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's thoughts are actually very easy to guess.

Think about it, not only does Tan Nanami have the amazing strength of being able to fight five people at once, but most importantly, she also has Kyoka Shuiyue, which can be said to be the person who restrains Aizen the most, and his fighting power has been weakened by at least half.

So before the decisive battle begins, Aizen must find a way to get rid of Tan Nanami.

Tan Nanami had already prepared for this, and it can also be seen that she deliberately came to the world to create an opportunity for Aizen.

If Tan Nanami does not give this opportunity, at least Aizen will postpone the time of the decisive battle for a while, and it may really be delayed until December.

This is what Tan Nanami does not want to see. Once there are too many variables, perhaps even the people she cares about will be in unpredictable danger.

As for now, she has enough confidence to protect everyone she wants to protect...

That evening, Ichigo, who had already completed his Hollow training, came to Urahara's shop.

In fact, Ichigo still needs to continue training, which can increase the duration of his Hollow.

But after hearing the news that Inoue was captured, he immediately put down everything in his hands and hurried over.

Before Ichigo, all the people who were ready had arrived. When Toushirou returned to Soul Society, he took Rangiku, Ikkaku and Yumichika with him.

It's not that they are ruthless, but there are more important battles to happen next.

Moreover, before getting permission from Soul Society, they cannot act at will, not to mention such a big thing as breaking into Soul Society.

As for Rukia and Renji, they will definitely stay, because they have received the kindness of Ichigo and Inoue, and this is to be repaid.

There is no need to explain the reason of Nanami Tanaka. If she does not enter Hueco Mundo, Aizen will not easily start a war.

Toushirou also plans to tell the captain-general directly about Nanami Tanaka's speculation that as long as she enters Hueco Mundo, the decisive battle will break out after returning to the Soul Society.

In this way, no one will criticize Nanami's eccentricity.

"Why did this happen? Damn it, I should have been prepared.

Ichigo blamed himself and kept making such regretful remarks since he came in.

"What's the point of saying all this now?"

Rukia looked down on Ichigo, frowned and scolded loudly:"Since Inoue has been captured, why not just rescue her? And her actions are all voluntary, what does it have to do with you?"

Rukia's words were a bit ruthless, but the fact is that Inoue voluntarily went to the Soul Society to train, and she was naturally the one who had to bear the consequences of being captured.

As a friend of Inoue, Ichigo could only do his best to rescue her instead of hiding here and blaming himself.

"Let's go quickly."

Ichigo was anxious to rush into Hueco Mundo and wanted to rush into Hueco Mundo right away.

"Not today."

Urahara Kisuke glanced at Ichigo coldly, and saw that he was in a bad state. He must have just gone through hard training, which made him very tired, so he deliberately..."If we want to develop a device that can send you into Hueco Mundo, we have to wait until tomorrow morning at least.

You should have a good rest tonight."

"Who can sleep now?"

Ichigo yelled,"Inoue has been captured."

"Then you should get some sleep."

Renji warned Ichigo seriously:"In your current state, even if you finally get into Hueco Mundo, what can you do? Are you going to die in vain? Remember, conserving your energy is also an important preparation for battle."

Nanami was more direct, sneaking up behind Ichigo and knocking him down with a single blow without giving him a chance to argue.

"It's so easy."

Glancing down at Ichigo, Nanami glanced at Chad Taisho who was not far away and asked,"Do you want me to help you?"

"No need."

Chad, who had been silent all the time, shook his head and fell down obediently.

Don't be fooled by Chad's strong appearance, like a middle-aged uncle.

But in fact, he is only sixteen years old, the same age as Ichigo, and still a young high school student.

So he certainly doesn't dare to contradict Nanami.

Moreover, during the month of training in Urahara's shop, Chad has witnessed Nanami's black belly several times, because he was injured many times when he was training with Renji, so he needed Nanami's help to heal and recover.

As a result, he dared not provoke the elder sister Nanami even more.

"Let's all go to bed early."

After chopping Ichigo to death with one sword, Nanami greeted everyone directly:"Before entering Hueco Mundo, no one knows what the situation is there, so there is no need for pre-war plans. Everyone just needs to be prepared."

After saying that, she turned around and sat down in the corner, folding her arms and taking a rest.

The others looked at each other.

"Then we won't bother you anymore."

Urahara Kisuke asked everyone in the Urahara store to leave.

Rukia and Renji also lay down on the ground.

But after turning off the lights, Rukia was suddenly startled. Someone approached her silently, almost making her scream.

Then she recognized that it was Nanami, who took advantage of the darkness in the room and sneaked up to her.

"Go to sleep."

Before Rukia could speak, Nanami hugged Rukia's small body and told her to go to sleep quickly, because they still had to fight in Hueco Mundo tomorrow, and by then there would be no safe place for them to rest like now.

Rukia felt helpless, thinking how could she sleep if you disturbed her like this?

Unexpectedly, Rukia fell asleep very quickly, which made Renji and Chad, who had been watching quietly without making a sound not far away, speechless....

The next morning, almost at the same time as Ichigo woke up, everyone else opened their eyes.

"Captain Tanashi, it seems like there is an order from Soul Society."

When they gathered in the cafeteria of Urahara Shoten, Urahara Kisuke said to Tanashi heartlessly.

In fact, the order from Soul Society was passed down yesterday evening, and it was directly conveyed to Kisuke, saying that since they already knew about Aizen's conspiracy, he must not succeed, so Tanashi was asked to be on standby in the world, and even hoped that Kisuke and Yoruichi could bring Tanashi and Rukia back when necessary.

"It's just a reminder."

Nanami said nonchalantly,"If the captain really wanted to bring me back to the Soul Society, he should have sent at least six captains, and you and Yoruichi would have helped.

Since he didn't do that, he was just warning me that the battle might be difficult, and hoped that I could return to the human world as soon as possible, after all, this is the main battlefield."

"It would be great if you could understand."

Kisuke shook his folding fan to cover the lower half of his face:"It may seem cruel to say this, but compared with the hundreds of thousands of lives in Karakura Town, the Soul King, and even the three worlds (the real world, Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society)..."

"Stop talking."

Yoruichi suddenly appeared and interrupted the second half of Kisuke's words.

"I understand."

Ichigo nodded in understanding, but said:"I will not give up on Inoue."

"Then eat quickly, and when you are full, it is time to set off."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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