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"It's time to go."

After having breakfast together, everyone who was going to Hueco Mundo followed Kisuke and climbed a ladder in the basement to an underground cave that was ridiculously large.

It was dug out by Kisuke and Yoruichi, imitating their secret base under the Double Killing Platform.

"You are so slow."

Suddenly, Ishida Uryu, who was sitting on a stone not far away, complained to everyone that he had been waiting for a long time.

"I forgot to mention it before, Mr. Ishida came to me before you woke up and said he was going to Hueco Mundo as well."

Kisuke belatedly explained to everyone

"don't want..."

Ichigo was about to say no, but suddenly he shut up again.

He smiled self-deprecatingly, and then he said,"When did I become so conceited?"

In fact, there was a small episode yesterday. When Ichigo heard that Chad was going to Hueco Mundo with him, he wanted to decline his kindness.

Later, Chad showed the results of his training over the past month, and Ichigo was shocked to find that it was not just him who was improving, but that Chad was much stronger than before.

After all, he had been fighting with Renji who used Bankai for more than a month, so how could he not have improved.

Later, Nanami asked Ichigo, Chad was going to save Inoue, what does it have to do with you, Ichigo? Why is it your turn to decline on behalf of Inoue? When did you develop this kind of relationship?

Ichigo blushed, feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

In fact, he was kind-hearted, afraid that Chad would be in danger because of his lack of strength, and didn't want to see his friend get hurt.

But later, after a wake-up call from Tanaka Nanami, he suddenly realized that as his strength grew stronger, he distanced himself from his companions and gradually became conceited. Do you think you can protect everyone by yourself?

Don't even ask others if they want your protection.

In fact, Chad and the others just wanted to fight side by side with Ichigo, instead of hiding behind him and trembling.

Just like Ichigo had expressed to Tanaka Nanami, but today he forgot his past.

Fortunately, Ichigo was warned by Tanaka Nanami, otherwise he would definitely make Ishida unhappy again today.

"Is everyone ready?"

While Ichigo and Ishida were talking, Kisuke had already set up the device without them noticing. It was two iron pillars placed on the left and right of the two large rocks. When Kisuke activated the function on them, a black cavity different from the one torn open by the Hollow appeared.

"lets go"...

"They set off."

Just as Nanami and the others entered the Black Chamber and headed for Hueco Mundo, Kisuke suddenly opened a device that could connect to the Soul Society and spoke directly to the captain.

"How are the preparations for the transformation of Karakura Town going?"

The captain asked Kisuke directly. It seemed that they must have been in contact for a long time.

"The preparations are complete. We can transfer Karakura Town to Soul Society at any time, and then use the fake Karakura Town to confuse Aizen...."

Kisuke seemed to be getting more and more excited.

"Okay, no more words."

The captain-general hurriedly called out in a panic to prevent anyone from hearing him.

For safety reasons, he had been personally communicating between Soul Society and the real world to convey the message. If the message leaked out at the last minute, wouldn't everything he had done before be in vain?

"Then, let's start the battle preparation phase."

Finally, the captain said


Kisuke put away his previous cynicism, replaced it with a serious expression, nodded, and said:"I will arrange for the Technology Development Bureau to successfully complete the transformation of Karakura Town. And notify the masked corps." The captain-general then showed a relieved expression, and said:"Correspondingly, I will send Kurotsuchi Mayuri and several other captains to Hueco Mundo, and they will help when needed."

"That's settled then."

On the other side, in the Hueco Mundo's Hueco Night Palace

"They are coming."

At the first moment, Aizen noticed something was wrong.

"Gin, let's convene a meeting of the Ten Espada."

Standing up, Aizen walked out of the palace and gave the order without looking back.


Behind him, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname responded, and then disappeared with a flash.

Not long after, when Aizen arrived at the meeting room, all the Espadas had gathered.

"The Ten Espadas meeting is now underway."

Sitting at the top seat, Aizen smiled as he looked at the Ten Espadas below.

""Lord Aizen, I heard someone has invaded Hueco Mundo? And they came from Tunnel 22 and have passed the guards there."

One of the Espada reported to Aizen.

"I already know."

Aizen nodded, indicating that he already knew, and he also knew the identities of the intruders.

"Yes, play the video."


Facing Aizen's order, Tosen responded with a yes and reached out to operate the conference table in front of the Ten Blades.


Suddenly, the center of the table changed, and finally formed something that could play movies and TV shows. In it, a group of people were running in the desert outside Xuye Palace, rushing towards Xuye Palace.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Chad, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Asai, and of course Nanami Kaku."

Aizen personally read out the identities of the invaders for the Espadas.

"Just these few people? Boring."

In the seat of the Espada, the second Espada yawned in boredom and muttered,"What? I heard that the enemy came, I thought it was the army of Soul Society coming to attack, but it turned out to be just a few ghosts."

"Don't underestimate them."

Without waiting for Grimmjow to speak, Tosen Kaname gritted his teeth and said indignantly:"At least one of them, the woman named Nanami, is very powerful. Even if the Ten Espadas below the fourth level meet her, they must go all out at the first opportunity, otherwise they may be killed." The

Ten Espadas below the fourth level are all hollows of the Vastold level that have transformed into Arrancars. Now that Tosen Kaname said this, the Ten Espadas couldn't help but look serious.

"Is that woman really that powerful?"

Some people were skeptical, thinking that Dongxian was exaggerating, and secretly guessed that it must be because he had escaped from the real world before, and this was an excuse for himself.

"I can testify for you."

Suddenly, Aizen spoke up himself and testified,"After all, even I am afraid of that woman."

As if to confirm what Aizen said, in the picture, Nanami suddenly raised his head and made a mouth shape to the people outside the picture, meaning 'Have you seen enough?’


The next moment, the device that was playing the video broke into pieces. No one knew what Qi Shi had done.

"You know how powerful she is now."

Aizen laughed heartlessly.

"Lord Aizen, you didn't call us here to introduce us to your former rival, did you?"

At this time, someone raised a question, wanting to know what the Ten Espada meeting was about.

"Of course."

Aizen nodded, as if he didn't hear the sarcasm in the man's words, and continued nonchalantly:"Today's meeting is mainly to inform everyone that the moment of the decisive battle has arrived."_

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