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054s Scan: 0.

062sAfter the misunderstanding was resolved, Nanami and his group were leaving, but Nel and the others didn't want to be separated from them, so they took the initiative and, when they heard that Ichigo and his group wanted to go to the Palace of the Night, they said that they could use their pet Babababa, the big bug, to give them a ride.

Then, after everyone got on Babababa's back, Nel belatedly pointed at Ichigo and the others and asked with a smile,"By the way, are you also Arrancars?"


Nanami turned her head away, unable to bear the sight.

Rukia and Renji almost laughed out loud.


Ichigo was very honest and told Nel that they were not Arrancar.

"But you really look like Arrancars."

Nel muttered in confusion,"It's just that you don't have masks, and you're wearing black clothes, just like the Grim Reaper...."


Finally, Nilu discovered something. She froze and took a deep breath. She looked like she was about to cry and asked tremblingly,"Excuse me, what are your occupations?"

"Ichigo Kurosaki, the acting god of death.

Ichigo seemed not to notice Nel's worry and fear, and said his profession without any reservation.

"A genuine god of death."

Later, Tanaka Nanami smiled evilly and said,"And I am the captain of the 9th division."

After entering the Hueco Mundo, Tanaka Nanami is no longer the same as she was in the real world, but has become a god of death again.

In other words, she not only put on the Shinigami uniform again, but also has the captain of the 9th division, Yuri.

"Rukia Kuchiki, Vice Captain of Squad 9"

"Asai Renji, the vice-captain of the 6th Division.

Rukia and Renji also joined in.



Nilu held her head and whispered,"It's over, it's the bad guy Death, Nilu is going to be killed."

"you...Didn't you know who we are before?"

Ichigo realized it belatedly and asked with a strange expression on his face.

"I just find it very strange. Generally speaking, Arrancars would not say they want to go to Kyonyagu."

Yes, unless they are test subjects, otherwise, all Arrancars belong to Kyonyagu. Why would they want to go to Kyonyagu on purpose? They should go back.

"Nilu will die."

After saying this, Nilu continued to cry out in grief, thinking that she would definitely be killed by the god of death.

"Don't worry."

Qishi kindly comforted him,"As long as you lead the way well, we will give you a quick death."

"Hey, this is not a consolation, it's a threat."

Rukia shook her head with amusement, thinking that Nanami was really trying to scare Nel.

Sure enough, Nel was shaking because of Nanami's words.

"You are so bold, Nero, how dare you betray the Palace of the Night and Master Aizen, damned rubbish."

At this moment, a large pile of sand suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, and an angry shout was uttered.

"It is Master Runugangga, the 'White Sand Guardian' who guards the Xuye Palace."

Nilu exclaimed the other party's name and title, and then hurriedly explained:"You misunderstood, Nilu didn't mean..."

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong"


Behind Nel, Ichigo made a decisive move, swinging his Zanpakutō and slashing out the Crescent Moon Sky Strike.


Without any resistance, Runuganga's big head was split in half, and then turned into countless sand and fell down.


Ichigo put the sword back on his back like a cool guy and said confidently

"How despicable."

But Konil and the others criticized:"To launch a surprise attack all of a sudden is too despicable. The Grim Reaper is really a bad guy."


Ichigo raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, and was about to refute that he had attacked head-on, so it was not a sneak attack.

"Do you think you can kill me, the guardian of the white sand, Master Runugangga, by a surprise attack?"

But suddenly, the sand gathered together again, and Runugangga not only reported his name again, but also called himself Master Runugangga. This guy..., so shameless

""First Dance. Moon White."

But at this moment, Rukia also attacked without hesitation.

With a light wave of her Zanpakuto Sode Shirayuki, which had been released at some point, a huge round icicle appeared out of thin air under Runuganga, and the next moment it was completely frozen inside.


The next moment, as the ice pillar shattered, even Runuga was killed.

Although Shazi was not afraid of physical slashes, he could not resist the attack of a Kidō-type Zanpakutō.

Nanami put away the Kidō in his hand that was about to be released, touched Rukia's head, and praised:"It's really despicable"


Rukia almost vomited blood, thinking, who are you from?

"Then what?"

Turning back, Nanami looked at Nilu with a smile and said,"You are already on the pirate ship, and you have seen that we are despicable. What do you think? Do you want to take us to Xuye Palace?"

"So scary."

Nilu subconsciously hid in Ichigo's arms, the little girl's instinct burst out in warning

"Stop it."

The others were so amused that they quickly persuaded Qishi to stop. They were really frightening Nilu. Qishi finally started laughing, which was different from the sinister laugh he had just had. Nilu finally dared to stick her head out and secretly look at him....

By the way, after dealing with the guard of Kyonaya Palace, that is, Runuga, Nanami and the others were able to travel unimpeded, and they could see that the distance to Kyonaya Palace was gradually shortening.

It turned out that someone was really interfering before, and it was Runuga.

The guy who didn't even have time to show his true face could control the sand, and he was silently obstructing Nanami and the others.

If it was another captain, they would have discovered it long ago, but Nanami was the one standing here. Although she also noticed it, she couldn't tell whether she was standing still or not, which was embarrassing....

"We are finally here."

Not long after, Nanami and the others finally arrived at the gate of Xuye Palace.


Ichigo jumped off Bababa first, and then simply adjusted his Zanpakutō and the Death Hagi he was wearing, and then he was about to walk into the gate of the Kyonyaku Palace.

"Didn't Ishida tell you not to be impulsive?"

Behind him, when Nanashi jumped off Babababa, he stepped on Ichigo and said unhappily,"Everyone knows that you are anxious, and we are also anxious to rescue Inoue, but don't forget where this is, so you should plan before taking action.""


At this point, Nanami looked at Nilu with a smiling expression again. Although she was very gentle, she made Nilu tremble with fear and said,"Little sister Nilu, I really don't want to leave you, so please take care of me in the future."_

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