Although Hinamori Momo is the vice-captain of the 5th Division, her rank is still far behind the three captains who defected.

So Nanami is very confident that as long as she asks the captain-in-chief to let Hinamori Momo serve as the third seat, it can be done.

It just so happens that the vacant position of the vice-captain of the 5th Division can be given to the vice-captain of the 9th Division, Hisagi Shuhei, and then Rukia can be the vice-captain of the 9th Division.

"Just right."

Qi Shi suddenly realized that this was just the right thing to do.

"Seven Realities...Sister."

Toushirou wanted to say something good to Hinamori Momo.

"Shut up now."

Nanami looked at Toushirou with a look of disappointment:"You are so calm even though your childhood sweetheart is so obsessed with someone else. Do you also think that I was the one who forced Aizen and the others to rebel?"


Dong Shilang had no choice but to shut up. If he continued talking, it would seem that he also supported Hinamori Momo's point of view.

"Let's go, Rukia."

Not wanting to deal with the confused Hinamori Momo any more, Nanami called Rukia and they turned and left.

"Is this really a good idea?"

Rukia asked Nanami quietly. She knew that their relationship was not very good, but there was no need to target Hinamori like this.

Besides, Hinamori was already very pitiful.

"You should think about your own affairs."

Nanami reminded Rukia:"It's time for you to officially face Shiba Kaien's sister and brother."

Rukia was stunned:"You know everything?" Nanami nodded

, thinking that of course she knew, and she was even very clear about what happened back then. The more secret plot was not a mystery to her.

"That's right."

After walking a little further, Nanami finally mentioned:"Rukia, I have planned to go to the 9th Division to be a captain. After all, this is the result of the recommendation of all the captains including the captain-general, and it is really impossible to refuse."

After the previous captain meeting, the captain-general asked the remaining captains to respond and recommend Nanami to be the captain. Even Byakuya from the 4th Division conveyed his intention.

With so many captains' recommendations, Nanami couldn't refuse even if he was unwilling.

"So, I want you to come to the 9th Division to help me, otherwise I can't handle it."

Nanami turned to invite Rukia, and she said:"Besides, I have already negotiated with Captain Ukitake."

Rukia wanted to refuse at first. She didn't want to leave the 13th Division. One reason was that she was already used to it, and the other was that she still had many thoughts.

However, if even Captain Ukitake agreed to her leaving,

"Come and be my vice-captain."

He almost blurted out his true feelings, and Nanami hurriedly opened his mouth to continue inviting Rukia.

But Rukia had already heard it, and looked at Nanami with a strange face, and couldn't help asking:"Um, Nanami, are you really...Lily?"

"Don't shout, keep your voice down."

Rukia was the one who felt embarrassed.


At this time, a voice came from a room that the two passed by. The cold way of speaking made them very familiar.

"We almost went too far."

Rukia then realized that they had unknowingly walked to Byakuya's ward.

Giving Nanami a warning look, Rukia pushed the door open and said,"Brother, I'm here to see you."

""Brother-in-law, I'm here to see you too."

Nanami followed in, but the way she addressed him made Byakuya's eyes twitch.

"You get out."

Without thinking, Byakuya pointed at Nanami and unceremoniously ordered her to leave.

Rukia looked at Nanami with anger and amusement. She had told her to stop messing around, but it was really ridiculous.

She knew that Byakuya was the one who paid the most attention to the etiquette and rules of the nobility, so how could he support her so-called yuri theory? So, he kicked her out.

"Rukia, take me back."

Nanami was very obedient, but if she wanted to go back, she had to let Rukia take her.

In order to avoid being troubled by the captain (she destroyed countless buildings on her way to Shuangjitai), Nanami had to admit that she was a super directionless person.

So she was not making a fuss, but really needed Rukia to lead the way for her, otherwise, she might end up somewhere else.

"Stop right there."

With a headache, Byakuya had to keep Tanaka Nanami, but he was too lazy to look at her again. He turned to look at Rukia and asked,"Have you decided to go to the 9th Division?" After all, Rukia is the daughter of the Kuchiki family. If he wants her to change teams, he must at least report it to the head of the Kuchiki family.

In other words, Byakuya already knew that Tanaka Nanami wanted to take Rukia away, but because he had been living in the 4th Division, he didn't have time to find Rukia to ask her what she thought at the first time.


In the midst of Nanami's nervousness, Rukia nodded:"Maybe, I should make some changes, too."

For so many years, she has been entangled in the death of Shiba Kaiyan, and it can be said that she has never gotten over it.

After this incident, Rukia finally felt relieved. In order to completely say goodbye to the past, maybe she should really go to the 9th Division.

"As long as it's your own idea, it's fine."

Byakuya nodded, with another meaning hidden in his words. He wanted to say that although it seems that the entire Soul Society values Takashi Nanami very much, and she does have the ability to be proud.

However, their Kuchiki family will not bow their heads easily. If this is not Rukia's own wish, he will not let her go.

Takashi Nanami understood, and Rukia naturally understood it too. The former was fighting with Byakuya with hostile eyes, while the latter looked at her elder brother with emotion.

"Don't try to stop us from being together."

Nanami used his eyes to convey his meaning to Byakuya.

"Stay away from Rukia."

Baiya threatened without giving in.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the ward seemed very strange....

"Byakuya, this damn sister complex."

After staying at Byakuya's place for a while, Nanami was still kicked out, and she didn't get her wish to get Rukia to come out and lead the way, because Renji happened to be visiting Byakuya.


Renji coughed dryly with a tangled face, thinking that it was not good for you to slander our captain in front of me, the vice-captain.

After the truth was revealed and Byakuya resolved his knot, Renji had resumed his original position.

But who said that Nanami was already the quasi-captain of the 9th Division, Renji could not speak to her as before.

"Hey, Renji."

Suddenly, Nanami, who was obviously a road idiot but liked to walk in front, turned around, looked at Renji seriously, and said,"I won't give Rukia to you."

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