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They only knew that the village had been attacked, and they didn't know the specific details, because Nanami said that she would send shadow clones to deal with it, and she did send two shadow clones back.

Now it seems that Nanami handled it well, and the enemies should have been dealt with.

However, there were still casualties in the village, and the suburbs were also destroyed. The village is currently dealing with the aftermath urgently.

""Sir, Nanami-sama."

Suddenly, an Anbu appeared in front of Nanami-sama and said,"Sir, Hokage, please come over. And Sir, Asuma-sama,"

"I understand."

Nashi nodded, said goodbye to the three guys from Team 10, and headed towards the Hokage Building with Asuma.

After a while, the two arrived at the Hokage Building one after the other.

After knocking on the door of the Hokage's office, they found that the room was already full of people. Except for a few people who were on a mission or injured, all the senior ninjas were there.

"Wait, why is he here too?"

Suddenly, Asuma looked at the person in the middle with an incredible expression. It was Itachi who had just returned to Konoha Village.

Itachi's affairs were of great importance, so few people knew that he was still working for Konoha Village after the night of genocide.

So even if Asuma knew the truth about the night of genocide, he would not believe that Itachi would still be willing to protect the village after the night of genocide.

The same was true for many other jonin. No one expected Itachi's awareness to be so high. In his words, this is called magnanimity, right?

"Itachi is one of us."

Then Tsunade defended Itachi by saying,"He has always been a jonin in the village. Even though he is labeled a traitor, he is still carrying out the spy missions assigned to him by the village.

And this time, he brought back very important information."

This information is indeed very important, and Itachi even called it the"prelude to the Fourth Ninja World War."’

"The Fourth Ninja World War?"

A gasp sounded in the room.

This is a bit too exaggerated. They actually said that the Fourth Ninja World War is about to break out. Is it true?

"It's true."

Nanami stood up and spoke for Itachi,"The Six Paths of Pain are all dead, and there is someone else who really controls them...."

"It's Nagato's kid."

Jiraiya, who was also invited by Tsunade, interrupted and said

"I think so."

Qi Shi smiled and tilted his head, looking very cute, but his words were very cold:"Well, anyway, the person has been killed by me, and all you can do is to cherish it. By the way, I am very annoying to interrupt you, just this once, okay?"


Jiraiya took a big step back instantly, with cold sweat dripping down his face, he nodded and bowed to Nanami with a smile.

He had just fought with Naruto and the others not long ago, and had seen the terrifying power of Nanami's shadow clones, so he dared not provoke this elder sister again.

This elder sister was able to train three children to become Kage-level strongmen, and she herself was a super powerful person who could kill Kage-level strongmen in seconds.

"You continue talking."

Tsunade quickly changed the subject and asked Nanami to continue talking.


Tan Nanami snorted in disdain, and then continued:"I found the person who controlled Pain's Six Paths, and then killed them. Before he died, the guy with the Rinnegan summoned a thing called the Outer Path Demon Statue, which sealed the seven tailed beasts except the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails. That's it." After finishing his words in a few words, Tan Nanami turned around and sat aside.

It seems that Tan Nanami really cares about Jiraiya interrupting her. At least everyone can see that she is a little angry.

Tsunade glared at Jiraiya with a smile. Why interrupt him for no reason? Really.

Jiraiya was also innocent. He didn't expect Tan Nanami to be so impatient and petty. He just said that casually because it was related to his former apprentice.

"That's right, Akatsuki has sealed away seven tailed beasts." Fortunately, I can also get information from Itachi, and now I hear him take the initiative to say:"Their goal is to use the nine tailed beasts to wage war on other countries, especially the five major ninja villages."

"This is all past information."

Nanami couldn't help but speak again:"Using the nine tailed beasts to start a war is just a superficial excuse. Even if there are 100,000 White Zetsu troops, who will manage it for him even if he conquers the whole world?

Therefore, the real purpose cannot be to start the Fourth Ninja World War. That 'Uchiha' has only one plan. He plans to reawaken the Ten-Tails and become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, and then launch the Infinite Tsukuyomi to control everyone."

Things have developed to this point, Nanami feels that some things should be said.

And this is also to better promote the alliance of the Ninja World Alliance.

If it only involves a certain village or country, others will only be the ones who benefit.

But now it involves everyone in the entire Ninja World, and this time no one will just sit on the sidelines.

"Ten-tailed beast?"

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment, even Itachi looked thoughtful.

Then, Nanami had to step out and explain the origin of the tailed beasts to everyone.

"The nine tailed beasts were originally one, called the Ten Tails, and were also the source of chakra. Some people even called it the Creation Tree.

Later, someone ate the fruit of the tree and gained the power of chakra. Since then, people have finally mastered this power.

For various reasons, the person who ate the fruit of chakra launched the first Infinite Tsukuyomi. Those White Zetsu evolved from the people who were trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi last time.

In order to protect the world from being destroyed and to protect the continuation of mankind, the Six Paths Sage stood up and took his brother to resist. Only then did he finally seal that person up and personally became the second generation of the Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

Later, in order to prevent anyone from becoming the Ten Tails Jinchūriki and endangering the ninja world, the Six Paths Sage simply divided the Ten Tails into two parts before his life was about to end. One was the Outer Path Demon Statue, and the other was the nine tailed beasts. This is the origin of the Ten Tails and the connection between it and the nine tailed beasts."

After briefly explaining the information about the Ten-Tails to everyone, Kagami Nanami changed the subject and said,"That's why I said that Uchiha's plan is not to conquer the world. His goal is to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi to dominate the world.

Although it seems that there is no difference between the two, in fact, the difference is very large. Once he successfully launches the Infinite Tsukuyomi, humans will not only lose their freedom, but even their thoughts will be controlled.

Even more seriously, the entire ninja world will perish."

Kagami Nanami did not mention that Black Zetsu's goal was actually just to lift the seal for Kaguya Otsutsuki, nor did she say anything more. She just said something that she thought was time to announce.

Then, she turned to Tsunade and suggested,"It's time to hold the Five Kage Talks."_

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