Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 49 Multi-winged Fire Tiger

Liu Feihong had been pestering Lu Xueshuang because he had taken a fancy to her.

Because Liu Feihong's family was very powerful, Lu Xueshuang didn't dare to offend him, so she had to let him come. Besides, he had the highest cultivation level, so it would be safer to have him with them on this operation.

After everyone arrived, they used the Wind Control Technique to head to Dongmang Mountain, two thousand miles east of Yanyun Mountain.

Liu Feihong looked at everyone who could only use the Wind Control Technique, but he looked disdainful. He casually threw out a green boat, then jumped on it and flew directly off the ground.

"It turned out to be a flying magic weapon!" Everyone's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

However, the speed was a little slower than the Yanyun Pa that Fang Yang had asked the foundation-building cultivator to improve.

Along the way, Liu Feihong also pulled Lu Xueshuang onto the flying boat, but Lu Xueshuang refused to do so, so he gave up.

The three of them headed east, and they also encountered some low-level monsters on the way, which they naturally dealt with quickly.

Fang Yang also found some spiritual herbs through Qian Duoduo's treasure hunting skills.

In this way, the five people only took six days to reach the depths of Dongmang Mountain after a two thousand li journey.

According to Luo Qian, the third-level monster he encountered last time was nearby.

The crowd did not find any traces of the multi-winged fire tiger.

However, everyone understood that the multi-winged fire tiger was a very powerful third-level monster, and it also had wings on its back, so it could fly in the air, so its traces were not fixed.

In the current cultivation world, only foundation-building cultivators can fly with swords. If cultivators in the Qi training stage want to fly, they must rely on expensive flying magic tools, such as Fang Yang's Yanyun Pa and Liu Feihong's Qingyun Boat.

The Chen couple came in handy at this time.

Although they were casual cultivators, they practiced a secret method specifically for hunting monsters.

They took out some pink powder from their storage bags, and they saw him gently sprinkle the powder in a one-mile radius nearby, and soon the powder emitted extremely weak spiritual power fluctuations.

"It's the Wanli Xunyao Powder? Isn't this the stuff of the old monster Yu Mo from the Beast Taming Sect of the Great Zhou Kingdom?" Liu Hongfei frowned.

The Beast Taming Sect is a major sect of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

And the old monster Yu Mo is actually the supreme elder of the Beast Taming Sect, Taoist Yu Mo, a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage.

It's just that his cultivation is too high and his reputation is extremely great, so all the cultivators respect and fear him, so they call him the old monster Yu Mo.

His skills in controlling and taming beasts are second to none in the entire cultivation world.

"Haha, I'm sorry to make you laugh, fellow Daoist Liu, this thing is not the Wanli Xunyao Powder!" The cultivator surnamed Chen laughed, "That thing is not something that we cultivators in the Qi training stage can use!"

"This is a recipe from the Beast Taming Sect that we once traveled to the edge of the Great Zhou Kingdom. It's called the Exploration Powder." The wife of the cultivator surnamed Chen also laughed.

The function of this Exploration Powder can be regarded as a super simplified version of the Wanli Xunyao Powder.

The raw materials used are only second- and third-level spiritual herbs, but the refining method is special.

And it cannot be taken orally, but is used to detect traces left by wild beasts, and the detection distance is also very short.

These powders will react when they encounter the breath of monsters.

And the stronger the monster, the greater the fluctuation.

However, these powders can only sense monsters of level three and below.

Although the Chen couple's cultivation is not high, they seem to be quite experienced.

Soon they judged the general direction of the multi-winged fire tiger from the remaining monster aura around them.

Along the way, they generally encountered some first- and second-level monsters.

And Fang Yang and his group of people are all powerful. They encountered a first-level iron python, a second-level hurricane wolf, and even a second-level peak hurricane wolf king, but they were soon wiped out.

Of course, they also consumed a lot of pills.

At this time, they found that Fang Yang seemed to have a lot of pills such as Gathering Spirit Pills and Replenishing Qi Pills, which were basically unlimited, allowing them to quickly recover their spiritual power.

Even Liu Feihong, who was arrogant and looked up to the sky, looked at Fang Yang with a new look, but his eyes were filled with greed and jealousy.

The three of them tracked all the way, and after half a day, they found a cave on a stone wall.

There were still bursts of hot breath coming out of the cave.

The cave was more than ten feet high, and there were almost no plants around it. It was bare. There were no birds flying within a mile, which looked very strange.

"Found it. Judging from the heat and the reaction of the demon powder, this is the cave of the multi-winged fire tiger." The Chen couple said happily.

If it weren't for them, everyone would run around and might not only fail to find the monster, but might even encounter other more terrifying monsters.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, now that we have found the nest, what should we do?"

Luo Qian asked humbly, which was also the question of Fang Yang and the others.

"This multi-winged fire tiger has wings on its back and is extremely fast. Even if we can defeat it, we can't kill it, so we have to set up a formation."

The cultivator surnamed Chen smiled confidently. "As long as the formation works, coupled with your attacks, we will definitely be able to annihilate the tiger."

"As for how to distribute this tiger?" Liu Hongfei said casually, but his eyes were quite unfriendly.

Chen surnamed cultivator smiled and said: "My wife and I want to refine a medicine to control monsters, using the skull and internal organs of this third-level monster."

"I, I want the inner elixir~~" Luo Qian said a little embarrassedly.

"What? You? How dare you want the inner elixir?"

Liu Feihong's face was full of contempt, as if he saw a beggar asking for an extra bun, anyway, he looked like he was sending away a beggar.

Luo Qian's face suddenly turned purple, and he was shaking with anger.

