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"So this is what Hueco Mundo is like."

After passing through the 'black chamber' prepared by Urahara Kisuke, Nanami Tanaka and his group successfully arrived in Hueco Mundo.

However, the location where they appeared was not very good, and they were directly sent to the territory of two guards.

After a battle, the two guards were easily killed by Ishida Uryu and Chataro Yasutora, and before the building was about to collapse, the group rushed out of the building.

At this time, Nanami Tanaka and her group were standing in the endless desert, and could only see a huge white palace in a distant direction.

They knew that it was the Hueco Mundo, and it was also the place where their main target, Inoue Orihime, was captured.

""It's so scary."

Before they set off, Nanami frowned and quietly held Rukia's hand, saying that this place was simply a dead end for her.

Maybe there was no need to send someone to deal with Nanami. Just let her fend for herself here. She would never find a way out.���The way.

Rukia shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. She could only think to herself that she had to keep an eye on Nanami, otherwise she would lose her and she would have no way to explain herself when she returned.

What? She lost her own captain? And the new captain of the 9th Division?

That would be too embarrassing.

"Let's go."

Take a deep breath, Kurosaki Ichigo greeted everyone and rushed forward.

He was very anxious, not knowing what Inoue would encounter, and could only pray in his heart, hoping that she would be okay.

""Wait for us, Kurosaki."

Ishida shouted angrily. He and Chad had just experienced a battle, and they were not given a break. It was really rude.

In fact, Ichigo and the others were originally planning to attack together, but Ishida and Chad went out alone to prove themselves.

So, it can't be blamed on others for not taking care of them.

Fortunately, they didn't consume much spirit particles in that battle, and they were not particularly tired, so they were not left behind by everyone.

But when they ran towards the direction of Kyonyakū for a long time, they looked up and suddenly realized that it seemed that the distance to Kyonyakū had not been shortened. What happened?

"Someone is interfering."

Then she heard Qishi Jian warning everyone, and at the same time she raised her head and said inexplicably:"Have you seen enough?"


Something in the sky was shattered.

"What's wrong?"

The others turned to look at Nanashi


Qishi shook his head and said nothing more. He pointed forward and changed the subject by saying,"Huh? What is that?"

Everyone looked in the direction Qishi pointed and saw a small figure suddenly jumping out from behind a small sand dune not far away.


I heard the little guy crying as he ran, as if he was frightened.


Before everyone could wonder what was happening to the little guy, suddenly, two more guys rushed out with a big bug, chasing after the little guy with their fangs and claws bared and a ferocious look.

"It's a Hollow."

The group quickly put on alert, and Ichigo once again rushed out first, and when he passed by the little guy in the front, he swung the back of his Zanpakutō and slashed out.


Among the two Hollows, the one with a huge head was hit directly and flew away screaming in pain.

"Kurosaki, don't be so impulsive."

Behind him, Ishida and Chad also caught up, complaining that Ichigo was too impulsive while helping to deal with another Hollow.

As for the big bug, since it had already stopped there and looked stunned, they left it alone for now.

"Who are you? Please don't hit Nel's elder and second brothers. Did Nel do something to offend you?"

The little guy who was already standing behind Ichigo and the others shouted anxiously.

""Big brother? Second brother?"

Ichigo and the other two subconsciously stopped and turned their heads in confusion.

It turned out that because Nel was wearing a hooded dress, Ichigo and the others didn't notice that this little girl was not only a Hollow, but also had a mask that proved she was an Arrancar.

"What an idiot!"

Renji shook his head speechlessly.

He, Nanami, and Rukia had sensed Nel was a Hollow from the beginning, so they didn't rush to act. Ichigo mistakenly thought Nel was a human soul, so he rushed over in a hurry.

"I knew it from the beginning.

Ishida pushed his glasses up with embarrassment. This guy lied....

In the Soul Society arc, Ishida lost his Quincy powers, and only yesterday did he regain them with the help of his father, so it's inevitable that there will be some mistakes.

"I'm so sorry."

Nilu and the others thought the misunderstanding was resolved, and they knelt down to apologize to everyone:"We were playing the infinite pursuit game, and we didn't expect to cause you misunderstandings. It's because there is no other entertainment in Hueco Mundo...."

Hey, the pace of life in Hueco Mundo is not as leisurely as Soul Society. It's all about the survival of the fittest. How can there be leisure time to build entertainment facilities? What's more

, Nel and the others seem to have made a mistake....

Ichigo and the others misunderstood her identity. If she were an ordinary Shinigami, he would probably kill them all as soon as the misunderstanding was resolved, right?

"Never mind, she's still young, and the other two aren't even Arrancar, so there's no need to deal with them."

As the captain with the highest status in the team, Nanami explained to Rukia and Renji.

As for Ichigo, they didn't even think about taking action.

Uh..., it can't be considered as not taking action


Ichigo suddenly punched the big brother, Dondo Chaka, on the head and scolded him,"How could you teach a child to play this kind of game?"

If it wasn't for Nilu's own explanation, they really thought that Dondo Chaka and the guy named Peshe wanted to eat her.

"All right, Ichigo.

Rukia called Ichigo and said,"We should continue on our way."

"Ah, I see."

Ichigo nodded. They really didn't have time to mess around here.

""Hey? Are you leaving?"

Nilu was reluctant to leave:"Where are you going? Do you want us to take you? Our pets are very fast."

Maybe it was because this place was too desolate, so Nilu and the others were reluctant to leave Ichigo and his group of strangers.

Or maybe she intuitively realized that these people were not bad people.

"Really? That's great."

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Nanami pretended to be relieved.

As a person with poor sense of direction, the thing he feared most was being thrown into a strange place, and the people he trusted the most were the natives.

After all, Nel was a member of Hueco Mundo, and she was an Arrancar, so it was perfect to let her lead the way._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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