanda!" Declared Abasi.

"Just whenever you can!" Answered Amanda. She first concentrated on those who did not have hostages, ending their chances of wreaking further havoc.

As she charged at one brute, she found herself suddenly disappearing, only to reappear behind an Oscorian holding a soldier hostage. She immediately struck on the brute's back, saving the flying man altogether.

Again and again, Abasi did the same, shifting her from one Oscorian to another; those that held a soldier of Aeros as a captive.

After freeing another hostage, the said soldier immediately jumped up in the air, ten feet high, and away from Amanda.

She gazed at him and ordered, "Tell your colleagues to re-advance! As you can see? The Oscorians are already scared out for their wits!"

"Just remember to stay at least ten feet away from me at all times!" Ordered Amanda. "You don't want to get hurt with my flames."

The soldier who received Amanda's instructions nodded repeatedly. He flew to the nearest troop leader and relayed the same message coming from her.

From the area where Amanda began her assault, the soldiers of Aeros found the confidence to fight again, seeing more of the Oscorians flee and get burned to the ground by Amanda's flames.

Amanda began to cover further inside the barrier. She had earlier seen some Oscorians head for the center of the nation where more civilians were found.

As she moved along in blazing speed, flying across the nearly dark skies, she caught a glimpse of a feisty warrior going against two Oscorian men. It was Keisha, struggling to keep up with the battle, wounded.

Amanda quickly aided her, seeing she could not escape from the beasts. "Kiesha! Runaway! Now!"

As soon as the red-skinned creatures turned to her warning, Kiesha took several steps back. It was not for Amanda's warning, but it was due to the fear of seeing a flying woman on fire.

"Haaaahh!" With one powerful swing of her golden sword, Amanda killed two brutes in one slash. Her feet landed to the ground just before half of their bodies fell opposite to her direction.

She saw Kiesha, panting and coughing out blood. Amanda looked around before redirected her gaze to her. Amanda said, "Find hiding Kiesha and attend to your wounds. This battle will be over soon."

"Who - who - who are you? How - how do you know me?" Asked Kiesha with difficulty, trying to keep her strength together.

It was because Amanda was in her second skin, also completely covered in fire. Her eyes were constantly glowing in red that Keisha could not recognize her.

While Amanda wanted to let herself be known to Keisha, her fires were not about to get tamed, not in this condition. She was far from unrecognizable. She said, "When the fight is over, you will know my name - now, find a good hiding place, for now.... Keisha."

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