Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Kill the night

It took about three seconds for Ju Canal to make a fuss about the princess.

These three seconds are naturally the reaction time of the princess.

After all, it’s ridiculous.

Then, the princess came back to God, kicked it, and kicked it in the path. Just listening to a scream, the drunkard was immediately kicked, almost turned a circle in the air, and fell heavily on the tabernacle, I took a sigh of relief, from the perspective of my station can be seen a princess full of resentment Feet, falling on the key parts of the key. - This guy is probably abolished.

Of course, at this time, I was not idle, and I was screaming loudly in the lungs: "Come to people -"

It turns out that the nurse is a good comrade who is dedicated to his duties, and the speed is far more than 110 majors.

She appeared with a few female guards in less than a minute, and she seemed to wait for the rape.

I thought about the princess's **** appearance, and I basically understood it: when the princess planned to entangle with me, the nurse and the guards rushed in and raped, and I had to marry her - this is no longer a jealous idea. Out.

And the nurse showed that she was fainted by the scene of one more person in front of her. The princess was busy with anger and wrapped her sheets on her body, and she ignored her.

I had to reluctantly stop yelling, pointing to the obvious fainting of the quarrel, and said to the nurse, "This person is so bold, even broke into the inner camp!"

The nurse was very daring to her grandmother's princess. When she heard this, she blinked and immediately waved her female guard forward to tie him up.

At this time, I obviously not only alerted the premeditated nurse, but as I wished to alarm everyone, the voices outside were full.

At the same time, I quickly took off my women's clothes and quickly picked up a cloak of unruly robes on my body. By the way, I smashed the jewels of my body and picked up a sleeve and rubbed it on my face. The hair is also scattered, and it has been bundled.

Restore menswear in just a few seconds. Ha ha.

There are already many people outside, but obviously they dare not confuse the king.

A handsome male voice, slightly anxious, I recognized the general who originally invited me.

Although I don't understand, I can imagine that he must be asking what happened.

The princess was just right, just about to speak. I already saw from her demeanor that she wanted to press it down.

This can't be done! Greatly violated my original intention.

I was indifferent to the coma, and I was screaming: "There is no determination, do you want to do it?!" He said, rushing over, pretending to be a beggar, stepping on his stomach.

Ju can't be determined to have fainted in the past, and then screamed and woke up.

In the eyes of everyone who looked back, it was like a sudden depression, and I wanted to sneak up on something or run away. I was rushed to the ground and stepped on the ground.

The female guards immediately withdrew from the weapons.

The commotion inside clearly made the people outside anxious, and the generals shouted and rushed in with their men, and there were several other generals.

Then everyone is stunned.

The princess didn't expect the incident to happen like this. For a moment, I didn't know how to be good. The nurse said with anger and angrily what the generals said, and then everyone used the murderous gaze to watch the pain shrink into a shrimp shape, tied into a braid-like The channel is uncertain.

For the first one, I hate to drink a lot, and I pulled the knife and rushed toward the Ju Canal. Fortunately, I was dragged by everyone.

Ju can't be so tossed, it is estimated that the wine is also awake, began to resently yell at something, it is estimated to defend himself, but apparently the returning people do not want to listen to his explanation.

When it was raging, suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes on the outside, and everyone quickly went out to see them, but they saw the three thousand horses led by Juqu Fox City, the armor was awesome, surrounded by the group, all bowed Arrows, hand-held weapon, holding a torch, and returning to the people outside to ask, both sides seem to be moving hands. The scene is very confusing.

The head of Juqu Fox City waved, and the soldiers behind them closed their mouths, and they were silent.

Juqun Fox City opened the door to ask why the deaf person detained his brother. He was always gentle and even with a playful and rogue voice, but there was a firm and unshakable element to make him understand. People can't listen to their own ears.

The princess used the Huns to say something coldly, and the people on the other side of the Huns took a sigh of coolness, a little commotion. Even the Fox City seems to be a little bit ignorant of how good it is.

