Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 131: satyr

How can I completely convince the princess in these two days?

Thinking so, I can't help but feel awkward.

The day after Koi is coming, I absolutely must take me away.

Maybe look for the princess tonight?

When I decided to go out for a walk, I walked to the stables, pulled the fireplace out, fed some fodder, and rode it to take a nap.

Today's grasslands are also bare and grassy, ​​a piece of frozen soil, although it does not snow, it is not very comfortable to walk. However, the fireplace still likes to come out, and breathe deeply in the cold and clear air.

I watched it happy, and I was so embarrassed.

So I run into a person who doesn't want to meet: Ju can't be determined.

The man stopped my horse, and I turned my head and looked at the Xiongnu’s Zuo Xian Wang Shizi:

It is said that he is actually twenty-five years old, but it seems to be older than the actual age, always in his thirties. It may be caused by the north wind and frost, wearing a piece of vermilion skin, can not see what the skin, but the Chinese jewellery of clothes, is rare in the north.

The traditional hair style of the Xiongnu is not very beautiful, and it is very obvious, but he added a lot of gold beads and jade as ornaments, at least the luxury is obvious.

Speaking of conscience, in fact, Ju can't be long and ugly, with a clear face and a clear outline, but the nose is eagle and the cheekbones are high. If you put it in modern times, it is also a handsome guy.

But I didn't like this man from the first sight. This guy is more white than his own. He even has a bit of whiteness, his eyes are not shiny, his eyes are suspected, his eyes are swollen, his upper lip is slack, and his face is always looking at it. Like a hazy guy with an insatiable appetite.

I don't like to like it or not, I still nodded at him.

Ju can't decide to laugh at me.

He smiled and said something softly and deliberately.

Although I couldn't understand it, I was able to get a goose bump in his tone. Look at him with no expression.

He waved his hand and let his men retreat. I was alert and Lema looked at him.

He looked at me and smiled, and said something softly, and reached out to pull my stable.

It is a pity that the fireplace will be easily held by strangers, watching him reach out and gently take a small jump to avoid driving.

Ju can't be fixed on his face, he said something, didn't know if he was licking the fireplace, and reached for the horse.

I was also annoyed. When I mentioned the horse, I turned around and ran in the other direction. I couldn’t make a good ride, but I blocked me from going.

I lowered my face and looked at him coldly.

In the stalemate, a few rides rushed, someone called, with the words of the Huns I just learned, I can hear it is called "big brother."

Ju Qu did not settle his hand, look back, I also looked back, it really is Juqu Fox City.

The young man of Juqun Fox City is much more pleasant than his brother. Although it is not too handsome, the dark skin has a healthy red color. When the eyes are not smiling, it is like laughing, and the attitude is approachable.

Juqu fox city rushed over, only two people from behind, said something to his older brother, and nodded to me.

Ju can't be determined but he didn't seem happy. He was cold-faced and ignored his brother. Fox City also used to be tempted by the temper. At first, he was sneer, but he screamed for a while, and the Fox City seemed to blame. Also angry, and the voice is louder.

The two mixed a few mouths, and they used to point me at me. It seems that there is also a quarrel related to me.

Finally, Ju Qu was uncertain and angered away. Fox City drove me to the front, greeted me owing to my body, and said something with a smile, it is estimated to be a relief.

I reluctantly gave him a smile, and then gestured to indicate that I had to leave. He smiled and nodded. I patted the buttocks of the fireplace. The fireplace hooves and runs out for a short time. I look back. Fox City is staring at me, seeing me back, waving at me happily.

I don't want him to be passionate, so he ran without saying.

I have been thinking about how to make the princess stand firm since then.

One night, finally, one thing gave me an opportunity.

There are a lot of tricks that are generated by the ingenuity, rough and random, but even more without traces, it is not easy to prevent.

I am not a smart star. I was only thinking about it at the time. Moreover, this is not a clever strategy. I didn’t think about it at all, and I never thought about a big chance of failure and what I had to face after failure. situation.

But I am very lucky and successful.

The thing is this:

In the evening, I continued to host a feast for the Huns’ ally. This is not a feast, just a regular dinner. However, Ju can't decide whether to worry about something, or to return to the dancing girls, Miao Man's dance makes him unknowingly drink too much.

The princess claimed that her body was not very comfortable. She retired in the morning and it is estimated that she does not like to socialize with this brother.

Of course, I don't want to, so I also retired.

After I went back, I thought about it, or went to the princess.

My camp is not far from the princess. I can see it from afar. I can even see that the princess might have expected me to go and remove the female guards.

So I continued to wear women's clothes, and firmly walked up the road to the princess camp, feeling like a man dressed as a woman to sneak a lover.

Until now, there is no doubt about what is going on. But I didn’t go far from the camp, I was caught by one hand in the dark.

Of course, I was shocked.

This hand squeezed my wrist very hard and pulled me into the darkness.

My wrist hurts.

I don't know why, I didn't scream.

Fortunately, I didn't scream, then I smelled the sky and then saw the face that was always unpleasant.

He obviously drank too much.

I don't know if he accidentally ran here, or did he have the heart to ambush me.

However, from the fact that he can confuse him into the camp of the son-in-law, it is likely that he has bought someone.

I looked at him with panic in my identity.

His smile can be almost named □, the mouth is vague and whispering something, I can hear it is the Huns language, it seems that he is already drunk and can't remember to talk to me in a slang.

But although I don't understand, I can still guess what he said is nothing more than "little baby, want to die, let the grandfather kiss, have your benefits", and his action looks are also very typical: first to lift My chin, after I opened my face, tried to kiss me with a bad smelly mouth, and I pushed away.

This man is estimated to be very fortunate that I am a dumb, do not bother to lick my mouth, but very supportive, directly touch my chest.

My chest is fake, I can let him touch it, so I stepped on him and screamed when he jumped.

Why is it to step on him instead of flying directly to the key parts? Because when he tried to be indecent, I had a flash of light in my mind and some thoughts. At this time, I didn't want him to lose his fighting power too early.

When I got out of bed, the sleeves were caught by him, and I was slammed and pulled down.

This voice seems to want to stimulate the man's **, the fat can not be sure to catch up.

The destination I ran was the princess's camp.

This distance is not long, so it is easy for a drunk to catch up with me. I even stopped and waited for him once. He saw that I thought I couldn’t move, and of course I had to chase it.

All of this was actually done at a very fast pace, not to mention that there were no guards at the door, and I rushed in without any hindrance.

The princess wore a red bedcloth under the lamp. It was very sexy. It was almost faint and half lying on the couch. It seems that she is sure that I still want to find her, and I want to continue the test last night.

Seeing the person who was expecting it, he rushed in in an unexpected way, and the clouds were scattered, panting, and the clothes were not perfect. The princess naturally sat up in surprise.

I gasped, and I hadn't had time to say a word. Ju can't be confused and rushed in.

I quickly went to the side to hide, the Ju Canal was not sure what I expected, toward the only woman in his view, not to mention the clothes are hot, waiting for the woman in bed to rush.

The poor princess had not sat down yet, and he exclaimed, and he was pressed to the middle.

Ju can't decide to press the princess on the bed.

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