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Then after she left, she was still muttering to herself that it was a good time to go and see what was going on with Rukia.

At present, only Inoue's healing ability made Nanami feel at ease and satisfied.

But Inoue was not by Rukia's side. Isn't he caring about Ichigo there now?

So Nanami felt that it would be safest to go there in person.

After all, she had seen Inoue operate so many times before and after. To be honest, Nanami might be more proficient in the ability of"rejection system" than Inoue.

Well, don't forget that she has the Eye of Seeing the Past, so it is very convenient for her to learn anything, whether it is the unique racial talent of others, or the bloodline skills (bloodline limit?), as long as she wants to learn, she can master them.

Although many magical abilities seem to her to be useless. It's just that Nanami forgot her own attribute of being a road idiot. As she walked, she was thinking about random things in her mind, and gradually forgot to keep a close eye on Rukia's spiritual pressure.

As a result, she walked around and unknowingly came to a battlefield

"Tanaka Nanami?"

A puzzled and surprised voice came from the front.

Tanaka Nanami didn't even need to look at who the other party was, and he turned around and left.

Without giving Tanaka Nanami a chance to turn around and leave, Zaraki shouted again:"Wait, don't go, I have unsealed my Zanpakutō, come and fight me."

Tanaka Nanami originally wanted to pretend he didn't hear and leave without a care in the world, but when he heard Zaraki's words, he turned around and looked around, and indeed there was no shadow of Yachiryu, nor any trace of her spiritual pressure, and the color of his face immediately turned extremely dark.

""Okay, for Yachiryu’s sake, I’ll promise you this time, but don’t complain if you die."

It’s no wonder that Kagami Nanami looked unhappy, because she knew that Yachiryu was the physical embodiment of Zaraki’s Zanpakutō, and as Zaraki unsealed his Zanpakutō for some unknown reason, Yachiryu would naturally disappear as well.

But that kid and she had always gotten along very well, and they had formed a deep friendship over the years, which was not bad even compared to Rangiku.

Now, when she suddenly heard that Yachiryu had disappeared, although she had been prepared, she still felt very uncomfortable.

So she changed her mind temporarily, and wasn’t she still full of fighting spirit just now? Now it was just right for her to vent it again at Zaraki’s place.

Even though she killed two Espada first and beat up Ichigo, in fact, this little drizzle was nothing.

So, Kagami Nanami slowly took out the knife from her sleeve and got into a fighting stance.

"You only have this small knife?"

Zaraki frowned, his expression was very indifferent.

In his opinion, a big knife is more refreshing and more powerful.

A small knife is too petty, it's not a joke among naughty children.

Nanami was so angry that he laughed, nodded, and waved his hand to change the shape of the knife.

""Thunder Spear."

The sword suddenly turned into a spear made of spirit particles.

In fact, this was Ulquiorra's weapon in his second form, and since Nanami had seen it before, she must have"learned" it.

However, when Nanami condensed the spear, she did not transform her body into Ulquiorra's blade form. There was no change on her body, she just took out the weapon alone.

As for why she had to take out the Arrancar's weapon, it was because Nanami would not really kill Zaraki, otherwise she would not be able to explain herself when she returned.

In this way, it would be difficult for her to use her Zanpakutō without scruples.

At least for now, she still did not want others to know that she was Being able to copy other people's Zanpakutō would make everyone wary of her, even the Soul Society would be on guard against her.

Who said this ability was too incredible, and the God of Death attached so much importance to Zanpakutō.

And this was the situation that Nanami Yami was most unwilling to see.

Therefore, only when she was sure that she would kill Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, she used all the Zanpakutō she mastered in front of everyone without any scruples for the first time.

Zaraki didn't know that there were so many things hidden in this. Seeing that Nanami Yami finally accepted his challenge, he stood up from Yami's body happily.

Yami at this time was very different from before. Not only was his body numerous times bigger, but in the state of returning to the blade, his lower body had turned into a giant centipede-like shape, which was very disgusting.

Also, even though Yami was dead, there was still a terrifying spiritual pressure on his body that had not completely dissipated. According to Nanami, it should be more than ten times that of Ulquiorra.

No wonder Yami could become the Zero Espada in his complete state, because he really had strength far beyond the other Espadas.

It was a pity that this guy met Zaraki. Although it was unknown what the relationship between the two was. It is not clear what kind of war broke out, but it can be guessed that it should be tragic.

Didn’t you see that Zaraki even awakened his Zanpakutō?

And then Yami was finally killed in front of Zaraki’s Zanpakutō.

In fact, the ending is very good. The only regret is that Yachiryu disappeared, which is a bit unacceptable to Tanaka Nanami, and Zaraki can’t accept it either. Do you think Zaraki doesn’t care? If he really doesn’t care, he won’t challenge Tanaka Nanami at this time.

Zaraki is a battle maniac, and he enjoys the fun of fighting and killing. But to challenge Tanaka Nanami now is actually tantamount to seeking death.

"Come fight."

When both of them were ready for battle, suddenly, they roared together.


There was absolutely no frills or technical content, the two men collided fiercely, and the two heavy weapons also chopped hard on each other's weapons, as if they were completely aiming to kill each other.


The next moment, Zaraki flew out.


Takashi Nanami gritted his teeth and chased after him. He jumped high in the air and held the Thunder Spear in both hands without any hesitation, and smashed it down hard at Zaraki.

Zaraki's eyes twitched. He didn't expect that Takashi Nanami looked so petite and cute, but she was so powerful that even his knuckles were aching.

Seeing that Takashi Nanami was chasing him, he didn't dare to confront him head-on. He said that he enjoyed fighting and killing, not unilateral abuse. Zaraki turned over flexibly in the air, and swung the huge battle axe in his hand again, which was his Zanpakutō Nozomi, and propped it on the ground.


Just as Zaraki used his Zanpakutō to help him move a little to the side,

Nanami fell down. He felt that the entire Soul Society seemed to be shaken, and it was as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred in the Kyūya Palace. The entire palace was about to collapse.

"Are you really going to kill me?"

Zeraki couldn't help but complain, and then laughed crazily:"But, this is the only way to have fun"

"I think so too."

Nanami jumped out of the huge pit, carrying the Thunder Spear and looking at Zaraki, and said:"So I just said, don't complain if you die."_

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