Ju Qu has no fixed position, and he yells at what he is saying, and sees the owner’s falling dog. Even pointing at me, it is estimated that I was cheated, or that he originally wanted to be indecent.

I didn't say a word, put a sword next to it, put it on his neck, and said in my only Chinese, "Yuqu Fox City, your brother is mad and wants to force the indecent Queen to kneel, thinking that this can be forced Her Majesty the Queen married him and satisfied his ambitions. He is self-sufficient, and you are not ready to lay down your arms. Do you still want to cover him?"

Fox City heard my voice and looked at me suspiciously. I quickly ran back my hair and put my face out as much as possible so that he could recognize me.

Fox City did not bear my high hopes, and I really recognized me, and I was shocked: "Zhang Qinglian!"

He looked back at the soldiers behind him and said loudly: "This is a conspiracy! The returning people have long colluded with the Guai people. Even Zhang Qinglian is here. It is deliberate to lie to our brothers to catch us and want to marry the father! Everyone rushes up. , rescue the big brother!" Speaking of the leader shot an arrow, patted the horse straight.

The arrow almost shot in the air, but fortunately I pulled him aside.

"Slow!" I drank. "Fox City, don't you want your brother's life? You will let go of the weapon, or I will kill him." When I said that I used force, Jianfeng pulled a piece around his neck. The mouth, the blood rushed out.

The unsettled Juquor was screaming like a pig, and shouting something in the Huns, it is estimated that they should stop doing it.

Many Huns have hesitated and no longer go forward. These people are all defensive guards. They are used to his orders. One of the seemingly high-level schoolmasters even loudly questioned Juqu Fox City.

Juqu fox city faceless expression, suddenly a hand raised a knife to the school will be smashed under the horse, blood is like a spring. He spoke in an iron-like voice. This passage was later translated to me by the nurse. This is roughly the case: "There are people who have tried to catch us and threaten us to fight the army of the Huns. The good men of the Huns cannot become others. Negative, I would rather die here and not surrender!"

At that time, of course, I didn't know what he said. Only after knowing his impassioned words, all the Huns were boiling and they would soon yell and rush.

And I understand one thing from his eyes and voice:

Juqu fox city wants to be stagnant.

Even if he and the returning person succumb to evil, even at the expense of the entire war, he will not be determined to die.

Juqu Fox City is an ambitious and terrible person.

Well, very good.

The Fox City must be determined to die, so that the position of the child can be obtained.

I also have to decide how to die, so that the return and the Xiongnu will be completely broken.

We have to take what we need, and we have to die if we are uncertain.

I did not hesitate, a sword running through the unrestricted back of the canal straight through the chest, the dark red blood under the night wet the clothes of this person, he opened his mouth, and his voice squeaked in his throat. I didn't pull out the sword, I didn't want to be splashed with blood, but let go of my hand and throw the body away.

A moment ago, the living object crashed to the ground.

The second killing did not seem so terrible as the first time.

It is really unfortunate that Juqu has no brother, Fox City.

I have such a thought in my mind.

The scene is silent.

Suddenly, he shouted and shouted, and the two sides smothered together.

The princess glanced at me and rushed up the sword.

The situation is still very tragic in a small scale, but Juqun Fox City does not intend to fight generously as he said. Of course, he understands that 3,000 people cannot be the opponents of the 100,000 army, so he is stunned by his flickering battle. The unsuccessful original man was desperate, and he took a small group of people to break through.

I actually hope that the returning people can kill the Juhu Fox City. This person must be a terrible opponent in the future. It is a pity that Juhu Fox City is very brave and good at fighting. In the end, he actually ran with a few people and broke through a mouth.

Most of the Huns were killed and they were quite degraded when they tried hard.

Looking back, I sent an elite to chase the Juhu Fox City. Looking at the distant horse rider, I suddenly thought of a problem:

How can the Ju Canal be so easy to get drunk, and so ruthless, will not know what the hands and feet of Juquor Fox City understand?

I couldn't help but shudder in the cold night that I had just killed.

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