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According to estimates, the fastest reply should be in a few days.

So Nanami said goodbye to Tsunade and the roomful of jonin, and turned around to go back.

"That's right."

Before leaving, Nanami turned around and shouted to Itachi,"Itachi, don't forget to come to my house after the meeting."

"I understand."

Itachi looked as if he understood, and bowed respectfully in the direction of Nanashi Kaku, saying,"Thanks to Senior Nanashi Kaku for your care."


After answering, Qishi really left.

"This guy is so scary."

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that after Nanami left, the whole room felt much more relaxed.


Tsunade shook her head in amusement and anger:"Everyone knows that you are a lecherous sage, and it's good enough that I can treat you well." Jiraiya called himself the Toad Sage, and then three years ago when he took Naruto to find Tsunade, he was called the Lecherous Sage by Naruto on the way, because he always used the name of collecting materials to peek at people taking a bath, too lecherous.

So it's no wonder that Nanami targeted him, this old guy is really not a good thing...

Let's look at Nanami.

After coming out of the Hokage Building, Nanami didn't worry about getting lost. There were GPS on her shoulders to guide her. She returned home quickly. As soon as Nanami opened the door, she found that Naruto and the others had all returned, and even Sakura was staying in the house and not in a hurry to go home.

She was waiting for her to come back on purpose.

"Nanami-sister, did something happen? Those people before were Akatsuki, right? They came to see me, right?"

As soon as he came up, Naruto asked Nanami several questions in succession to find out what happened.

"Sit down first, it's not proper to be in such a hurry."

Nanami grumbled in annoyance, and after everyone sat down again, she said calmly:"Yes, a big event is about to happen, and I hope you can know something. If nothing unexpected happens, the five major ninja villages may form an alliance, and the main purpose is to start the Fourth Ninja World War with Akatsuki."

Although the Ninja World seems to be very large, in fact, all the ninja villages together have only so many people, about 100,000.

So since it is known that Akatsuki has an army of hundreds of thousands of White Zetsu, then it is very necessary to form this alliance. At least Konoha Village does not want to compete on its own, and it will be difficult to compete.

Then, Nanami repeated to Naruto and the others what she had said in the Hokage's office before.

"How does she know everything?"In

Naruto's spiritual world, Kurama showed a shocked expression. There were many secret things that even he was not very clear about, because after being separated by the Six Paths Sage, he was no longer the Ten Tails, but only the Nine-Tails Kurama.

So he was not very clear about the first Infinite Tsukuyomi.

But Nanami could easily tell such a secret thing, which surprised him.

"Be prepared for war to come at any time.

Finally, Qi Shi reminded that war may be coming soon, so it is best to be mentally prepared in advance.

"By the way, Sasuke."

Nanami turned to look at Sasuke and said,"Itachi is back and is having a meeting with the Hokage and the others. I asked him to come over in a while. Before the war comes, I have to let you evolve your Sharingan into the Eternal Mangekyō, otherwise you will be powerless."

The consumption of the Mangekyō Sharingan is too great. It not only consumes pupil power and chakra, but also poses a huge hidden danger to the body.

For example, when Pain attacked before, Sasuke only used two pupil techniques in succession at the beginning, namely Amaterasu Flame and Kagutsuchi.

Then he didn't dare to use more pupil techniques, fearing that not only would he not be able to cause damage to Pain's Six Paths, but he would also lose his combat effectiveness.

In order to ensure that Sasuke and Itachi can become helpers rather than burdens, it is very necessary for Nanami to transplant their eyes before the war begins.

And she is very interested in whether the two brothers can evolve into eternal Mangekyō at the same time by transplanting each other's eyes.

After all, this is an experiment that no one has tried before. No one can say that it is absolutely impossible or absolutely possible. Anyway, just try it.

And only Nanami dares to try this operation, because she has omniscience and can see the future, and has the power to reverse cause and effect, so she is not afraid of failure.

If it were someone else, even Tsunade would not dare to be sure that she could succeed....

When Itachi found this place under the guidance of an Anbu, Nanami had already made all the preparations.


Sasuke stared at Itachi, the excitement in his eyes could not be dispelled for a long time.


Itachi smiled gently at Sasuke, and he was exactly the same as before.

"By the way, Itachi, you are only in your teens, right?"

Nanami suddenly became interested in Itachi's age.

"No, I'm already 21 years old.

Itachi nodded politely to Nanami and answered.

Who would have thought that such a mature-looking man was only 21 years old, and that he launched the genocide night several years ago when he was only a teenager?

"So that's it."

Zhu Qishi muttered indifferently, and called the two brothers,"Okay, come over here and lie down. I'm going to perform surgery on you."

""Sister Nanami, do you need my help?"

Sakura volunteered to ask from behind.

"Just watch it."

Nanami didn't reject Sakura's kindness, and Sakura is also a medical ninja, so it's always good to have more contact with these things.

"I'll go out first."

Naruto didn't dare to watch the operation, and rushed out of the door, but he didn't leave far, just stood by the door, waiting for the results of the operation.

"Let's get started."

When Sasuke and Itachi lay down on the two operating tables in the living room of Kaguya's house, the eye transplant surgery began.

By the way, where did these two operating tables come from?

They were imagined by Kaguya using the ability of Quincy Visionary Gremmy.

Although this was imagined by imagination, it also exists in reality, unless Kaguya no longer needs them, they will disappear.

Later, when the operation was in progress, Kaguya also used the ability of Fullbringer Yukio to create a complete operating room, which not only prevented being disturbed, but also created a sterile environment.

"I'm going to start."

After reminding Sasuke and Itachi again, Nanami finally took the scalpel handed over by Sakura, took a deep breath, and after gently lifting Sasuke's eyelids, she dug out his left eye.

Then she dug out Sasuke's right eye in the same way.

And Itachi's eyes.

Then, Nanami used her omniscience and omnipotence, and it can be said that she spent countless methods and made countless attempts in the"future", plus the help of the Eye of the Ancients, and finally found a point that allowed Itachi and Sasuke to both open the Eternal Mangekyo.


_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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