A few days later, the captain held another captain meeting in the first team....It is not correct to call it a captain's meeting, because this should be a captain's inauguration ceremony.

"Well, now let's hold the inauguration ceremony for the new captain of the Gotei 13th Division."

Because this ceremony is very important, at least the captain-in-chief takes it very seriously, so even the vice-captains were allowed to attend, and they all stood behind their captains.

Among them, Kira Izuru from the Third Division and Hisagi Shuhei from the Fifth Division were very embarrassed.

As for Rukia, who had been promoted to vice-captain of the Ninth Division, she was following closely behind Tanaka Nanami.

She should have gone in first, but now everyone knows that Tanaka Nanami is a person with a poor sense of direction, and he might get lost even if he stood at the door, so it's better to let Rukia follow him more.

"Please invite the new captain of the 9th squad, Nanami, to come in."

At this time, the captain slowly opened his still fascinating eyes, looked towards the door and said

""Click, click."

The next moment, Nanami Tanaka, who deliberately wore a pair of wooden clogs today, appeared.

She was wearing a black Shinigami suit, but it was not an ordinary Shinigami suit. The sleeves were very large and long. At this time, Nanami Tanaka clasped her hands together, making her look like she was wearing an extra skirt.

On the outside of the Shinigami suit, she wore a white haori with the word"nine" written on the back.

This was the captain's haori that only the captain was qualified to wear.

From this moment on, Nanami Tanaka was no longer the"small" third seat, but the captain of the 9th Division.

This was one of the few captains in the entire Soul Society, and even in the entire Soul Society.

"You can take your seats now."

There was no complicated ceremony, just a formality for Nanami to go through and let all the captains and vice-captains get to know her, and then it was over.

Nanami nodded, and under Rukia's guidance, she walked to the opposite side of Toushirou and found her own seat.

"I am taller than you, Toushirou."

Suddenly, Nanami deliberately measured her shoulders with her hand.

Originally, she was not that tall, not much different from Toushirou.

But now, because she deliberately wore a pair of wooden clogs, she was much taller than Toushirou.

Toushirou rolled his eyes in dismay, thinking that he finally understood why she wore wooden clogs.


The captain coughed dryly. He didn't know Qishi very well. He didn't expect that she was not nervous at all in such a serious occasion and dared to do some tricks secretly.

"Today, in addition to the captain's inauguration ceremony."

After the scene was quieted down, the captain said:"There is one more thing I want to hear your opinions on, which is how to deal with those travel disasters, especially the treatment of Ichigo Kurosaki and Uryu Ishida."

Among Ichigo and his group, Ichigo Kurosaki possesses the power of the Shinigami, and Uryu Ishida possesses the power of the Quincy. As for the powers of Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Chad, they are not taken seriously by the Soul Society, who think that they are just superpowers awakened because their spiritual power is higher than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, the captain only mentioned Ichigo and Uryu.


Behind Nanami, Rukia touched Nanami's hands behind her back and whispered,"Help Ichigo and the others."

"Of course."

Nanami nodded, not caring about his qualifications as the new captain, and said first:"Ichigo needs no further explanation. He has good intentions towards Soul Society. Otherwise, the Thirteenth Division would have suffered heavy casualties."

This was the truth, and the other captains nodded in agreement.

Ichigo and his team only injured the Shinigami who were chasing them, but did not really kill anyone.

"As for the problem with little brother Uryu, it is also very simple."

Nanami continued to speak, and glanced at the captain with the corner of his eye, and said:"Although I don't know much about the war back then, I think there is no need to kill all the Quincies. At least now, there is no need to make things difficult for Ishida Uryu, the Quincy, because he is a good kid."

There is a deep meaning in Tan Nanami's words.

She said that there is no need to kill all the Quincies now, but in fact, in the minds of the Shinigami, the Quincies have been killed long ago, so why kill them again?

This is because Tan Nanami knows that there are more Quincies hiding in the dark, but she didn't say it clearly.

Then Tan Nanami also said that Uryu is a good boy and there is no need to embarrass him. This is paving the way for the future.

The captain-general did not hear the deep meaning in Tan Nanami's words. Just like Tan Nanami said, when the war took place many years ago, Tan Nanami and Toushirou might not have been in Soul Society, so she should not know more.

As for the war with Yhwach, which was even older, many captains present might not even know much about it.

So he just nodded, as if he agreed with Tan Nanami's opinion.

"I agree with Captain Nanami's opinion."

As Nanami's younger brother, Toushirou was the first to stand up and support her proposal.

And Toushirou really felt that the group of travelers were all good people, and the enemies of Soul Society were only Aizen and his people.


Byakuya frowned and reluctantly voted in favor.

The reason for his reluctance was only because of Nanami. Ichigo and his friends came to Soul Society to save Rukia. As Rukia's elder brother (brother-in-law), he would not embarrass Ichigo and his friends anymore since he had already let go of his worries.

"I agree, although I am very unwilling to do so."

No one expected that Kurotsuchi Mayuri also agreed not to embarrass Tadashi and his group, and he also had his reasons:"That Quincy boy is really good. He showed mercy when I was so angry before, so I owe him.

And the most important thing is that that Quincy boy is useless, and I don't want anything that has no experimental value."

He is a crazy scientist, and this is actually the real reason why he is willing to let Uryu go.

When fighting with Kurotsuchi Mayuri, Uryu had taken off the spirit-scattering gloves in order to gain the power to defeat the captain.

In other words, Uryu is now facing the dilemma of losing his Quincy ability.

But no one needs to worry about him, because his father will solve it for him.

The other captains also expressed their opinions, hoping that the captain-general would not embarrass Ichigo and his group.

Finally, the captain-general finally made a decision:"Issue the Death God Proxy Certificate to Kurosaki Ichigo."

The captains who knew about the Death God Proxy Certificate were all stunned.

"Then let me go."

After a while, Ukitake smiled bitterly and took the initiative to accept the task.

In fact, this Shinigami proxy certificate and the so-called Shinigami proxy were proposed by Ukitake, and there was a little unpleasantness a few years ago.

At this time, the captain suddenly mentioned it again, and Ukitake felt that he had to personally issue the Shinigami proxy certificate to Ichigo, and he only hoped that what happened that year would not happen again.

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