With Nanami Kagami taking over, it can be said that at least the morale of the 9th Division has been temporarily stabilized.

Then the next day, Ichigo and his men were going back.

Since Rukia was fine and became the vice-captain of the 9th Division, they naturally didn't need to stay any longer.

Although they didn't take Rukia back with them, they didn't intend to bring Rukia back to the world at first, they just said they wanted to save her.

When sending Ichigo off, Ukitake still gave him the Death God Agent Certificate and briefly introduced him to it.

"Then we'll go first, Rukia-san."

Inoue Orihime and the others greeted Rukia who came to see her off.

In fact, they were reluctant to let her go, but Rukia also had her own life, and her family and friends were all in the Soul Society.

"Goodbye, Toushirou, Byakuya, Captain Ukitake, Ikkaku, Nanami-sister, and Rukia.

Ichigo greeted everyone present.

"Is he going to keep calling me that?"

Bai Ya frowned in confusion. He didn't think they were friends.

"I am the same."

Dong Shilang shrugged helplessly, indicating that he was also called by his name.

"That makes them seem close."

The good old man Fuzhu envied them because he was the only one called Captain Fuzhu.


I have decided on this little brother.


Dong Shilang shook his head and mourned for Ichigo in his heart.

However, he felt that they would not have any contact again, unless Ichigo died and came to Soul Society to become a god of death.

"That's right."

At this time, Ikkaku came over and said to Nanami:"That...Captain Nanami, our captain wants to see you, and the vice-captain also wants to invite you to visit the 10th squad."

""Haha, no."

Nanami shook her head and refused without thinking, knowing that Zaraki was definitely looking for her to fight with her, and that Yachiru was just trying to help Zaraki trick her.

Before, when she was excited by the big melee, she was willing to accept Zaraki's invitation.

But it had been several days, and she had calmed down.

Besides, Zaraki alone was not enough. She had even chopped off the captain, and Zaraki alone was not as good as the captain now, so she really couldn't look forward to it.

"Tell your captain that I am busy. Squad 9 is very busy."

Nanami said, without waiting for Ikkaku to say anything, he called Rukia and left.

"By the way, Nanami, haven't Hinamori and I been busy with the 9th Division's affairs? Are you just staying on the rooftop to bask in the sun? Or why not just ask Hinamori to call Captain Hitsugaya to help? You really seem to be free."

Rukia's complaints were heard not far away.

Want Nanami to handle team affairs? That's really too difficult for her. She hasn't done these things since she became a Shinigami. She didn't know how to do them before, and she has no plans to do so in the future.

Even if there are some official documents that can only be handled by the captain himself, Nanami asked Hinamori Momo to call Toushirou, and then threw them to her brother.

In fact, if she had the time, she could have done it a long time ago.

"You've worked so hard."

Ukitake looked at Toushirou with sympathy.

"I finally understand why she must transfer Hinamori away."

Toushirou sighed with regret. If it was someone else, he could certainly refuse, unless Tanaka Nanami came to him in person for help.

But when Hinamori came, he had no choice but to follow her to the 9th Squad obediently, and even left his own team affairs behind.

At first, Toushirou thought Tanaka Nanami wanted to make things difficult for Hinamori Momo, but now he is relieved. Tanaka Nanami really wants to make things difficult for his younger brother, and Hinamori is just a weapon in her hand, and a deadly weapon specifically aimed at Toushirou.

This sister who specifically pits her younger brother makes him very angry.

"She didn't come?"

In the 11th Division, Zaraki, who had been waiting in the martial arts arena, exclaimed in disbelief:"Impossible, I can feel that she and I are the same kind of people."

At least at that time, Zaraki's bellicosity and murderous intent did make him agree, and he felt that she should be like himself, and also like to fight with others.

So Zaraki was very confident, thinking that Ikkaku would be able to bring Zaraki Nanami to him, and then they could fight to their heart's content.

However, Ikkaku brought the exact opposite answer. Zaraki Nanami rejected his invitation.

How could this be? Wasn't Zaraki Nanami very willing to fight him before?

Zaraki would never have thought that it was his own strength that he had always been proud of that was looked down upon by Zaraki Nanami, so he was too lazy to make such a special trip.

"Xiaojian, I'll go ask for you."

Yachiru jumped out from nowhere, shouted something, and ran out of the door.

Then, Yachiru disappeared for several days.

Ten days later, when Ikkaku ran to the 9th Division to look for someone, he found that their captain was having a great time in the 9th Division, and her hands were full of various flavors of konpeito, which was her favorite candy.

""Vice Captain."

Ikkaku shouted, not wanting to see him, thinking, do you still remember why you came to the 9th squad?

"The little bald donkey is here too."

Yachiryu laughed and greeted Ikkaku.

"Who is the bald donkey?"

Ikkaku put his hand on the hilt of the knife indignantly, thinking that the nicknames given to him by Yachiryu were getting too much.

"Stop arguing."

In the end, it was Nanami Kaku who came to comfort Ikkaku and Yachiryu, and she also said:"I know what Captain Zaraki means, go back and tell him not to worry, there will be a big battle soon so he can fight to his heart's content." More than ten days have passed, and the Soul Society is still moving very fast. I don't know what means they used. In short, the captains already know that Aizen's goal is to create Wang Jian and then point his sword at the Soul King Palace.

This outrageous plan completely angered the captain-general, so he issued an order for the entire Soul Society to enter combat readiness, predicting that there might be a life-and-death battle between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

Not only that

""That being said, even if Captain Zaraki wants to spar with me, I can't do that."

Nanami said proudly,"Because I'm about to go to the real world to carry out a mission, so you should let him wait for a while.""

"The present world? Captain level?"

Ikkaku showed a confused expression.

Missions like guarding the present world are actually very simple, and generally speaking there is no big threat. Not to mention the captain level, even the deputy captain has not been on the mission of guarding the present world.

Moreover, the captain and deputy captain usually have more important tasks and need to deal with tedious team affairs, so they can't leave.

Or is there something that happened that he doesn't know about?

"It's a big deal."

Nanami smiled nonchalantly, and kindly explained to Ikkaku,"I heard that the Shinigami agent in the real world, Ichigo, was attacked, and the guy who attacked him was a masked Hollow, so the captain decided to send a team to pick up Ichigo, do you understand?"

"By the way, I heard that Renji wants to invite you, Ikkaku, do you want to come and play together? It's very interesting, although it may be life-threatening for you."

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