Originally, Luo Qian just wanted to discuss with everyone, but Liu Feihong insulted him, which really made him very unhappy, but under the pressure of the Liu family's power, he had to hold back his temper.

"Everyone, stop talking. The monster hasn't been caught yet. Everyone, make arrangements and don't let the monster run away." Seeing that the situation was not right, Lu Xueshuang immediately spoke out to stop the internal strife.

The Chen couple shook their heads, and then immediately took out a set of strange flag formations made of animal bones.

They arranged flag formations along the entrance of the cave and a large area outside the cave, and then took out many strange spiritual herbs.

Fang Yang didn't know much about these spiritual herbs, and they were obviously not used to refine spiritual pills.

After asking, he found out that these were all spiritual herbs that monsters liked or could restrain monsters.

After the Chen couple finished setting up the formation, they also sprinkled a strange powder around the cave within one or two miles, which made the place have an indescribable strange smell.

"This is the beast-repelling powder. With this thing, the monsters will feel very smelly and will unconsciously stay away from this range. In this way, it can avoid attracting other monsters when surrounding and killing the monster."

The cultivator surnamed Chen continued to introduce.

Seeing his method, Fang Yang was secretly shocked and felt that the Chen couple might not be simple.

Because even if the casual cultivators are experienced, they don't have such detailed methods.

However, Liu Hongfei's face was full of disdain.

He felt that his family had a late foundation-building ancestor sitting in front of him, so he didn't take any casual cultivators in the Qi training period seriously at all.

Although he also felt that the Chen couple's method was novel, he always thought that it was a low-level method of the bottom-level cultivators, and his face was more contemptuous.

"What a wonderful formation!" When the Chen couple set up the formation, Fang Yang was also constantly observing.

He also had some knowledge of formations, and his family had set up a set of extremely expensive Jiujiu Guiyuan formation.

Because Fang Yang had a foundation, he watched with great interest and asked questions from time to time.

And the Chen couple also tried their best to answer, which benefited Fang Yang a lot.

"Okay, everything is ready! We will burn the magic grass at the entrance of the cave, so that we can attract the monster out!" said the cultivator surnamed Chen.

"Everyone, this multi-winged fire tiger not only has the strength of the foundation-building period, but also can fly, and it is very fast. Our formation can only control the time of four incense sticks!"

The wife of the cultivator surnamed Chen said: "In the four incense sticks of time, it can't fly and its movements are slow. Everyone must hurry up."

As soon as the voice fell, the Chen couple used the wind control technique to reach the entrance of the multi-winged fire tiger's cave.

They lit a small bunch of spiritual herbs, and suddenly the fragrance filled the air.

They blew the fragrance into the cave, and then placed the slowly burning spiritual herbs in the center of the formation.

Fang Yang felt that the fragrance seemed to have a faint sweetness, and at the same time, it also had a refreshing feeling.

However, he also knew in his heart that this thing had a great attraction to monsters.

Even Qian Duoduo in Fang Yang's spirit beast bag began to move.

If Fang Yang hadn't immediately thrown the pills for it to eat, and then gave it a few pills for emergency use, I'm afraid Qian Duoduo would also be driven crazy by the fragrance.

"I used to think that this beast control technique was just a minor skill, but now I find that it is indeed profound."

Fang Yang was secretly surprised and felt that he could practice more Taoist methods in this area in the future.

"Okay, the fragrance has entered, but this multi-winged fire tiger is extremely suspicious by nature. It is estimated that the fragrance will last for about half an hour before he will come out. We just need to wait here carefully." Chen Xiushi smiled.

The crowd was divided into three teams, stationed in three corners of the formation.

Lu Xueshuang was with Chen Xiushi's wife Wu.

Fang Yang and Chen Xiushi ambushed near the cave entrance. ,

Liu Feihong and Luo Qian, who were stronger, were lying in ambush at the top of the stone wall to prevent the monster from escaping from the air before the formation was activated.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, the art of taming beasts is indeed extraordinary. Today, I have really opened my eyes!" Fang Yang and monk Chen were so bored that they began to communicate with each other through their minds.

"Haha, this method of taming beasts is indeed profound and extensive. My wife and I only know the basics by chance." Monk Chen smiled when he heard Fang Yang's praise.

"If Fellow Daoist Fang can go to the Great Zhou Kingdom in the future, he will know where the cultivators are really powerful. The Beast Taming Sect, the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Qingfeng Mountain, and the Huanyunmeng Sect are the top sects in the world."

"When I was at home, my ancestor praised this art of taming beasts!" Fang Yang asked casually.

"By the way, my ancestor said that he once traveled to the Great Zhou Kingdom not long after he established his foundation." Fang Yang said.

"So your family has a foundation-building ancestor, really amazing!" Monk Chen said respectfully.

"During his travels, my ancestor heard that he encountered a demon beast that looked like a small white mink at an auction!"

"A demon beast that looked like a white mink?" Monk Chen seemed to be thinking.

"He heard that this demon beast would seek spiritual energy and thus find treasures, but he only heard about it and had never seen it!"

Fang Yang said with a smile.

"My ancestor didn't know what this demon beast was, but he warned us younger generations that the art of controlling beasts is definitely not as simple as we imagined."

"By the way, a demon beast like the little white mink can also hunt for treasure?" The cultivator surnamed Chen's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly. "When and where did your ancestor see it?"

Seeing the cultivator surnamed Chen lose his composure, Fang Yang knew that Qian Duoduo was indeed not an ordinary demon beast.

Fang Yang then replied calmly: "My ancestor is over 130 years old. He successfully built his foundation at the age of 40 and then went out to travel. It is estimated that it has been 810 years. It's just that he was deeply impressed at that time, so he wrote it down."

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